(refer to COPY CATALOGING AND PROCESSING OF BOOKS for more details on each step)

  • Perform a title search on Voyager. If no record is found, try alternative searches. If there is still no record found, consult with the Acquisitions Librarian.
  • If more than one record is retrieved, there are several possibilities. First, the item might be a new edition of a title the Library owns. Verify this by checking the 100, 245, 250, 300, 505, and 700 fields. If it is a new edition of a title the Library owns, pull the previous edition and give it and the new item to the Cataloger to be evaluated. The Cataloger will consult with the Systems Librarian to decide whether to keep the older edition, and, if so, where to shelve it. Second, the item could be the same work in another physical form (CD-ROM vs. diskette, diskette vs. floppy disc, etc.). In this case, inform the Cataloger, who will consult with the Systems Librarian about whether both items should be kept. Another possibility is that the item might be a duplicate copy of a title the Library owns. If this is the case, consult with the Acquisitions Librarian to see whether the item should have been ordered. If so, process as a “copy 2”.
  • When you find the record in Voyager, check to see if it matches. Even if it does match, do a search in OCLC Connexion to be sure we have the best record. If you do not find a matching record in OCLC, give to the Cataloger for original cataloging. Use the following guidelines to determine if a record is a match:

Make sure the creators are the same (100, 5xx, and 700 fields)

  • Check the title (245).

Make sure the edition (250) is the same, if present. May also appear as “Version __”

Make sure the publisher and date of publication are the same (260)

Make sure the number of physical units and the physical form are the same (300) (4¾ in. are CD-ROMS ; 3 ½ in. are hard diskettes)

Make sure the contents included on the item is the same (505, 740’s, 700t’s)

  • Edit the bib record in OCLC Connexion

Edit the 1XX, 245, 260, 300, and 5XX fields as you normally would.

  • Add a 246 for any variant titles, if needed (container titles differing from screen titles, etc.)
  • Be sure that a 538 note giving the system requirements is present. If not, add a 538 (check with the Cataloger for help).
  • Check for an 007 field. If no 007 is present, add one. In Connexion Client, click into Bib Formats & Standards (Shift F1) and select “007 Electronic Resource” from the menu on the left. Input the correct codes for each subfield for the item you have. To add the delimiter symbol (double dagger)in OCLC, hit Ctrl-d. You may find it easier to add the 007 after you have imported the record into Voyager. (Voyager includes pull-down menus listing each available code in the 007 subfields.)

Click the “leader” button to make sure the correct type (“m”) was chosen ; if not, give the software to the Cataloger so that he or she can investigate

and possibly create an original record.

Add a 099 field with an accession number. Obtain the accession number from the guide card at the back of the shelflist card drawer for the particular format you are processing. Erase the number on the card when done and write in the next consecutive number. Note that CD-ROMs going to Reference do NOT get an accession number. See “Reference CD-ROMs” for more information.

Add ‡h [electronic resource] to the 245 field if it is missing. It should be placed

before subfield b. Ex.:

245 00 Yesterday ‡h [electronic resource] : ‡b the day before today.

If the item consists of several titles, and there is no 505 field and/or 740 and/or 700 t’s, give the item to the Cataloger with a note saying “Needs added fields”

  • Once you have finished editing the record, update holdings (F8) and export (F5).
  • Print spine label. Hit F10 to view label. Delete the LC call number from the label display and type in the accession number. Use this format:


[Accession no.]

  • Overlay Becky’s record with the record you imported from Connexion.
  • Edit the mfhd. Click “Get Hldgs” to open the mfhd.

Because the call number is an accession number and not an LC call number, assign an 852 field with a first indicator of 8. Place the entire accession number in the subfield h. Ex.:

852 8 ‡b Circ-CDR ‡h 4002

Create the item record. Click “New Items.”

Scan in the barcode.

Change the item type to “Data CD-ROM”

Input the number of physical pieces in the container in “Pieces.”

If there are multiple volumes, input the vol. number in “Enum.”

Perform physical processing (see “Physical Processing of CD-ROMs for Main Library” or “Reference CD-ROMs”).

Gather the acquisitions slips and return them to the drawer in the Acquisition Librarian’s workspace marked “Workslips to do.”

Put items on cart to be checked by the Cataloger.