September 24, 2018
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Greetings Community Member:
On behalf of the Oxford Kiwanis Club, I invite you to help support our efforts to improve the life of children in the Oxford community and beyond. We sponsor programs for children by using funds from our various fundraisers. Our major fundraising event is our annual Pancake Day.
Pancake Day has become a tradition for many people in Oxford. On average, in years past, we’ve served more than 2,000 meals to hungry folks coming to see old friends, meet new ones, and support Kiwanis. This year we celebrate 51 years of Pancake Days and we are anticipating an even greater turn out. It will be held on Saturday, April 26, 2008 at TalawandaHigh School, from 6:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Your participation is invaluable to our efforts. I am asking you to help us this year by being a sponsor for Pancake Day by offering your financial support. In order for you to better know the activities of Kiwanis in Oxford; I have included some additional materials with this letter.
To learn about the many ways that Oxford Kiwanis work to help the children in this community, please look over the list of recent Oxford Kiwanis Projects. In addition to these local projects, our funds go to support many state, national, and international Kiwanis projects. For example, Kiwanis in Ohio support the OhioPediatricTraumaCenter and Kiwanis International has been a leader in supporting UNICEF’s efforts to wipe out iodine deficiency in children throughout the world.
I have also included a flyer that describes the different levels of support through sponsorship and how we wish to thank you for your support.
I hope that you will welcome Kiwanian Kiwanian’s Name whenshe/he visits you in the near future. If you have any questions or concerns, I invite you to contact me personally. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for your consideration,
Cal Klumb, President and Pancake Day Solicitation Chair
Kiwanis Club of Oxford, Ohio