XYZ Corp provides its employees with high-speed non-filtered Internet access at their individual workstations for the general purposes of research through the World Wide Web and the sending and receiving of electronic mail. Usage of these electronic facilities is outlined below:
Section I: Access
The Internet access provided by XYZ Corp is done so for Attended and Interactive use. The running of programs when no user is present is prohibited.
Section II: Use During Working Hours
During the hours an employee is working, it is expected that the Internet will be used for only professional and legal purposes, which are directly related to XYZ Corp business. This electronic facility may not be used for personal reasons or for the purpose of conducting business not directly dealing with XYZ Corp or for engaging in any activities that violate any law, regulation, treaty, tariff or other XYZ Corp policy.
Section III: Use During Non-Working Hours
XYZ Corp, on occasion, permits its employees to use its Internet connections for personal reasons during non-working hours provided that proper authorization is obtained from their supervisor 24 hours in advance of their use. Non-working hours consist of hours before or after normally scheduled working hours or non-scheduled workdays. This electronic facility may not be used for the purpose of engaging in any activities that violate any law, regulation, treaty, tariff or other XYZ Corp policy.
Use of the World Wide Web, during work hours, is limited to the viewing of Websites that contain information that deals with an employee’s duties and job functions at XYZ Corp. During work and non-work hours, game playing and the viewing of Websites that contain material that is, in XYZ Corp Management’s sole discretion, adult, offensive or obscene is strictly prohibited, as is any other activity that violates XYZ Corp policy.
XYZ Corp realizes that such content can sometimes be accidentally encountered. If such content is encountered by accident, it should be brought to the attention of the employee’s immediate supervisor.
Use of electronic mail (email and wmail) is limited to business correspondence between employees among themselves or between employees and their business contacts or Credit Union members. No personal email will be accepted at XYZ Corp. The sending of electronic mail that is sexually harassing, inflammatory, incendiary, threatening, abusive, hateful or malicious is strictly prohibited. If an employee receives such electronic mail, it should be brought to the attention of their immediate supervisor.
All Internet/computer material, including erased/deleted material, is the property of XYZ Corp. By using XYZ Corp provided computers and Internet access, employees knowingly and voluntarily consent to such usage being monitored and acknowledge XYZ Corp’s right to conduct such monitoring. Employees have no expectations of privacy whatsoever related to the use of the Internet or any Internet material, including erased/deleted material. XYZ Corp retains the right to access any Internet/computer material at any time, for any reason whatsoever, with or without notice to employees.
By signing this Internet Use Policy, I understand that any violation of this policy may result in suspension or termination of my employment at XYZ Corp Federal Credit Union. I further acknowledge that I have brought any and all questions I may have regarding this policy to my immediate supervisor or a member of management and fully understand the language and vocabulary contained within this document. XYZ Corp retains the right to revoke Internet access at any time, with or without cause, at XYZ Corp’s sole discretion.
Employee Signature Date
XYZ CORP FEDERAL CREDIT UNION IUP – Revised 8/31/06 – Page 1 of 2