CIS 155Lab Assignment Number 8
Tutorial 5
Print Your Name ______
- Complete Panorama Tutorial within Tutorial 5 (pg AC 201 – AC 248).
- Copy the Panorama database file you used for Level 2 tutorial folder into the lab 8 folder.
- Place your name on all the printouts along with the printout number. Place them in sequential order when submitting the printouts.
- Submit the following printouts.
- Print the qryHollandRockfordSaugatuckCustomers querystep 7 on AC 208. Label it 8.T.1
- Pring the qrySmallContractsOrWinterSigningsquery at step 7 page AC 211. This should contain 4 records. Label it 8.T.2.
- Pring the qryCustomersByName query after you complete step 5 page AC 215. Label it 8.T.3.
- Print theresults of the CityCriteriaqueryfor step 7 page AC 219. Label it 8.T.4.
- Save and print the qryCustomersAndInvoicesCrosstabquery after you complete step 4 page AC 225. Label it 8.T.5.
- Print the qryDuplicateContractStartDatesquery after you complete step 6 page AC 227. Label it 8.T.6
- Print the qryInactiveCustomers query after completing step 7 on page AC229. Label it8.T.7.
- Save and print the qryLargeContractAmountsquery top 25% of records. Adjust the query to fit on 2 pages in landscape mode. Label it 8.T.8.
- After completing set 3 page AC235 save the tblContract. Adjust the top and bottom margins so it will print on 4 pages rather than 6. Print the tblContract and label 8.T.9.
- Print the tblCustomer table after formatting the phone number after completing step 5 on page AC238. Label 8.T.10.
- I will be checking to see the a validation rule and text is defined for the zip field in the tblCustomer table and that the tblContract table has a table validation rule defined that the StartDate is before the EndDate.
- Put your name on each of the printouts and arrange them sequentially.
- Complete Review Assignments (pg AC 250 – AC 251).
- Copy the Productsdatabase from level.02\Review folderfrom you data disk into the Lab 8folder.
- Place your name on all the printouts along with the printout number. Place them in sequential order when submitting the printouts.
- Submit the following printouts.
- Print the tblCompanytable after the changes are made in step 2. Label it 8.RA.1
- Print the qryHSelectedCitiesqueryafter step 3. Label it 8.RA.2
- Print the qryOtherSelectedCities query after completing step 4. Label it 8.RA.3.
- Print the qrySelectedColorsqueryafter step 5. Label it 8.RA.4.
- Print the qryCompanyContactsquery after you complete step 6. Label it 8.RA.5.
- Print the qryColorParameterparameter query for Wood. I will also test to see that you took care of the case where no value is entered. Label it 8.RA.6.
- Print the qryDuplicateProductTypes query after completing step 8. Label 8.RA.7.
- Print the qryCompaniesWithoutMatchingProducts query after completing step 9. Label 8.RA.8.
- Print the top 25% of the records in the qryTopPricesWithDiscountAmountsquery after completing step 10. Label 8.RA.9.
- Print the tblProduct table after completing step 11. Label 8.RA.10.
- Print the tblCompany table with the formatted phone number, after completing step 12. Label 9.RA.11.
- Print the tblCompany table with the added memo field CompanyComments, after completing step 13. Label 8.RA.12.
- Submit the printout organized in order and upload the Panarama and Products databases and any word document containing screen prints into the lab 8 link within TalonNet.