This document is a companion document to the BISD student handbook.


Students are required to attend school. When your child is absent, please send an absencenoteto your child’s teacher or the front office in a timely manner. You will receive letters and/or phone contact from the school if your student’s absences/tardies are in an excessive amount and/or in violation of the state compulsory attendance laws. If your student is in violation of the laws referenced in the Student Handbook and below, you may be referred to our truancy officer, you may be charged with a criminal offense, and you may be subject to disciplinary action by a court of law. If you have any questions regarding absences or attendance, please contact our registrar.

Attendance Laws

TEXAS EDUCATION CODE 25.092, Minimum Attendance for Class

A student may not be given credit for a class unless the student is in attendance for at least 90 percent of the days the class is offered.

TEXAS EDUCATION CODE 25.094, Failure to Attend School

An individual commits an offense if the individual is required to attend school under Section 25.085 and fails to attend school on 10 or more days within a six-month period in the same school year or on three or more days or parts of days during a four-week periodwithout an excuse as provided by section 51.01(b)(2), Family Code.


Cedar Creek Elementary celebrates the successes of our students at the end of each 9 week period. Dates and times of the assemblies will be posted in teacher newsletters and communicated through the monthly campus calendar, the marquee, and the CCE Website.

Cedar Creek Elementary also participates in the Early Act First Knight program which honors students who exhibit good character. If your child is selected to receive an EAFK medallion, you will receive a phone call notifying you of the date and the time of the knighting ceremony.


Students may begin entering the cafeteria through the cafeteria doors for breakfast at 7:00 am. Parents must pick up a visitor badge beginning at 7:00am from the front office. Parents cannot enter the building without showing picture ID and receiving a badge. Beginning at 7:00am, students may enter the building through the main door of CCE and will proceed to the cafeteria. At 7:15, students are released from the cafeteria to their classrooms. All hallways must be cleared and parents must turn in their visitor badge in the front office no later than 7:30am. Teachers are on duty at this time and are unable to conference with parents in the mornings. If you would like to set up a conference with the teacher, please do so during the teacher’s conference period.

Student dismissal begins at 3:00. Car riders are released through the cafeteria doors. Parents must have a student release card in order to pick up. If a student release card is not presented, parents must take photo ID to the front office and sign their student out. Student release cards can be requested through the front office, and will also be sent home to all car riders at the beginning of the school year.

If you are changing your child’s normal transportation home, please contact our front office before 2:00 pm to inform the school of the change. No changes can be made after 2:00 pm. A note will be given to the student’s teacher and they will inform them of the transportation change. All go home changes must be in writing. If you are picking up your child early from school, you must pick up before 2:30pm.

Field Trips

Each grade level will attend at least one field trip per year. As a parent, if you are interested in attending the field trip, you must be VIPs (Volunteers in Public Schools) approved. VIPs Applications are available on the BISD website and the front office. When a VIP application is submitted, a state photo ID must be presented. This process should be completed at least 3 weeks prior to the field trip.

Parents are not allowed to ride the school bus with the students. They may follow the busses from the CCE campus, or meet their student at the location of the field trip.

Parents may check their students out from a field trip. Parents must sign students out with the classroom teacher before they leave. Parents may only check out their students and are not allowed to take any other students home from a field trip.

Field trips are an extension of your child’s education and are a privilege to attend. If a student’s behavior is consistently not appropriate prior to a field trip, this privilege may be taken away, or a parent may be asked to attend in order for the student to attend.


School hours are 7:30 am to 3:00 pm. Office hours are from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm.

A copy of your child’s detailed daily schedule can be obtained through their homeroom teacher. It is also accessible through the homeroom teacher’s classroom website.

If you plan on bringing items to celebrate a student’s birthday, these must either be dropped off at the front office, or you may visit the classroom with the items after 2:15pm. All birthday celebrations must be prearranged with the teacher.


Students are considered tardy if they are not in the classroom when the bell rings at 7:30am. If a student arrives after 7:30am, they will receive a tardy slip from the front office.


Transportation is provided to all students by Gold Star Transportation. All issues on busses are handled by Gold Star Transportation. If you have questions or concerns regarding busses or any problems that may arise while your student is on the bus, please contact GoldStar at 512-321-5262.


All visitors must enter through the front main doors of Cedar Creek Elementary. All visitors are required to present a valid photo ID each time they enter the building. All visitors must sign in and pick up a Visitor Sticker from the front office. These stickers must be worn the entire time the visitor is in the building. All visitors are required to return their stickers to the front office upon leaving the building.

Anyone who is interested in volunteering in a classroom or on campus must be approved through the VIPS process. You can pick up a VIP application from the front office. When you turn in your VIP application, you must present a state photo ID. This process should be completed at least 3 weeks prior to volunteering at the CCE campus.