CIS 155Lab Assignment Number 8


Tutorial 5

Print Your Name ______

  1. Complete Panorama Tutorial within Tutorial 5 (pg AC 201 – AC 248).
  2. Copy the Panorama database file you used for Level 2 tutorial folder into the lab 8 folder.
  3. Place your name on all the printouts along with the printout number. Place them in sequential order when submitting the printouts.
  4. Submit the following printouts.
  5. Print the qryHollandRockfordSaugatuckCustomers querystep 7 on AC 208. Label it 8.T.1
  6. Pring the qrySmallContractsOrWinterSigningsquery at step 7 page AC 211. This should contain 4 records. Label it 8.T.2.
  7. Pring the qryCustomersByName query after you complete step 5 page AC 215. Label it 8.T.3.
  8. Print theresults of the CityCriteriaqueryfor step 7 page AC 219. Label it 8.T.4.
  9. Save and print the qryCustomersAndInvoicesCrosstabquery after you complete step 4 page AC 225. Label it 8.T.5.
  10. Print the qryDuplicateContractStartDatesquery after you complete step 6 page AC 227. Label it 8.T.6
  11. Print the qryInactiveCustomers query after completing step 7 on page AC229. Label it8.T.7.
  12. Save and print the qryLargeContractAmountsquery top 25% of records. Adjust the query to fit on 2 pages in landscape mode. Label it 8.T.8.
  13. After completing set 3 page AC235 save the tblContract. Adjust the top and bottom margins so it will print on 4 pages rather than 6. Print the tblContract and label 8.T.9.
  14. Print the tblCustomer table after formatting the phone number after completing step 5 on page AC238. Label 8.T.10.
  15. I will be checking to see the a validation rule and text is defined for the zip field in the tblCustomer table and that the tblContract table has a table validation rule defined that the StartDate is before the EndDate.
  16. Put your name on each of the printouts and arrange them sequentially.
  1. Complete Review Assignments (pg AC 250 – AC 251).
  2. Copy the Productsdatabase from level.02\Review folderfrom you data disk into the Lab 8folder.
  3. Place your name on all the printouts along with the printout number. Place them in sequential order when submitting the printouts.
  4. Submit the following printouts.
  5. Print the tblCompanytable after the changes are made in step 2. Label it 8.RA.1
  6. Print the qryHSelectedCitiesqueryafter step 3. Label it 8.RA.2
  7. Print the qryOtherSelectedCities query after completing step 4. Label it 8.RA.3.
  8. Print the qrySelectedColorsqueryafter step 5. Label it 8.RA.4.
  9. Print the qryCompanyContactsquery after you complete step 6. Label it 8.RA.5.
  10. Print the qryColorParameterparameter query for Wood. I will also test to see that you took care of the case where no value is entered. Label it 8.RA.6.
  11. Print the qryDuplicateProductTypes query after completing step 8. Label 8.RA.7.
  12. Print the qryCompaniesWithoutMatchingProducts query after completing step 9. Label 8.RA.8.
  13. Print the top 25% of the records in the qryTopPricesWithDiscountAmountsquery after completing step 10. Label 8.RA.9.
  14. Print the tblProduct table after completing step 11. Label 8.RA.10.
  15. Print the tblCompany table with the formatted phone number, after completing step 12. Label 9.RA.11.
  16. Print the tblCompany table with the added memo field CompanyComments, after completing step 13. Label 8.RA.12.
  17. Submit the printout organized in order and upload the Panarama and Products databases and any word document containing screen prints into the lab 8 link within TalonNet.
