Mr. GallowayLife Science 7th STUDY GUIDE

Ch 12-13 Vertebrates

(50 Questions - 2 points each – Diagrams & Multiple Choice)

Use both the Word and PowerPoint Notes for this test.

Know these two diagrams well:

Be able to answer questions about these crucial concepts:

  1. Vertebrates is a subphylum of what Phylum?
  1. At some point in their lives, all chordates have a flexible supporting rod in their backs called what?
  1. What does the backbone protect in a vertebrate animal?
  1. What is the difference between an ectotherm and an endotherm?
  1. When the temperature of the environment changes, what happens to the body of a reptile?
  1. How do fish absorb oxygen?
  1. Most fishes reproduce by means of what kind of fertilization?
  1. What type of fish is a lamprey?
  1. Which of the following fish has a skeleton made of hard bone?
  1. What is the function of a swim bladder?
  1. Most adult amphibians can obtain oxygen through lungs and what other organ?
  1. How many chambers are there in a typical adult amphibian's heart?
  2. Name a major difference between frogs and toads?
  1. The toe pads of most geckos can cling to super-smooth glass because
  1. Amphibians are especially sensitive to changes in the environment because
  1. How is a reptile egg different from an amphibian egg?
  1. What are the major difference between lizards and snakes?
  2. Which of the following statements is true of the feeding behavior of all snakes?
  1. Of the kinds of reptiles alive today, what are the largest?
  1. Where are fossils are usually found?
  1. Which of these is LEAST likely to be learned by studying a fossil?
  1. What structures are unique to birds only?
  1. A bird's nearly hollow bones help it to do what?
  1. Some birds swallow small stones, which helps them do what?
  1. Birds grind their food in the ______?
  1. Which of these structures help birds get enough oxygen?
  2. How are the toes of perching birds adapted to help it?
  1. Birds play an important role in the environment by doing what?
  1. As a bird's wing moves forward through the air, the air pressure on the wing
  1. Which characteristic is common to all mammals?
  1. What can bats do that no other mammal can do?
  1. Fur is an adaptation that allows mammals do a number of things. Name some.
  1. What is the function of canine teeth in most mammals?
  1. What strange characteristic is used to classify echidnas and the playtypus?
  2. What must happen for a fossil to form?
  3. What most likely made the layers of rock, deep canyons, and fossils found all around the world?
  4. In Eden, the chameleon’s long tongue was most likely designed by God to collect and eatwhat?
  5. Why is it unlikely that the amazingly complex feathers of birdsdid not evolve from reptile scales?

BONUS QUESTIONS: (2 points each)

1. Why is it obvious that Job of the Biblesaw and described a large DINOSAUR and not just an elephant or a hippopotamus? Job said in Job 40:15 -
"Look now at the behemoth, which I made along with you;He eats grass like an ox.

16 See now, his strength is in his hips,And his power is in his stomach muscles.

17 He moves his tail like a cedar tree . . . .”

Page 1 of 3 Life Science Ch 12-13 STUDY GUIDE VertebratesMr. Galloway