A Few Concepts re Infinity
- ∞is a commonly accepted symbol for infinity
- In our Universe or any Universe there are an infinitude of infinitudes, even though, hypothetically, each Universe is finite, a recurrence in a beginningless/endless sequence, a beginningless/endless series or Universes.
- A specific kind of infinitude is called aninfinitude after its kind or ∞aik. For instance, we could speak of an infinity of specific things: apples, oranges, human beings, odd numbers, even numbers
- An∞aik is infinitely smaller than A∞or ABSOLUTE INFINITUDE—which is all possible infinitudes and combinations of infinitudes.A∞can never be defined as a specific quantity. IT is, literally, the “EVER-GREATER”. No matter how great a number is proposed A∞A∞is always infinitely greater, even absolutely infinitely greater. No matter how great an infinitude after its kind is proposed, A∞is always infinitely greater even absolutely infinitely greater.
- What we call the ABSOLUTE IS, from this perspective, A∞
- A∞is the eternal simultaneous fulfillment of all possibility in SUPRA-NOUMENALITY. Noumenality occurs 'in-Universe'. SUPRA-NOUMENALITY IS EXTRA-UNIVERSAL—i.e., EXISTS whether or not a Universe exists.
- We (and everything that IS) are THAT--A∞
- All possibility is forever resident within us. We are THAT forever. There is nothing that we have not BEEN forever.
- A∞is, in a way, ∞∞∞∞→∞
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- Dealing with infinity helps break the tyranny of the concrete mind and helps to elevate it into the abstract mind and eventually into super-mind and Universal Mind and beyond…
- We are notdealing with infinity for mathematical purposes but for metaphysical purposes—i.e., in order to know God and know Ourselves—i.e., to know GOD and to know OURSELVES.
- If it did not have the most intimate relation to IDENTITY is would be very interesting but not the pursuit we would be following.
- The concept of A∞helps us to realize that there is nothing You and 8 and All have not been forever—though not necessarily 'in-Universe'
- We are all possibility SUPRA-NOUMENALLY, as the ABSOLUTE, but we have never been and cannot be all possibility 'in-Universe', because a sequence of ‘1’s’ can never through objectification, sum to A∞.
- A infinite sequence of finite Universes cannot possibly ‘contain’ A∞. Such a sequence is an infinitude after its kind , a ∞aik which is always infinitely less than A∞
- The endless/beginningless sequence of Universes has never ‘caught up’ with A∞,never can and never will.
- For each manifestation, the ratio is forever A∞/1. A∞is always absolutely infinitely greater than any Universe.
- In fact A∞/n = A∞
- And A∞/∞ = A∞
- This means that WHAT WE ARE is always ABSOLUTELY INFINITELY GREATER than any Universe, series of Universes or even infinite series of Universes.
- SELF-BECOMINGNESS is thus, both beginningless and endless
- Next week or the week after we will get into the infinitesimal one symbol for which can be ∞
- And also the A∞-- the Absolute Infinitesimal
- These concepts count in terms of our IDENTITY/Identity
- We are the A∞
- In manifestation as a Universe we are the A∞