President Ron Mackie called the meeting to order at 1:10 p.m.

PRESENT: Ron Mackie, Rose Mackie, Rex Dorkings, Kevin Smith,

Trena Ferrier, Sandra Evans, Matt Coad, Aimee Bedell

ABSENT: Ron & Grace Young, Neil Anderson,Rosanne Carter

Keith Tippin, Amanda Hefford

MOTION: A motion was put forward by Aimee Bedell seconded by Kevin

Smith to accept the agenda as presented. Carried.

A motion to accept the minutes from Nov.20th,2016 , meeting, by Sandra

Evans seconded by Matt Coad. Carried.


The 05 December newsletter was read to the board, January issue

was not published before our meeting today. The Huronia

Newsletter was read to the board highlighting the Hi Low doubles

tournament and the Youth Challenge winners.

Ron explained the Youth Challenge rule that was brought up during

the week with the committee. e.g. spare bowler.

Approval was given to place the ad in the Open Book for this season.

Ron read the boards letter to Peggy Ham re the Open roll off.

Rex read the follow up letters from 05 to Les Ham regarding his spot

on Huronia`s open mixed team. Board discussed this matter and was

of the opinion it was the right move for the board to make regarding

Peggy Ham`s situation.


Rose stated that she hoped that the secretaries of the leagues informed

their bowlers of the upcoming tournaments and the dates of the roll-offs.

Also to make sure everyone was aware of the times and centres.


Kevin stated he hadn`t talked to Gord Staunton re the upcoming Level

two coaching course that Huronia is hoping to have in the next month

of so. Rose informed the board that Amanda had informed her that she

texted Gord about this, and as of to-day he didn`t have a date. Hopefully

it will be soon, as we now have (17) seventeen bowlers wishing to take

this course. Dates will be posted as soon as they become available.

- 2 -


No report as the certiciation has been completed early in the



Trena Ferrier is doing Patti`s duties as far as certificates go

while she is away. Trena passed out reports for the centres

as to the bowler of the month scores for the zone.


Rose stated she wasn`t having a Valentine`s cooler bag draw, but

will be starting a St. Patrick`s cooler bag draw for March. Tickets

will be ready soon for selling.


Keith was absent to day, but Rex had a few corrections to our average

book after contacting Keith with the information.

Average book was updated for these scores.


Aimee stated she is updating the web site as much as possible, and if

anyone has anything to post, please forward it to her.


Ron stated the following updates re membership in the zone.

292 regular, 87 tournament 32 seniors, 23 dups. 9 misc.

for a total of 443. We have had a increase from last season.



: Rex`s report for Dec. was info regarding the Executive tournaments

held Nov. 20th,at Springwater lanes. 19 bowlers participated.

Winners: Doug Bell,Coldwater lanes- Trena Ferrier Borden -

Anthony Smith Midland.

The Youth Challenge was held at Bayshore Midland on Nov. 27th

with 24 bowlers participating. Huronia received a donation of $500.00

from EDI Electronic Distributors to cover some of the costs of this

tournament, which we thank them very much.

Rex`s report for Jan. was the Hi Low Doubles tournament held

at Bowlerama Barrie with 43 teams. Huronia will be sending three teams

to the Provincials.

The Holiday Classic will be held at Bayshore-Midland on Feb 5th,

22 teams will be at this zone roll off.

Due to a replacement in the Open Mixed team BJ Goss will be bowling

in the place of Les Ham who withdrew.

Congratulations to Mel Hennigar and the Ladies team for winning the Youth

Challenge Provincials on Jan.15th 2017 held at Nebs World -Oshawa.


Rose stated that the bank balance as of Dec.30th,2016 was $9856.99

deposits of $1286.75 less cheques that have been issued $3728.97,

and the invoice for the Triples for $1710.37 ,leaving a balance of

$5704.40. We have a cheque for the Jan.1st membership to come out

as yet in the amount of $2124.40, which will leave a balance of $3580.00.

Triples entries, booster monies collected to date are not listed in this

amount. Cheque no. 694 for 05 mailed late Nov. has not been received

in the office. Will check and cancel and send out a new one next week.


Rose stated that she has received 33 booster tickets sold and monies in

so far to date. Most of the tickets are now out in the field for selling.

Please keep me up to date on their sales.




Rose reminded the board of the new meeting dates for the rest

of the season. All held in the Massie Room, Painswick Library.

Ron mentioned to Kevin Smith that the Coaching policy for Huronia

needs to be re written as soon as possible.


Ron stated that the leagues should vote in a tournament director for

their leagues to help the secretaries out and also to look after the

tournaments. As this has become a little more detail work then before

and needs to be looked after in all the leagues.

Marianne Corbet`s family has donated tickets to a Leafs game and a

Raptor`s game to raffle off to help support the bowlers in the Open from

Bowlerama Barrie centre. Some of the other centres are doing the same

thing for their open bowlers this season.

Rose stated she needed a motion to give the coaches of the Open teams

(which has been a practice for the last few years.) $100.00 cheques towards

their expenses.

A motion was presented by Rex Dorkings and seconded by Kevin Smith

to issued these cheques. CARRIED.

MOTION: To adjourn by Kevin Smith and seconded by Aimee Bedell. Carried.

Adjouned at 3:15 p.m.

Next meeing, February 26th Massie Room, Painswick Library 1-4

As recorded by Rose Mackie, Secretary, H5PBA.