Spanish II
Mrs. Staszak
Welcome back! I am glad that you are all taking this opportunity to continue the study of the Spanish language. Throughout the course of this year you will continue to expand upon your ability to speak, listen, read, and write in a foreign language.
Course Overview
This year you will be continuing your study of the Spanish language through the use of the textbook “Avancemos”. Throughout this course, students will continue to build upon their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. Additionally, students will continue to work on abilities in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
Course Website:
During the year, you may visit this website to obtain current information about the class and any homework assignments.
Online Learning: Google Classrooms, eDoctrina, Castle Learning, Quizlet
You will frequently participate in online learning. There are several amazing tools for learning and instruction!
Google Classroom:Here you will find grammar notes, PowerPoints, and class assignments. You will be able to print off materials as you see fit and submit assignments electronically.
eDoctrina:We will take our class assessments electronically. This will provide you with instant feedback and results!
Castle Learning: A great tool for homework assignments. This will provide you with practice in the areas of listening, reading and vocabulary development.
Quizlet: Here you will be able to practice vocabulary through the use of games and flashcards.
Online Textbook: Avancemos:All students will be provided with a login for online access to the textbook and workbook used in class. Students may access this at . If you have difficulty logging in, please see the course website for additional help.
eSchool Portal
Grades will be posted to the eSchool Portal for this course. Both students and parents are encouraged to check the portal for updates. Grades will be updated on a weekly basis.
Students and parents may subscribe to Remind to receive course updates and homework reminders via email or text messages. Please be aware that text messaging fees will apply. If you would like to be added for reminders, please text / email the following to:
Text: (516) 537-9440: Spanish 2: @mrsstaszak
Required Materials
The following materials are required and must be brought to class everyday.
1. folder
2. blue or black pens
3. clean notebook paper
4. Avancemos workbook
5. one subject notebook
6. box of tissues
7. two expo markers
Grading Procedure
Grades for this class are based on a point system. The following items will comprise your quarterly grades:
- Being prepared to class- This means bringing all your materials to class and being prepared to work.
- Homework- When homework is assigned, it will not be accepted late!
- Quizzes and Tests
- Projects and Writing Assignments
- Class Participation
If a student is absent from school, it is his or her own responsibility to inquire about the work that was missed. School policy will apply to all work missed due to absence.
Extra help is always available after school.
Classroom Rules
1.Arrive to class on time and prepared to work. Three lates to class will result in detention, as per school policy.
2.Follow directions and remain on task. Do not talk when I am talking. Completing homework for other classes during class time is prohibited and will result in a teacher detention.
3.Remain in your seat at all times, unless you have been given permission from me to move. I dismiss the class, not the bell. No lining up at the door prior to the bell.
4.Cell phones and MP3 players will not be tolerated in the classroom environment. If I see them, a referral will be written and the device will be turned into the main office. There will no picture taking or video recording without my permission.
5.Be respectful of your teacher and classmates.
Behavior Consequences
1.Warning / Conference with student / Teacher Detention
2.Written Referral
3.Phone Call to Parents
4. Conference with Parents and Counselor
Extra Credit
Extra credit is offered each unit. Students may make vocabulary flashcards using the vocabulary lists found with each new unit. Students are to place the Spanish words on one side and the English definitions on the other. Students will be rewarded with 10 points extra credit for each set of flashcards they prepare. It is my hope that the students will use these to study before quizzes, tests, and the final exam.