Monday 6 February 2012
Dear Parent/Carer,
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Training Day
Saturday 25 February 2012
We can confirm that the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Training Day will take place at the Mersea Centre for Outdoor Learning on Saturday 25 February 2012. We will meet at the main car park at the Mersea Centre at 9.30am and students will need to be picked up from the same place at 3.00pm.
Activities during the day will consist of a two-hour walk in neighbouring countryside and on roads, tent pitching and cooking with trangias. Students will not be left unsupervised at any point during the walks or the other activities during the day. Please note that mobile phones, portable music players and headphones etc are not to be used during the activities.
Students will need to bring the following clothing, supplies and equipment with them:
Mersea Centre for Outdoor Learning
Rewsalls Lane, East Mersea, Colchester, Essex, CO5 8SX. Telephone: (01206) 383226.
Travel out of Colchester on the B1025 to Mersea Island. Cross the Strood and turn left towards East Mersea. Rewsalls Lane is approximately 1.5 miles on the right hand side.
Drive to the end of the lane until you reach the Centre.
Please fill in the attached Medical Details, Emergency Contact and Reply Slip information and return to Mr Hazell by Friday 10 February.
Yours sincerely
Mr M Hazell
D of E Leader
The Stanway School
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Training Day
Mersea Centre for Outdoor Learning
Saturday 25 February 2012
Student Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………
I will/will not be able to attend the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Training Day at Mersea Centre for Outdoor Learning on Saturday 25 February 2012.
Please note that non-participation may affect a student’s eligibility for qualification.
Signed Parent/Carer:……………………………………………….. Date: …………………………
Emergency Contact Details
Name…………………………………………………… Relationship to Student……………………
Telephone Number………………………… Mobile Telephone Number……………………………
Signed Parent/Carer…………………………………………………
Medical Details
Please provide us with details of any medical conditions your child has:
Is your child currently on any kind of medication? Yes/No
If ‘Yes’, please provide details…………………………………………………………………………..
Does your child need to bring any kind of medication with him/her? Yes/No
If ‘Yes, please provide details……………………………………………………………………………