Facilities Report For Institutions Requesting Loans From
This shortened Facilities Report is approved by the New Mexico Association of Museums for use for loans within the state of New Mexico.
Borrowing Institution
Name of institution:
Contact person: Telephone:
FAX: E-mail:
Who can be contacted during off-hours of museum:
Off-hours telephone (if different from above):
Please attach a floor plan of the museum, indicating:
o Where borrowed object(s) will be displayed and stored before /after display
o Receiving area
o Crate storage area
o Location of reception areas
o Location of all portable fire extinguishers, fire suppression, and detection systems
Number of paid professional staff: ______
Name and title of the person(s) responsible for receiving, unpacking, installing, handling, and repacking
Qualifications and experience of person(s) responsible for above duties:
Conservator or outside conservation services:
Building Specifications
Date building completed: Date any additions completed:
Building materials used in the main museum building (Check all that apply):
□ Adobe □ Brick □ Concrete □ Glass □ Safety Glass □ Steel □ Stone □ Wood
□ Fabric/Carpet □ Other (specify)
Please list the building materials for any museum additions:
Are there renovations being made to your building now? Yes No
If yes, explain:
Are any construction or renovation projects planned for during the loan period? Yes No
If yes, explain:
Are any temporary exhibition spaces located in public activity areas such as lobbies, lounges, hallways,
libraries, cafes, classrooms, etc.? Yes No
If yes, please describe:
Are there any water fixtures or accessories such as plumbing pipes, sprinkler systems, water fountains,
etc. located in or above the temporary storage space or exhibitions areas? Yes No
If yes, please describe:
Does your institution have a modular wall partition/panel system? Yes No
If yes, indicate means of support: □ Supported at floor and ceiling □ Supported only at floor
Are eating and drinking ever permitted in:
Temporary exhibitions gallery space: Yes No
Temporary exhibitions storage: Yes No
Receiving area: Yes No
Temporary exhibitions preparation area: Yes No
If yes, please explain:
Do you make routine inspections for rodent, insect and microorganism problems? Yes No
If yes, describe means and frequency:
Do you undertake routine extermination/fumigation procedures? Yes No
If yes, describe methods, products used and frequency:
Describe what course of action you would take if and when an infestation occurs:
What type of security personnel does your institution utilize? (Check all appropriate)
□ Security employees of your institution □ Other staff (specify)
□ Contractors from an outside service company (Specify name of company):
□ Students □ Volunteers/docents □ Other (specify)
Number of guards on duty: Throughout the building In temporary exhibition space
During public hours (day/evening):
When the museum is closed to the
public, but open to the staff:
During closed hours:
Is there a guard on duty during installation and deinstallation of exhibits? Yes No
How is access restricted during installation and deinstallation of exhibits?
Is there a security alarm system in the museum building? Yes No
If yes, describe type of device:
Where does your detection system sound an alarm? (Check all appropriate)
□ Proprietary central station
□ Local audible alarms
□ Local police-direct line
□ UL/FM central station (specify company)
□ Other (specify)
Do exterior doors open directly into the temporary exhibition area? Yes No
If yes, indicate locking mechanism:
Are there windows in the temporary exhibition area? Yes No
If yes, what type of physical security (e.g. bars, gates, mesh) protects them?
How are fragile, small, or extremely valuable objects protected? (Check all appropriate)
□ Acrylic vitrines
□ Glass vitrines
□ Wall/permanent cases
□ Free-standing cases
□ Locked cases
□ Cases secured with exposed screws
□ Cases secured with covered screws
□ Cases secured with security screws
□ Cases sealed with seams
□ Alarmed cases (specify type)
□ Other (specify)
If none of the above, is your institution willing to borrow or construct secure cases? Yes No
Indicate methods utilized to deter public access to large exposed objects:
Environmental Control
Is your environmental control system in operation 24 hours per day, seven days a week including when
the museum is closed? Yes No
Is there a back up system for your environmental control system? Yes No
What type of environmental control system do you have? Check all that apply and note locations:
□ Centralized 24-hour temperature control system
□ Centralized 24-hour humidity control system
□ Centralized 24-hour filtered air
□ Simple air conditioning (window units)
□ Simple heating system
□ Portable heaters
□ Fans
□ No environmental controls
Describe the maintenance schedule for your environmental system(s):
Do you have environmental monitoring equipment? Yes No
If yes, what type? (Check all that apply)
□ Recording hygrothermographs
□ Psychrometers
□ Hygrometers
□ Computerized monitoring equipment
Who is responsible for taking care of these instruments?
What is the range of temperatures in your exhibition galleries? In your storage area?
Summer: Summer:
Winter: Winter:
What is the range of relative humidity in your exhibition galleries? In your storage area?
Summer: Summer:
Winter: Winter:
How do you control the temperature and relative humidity in your exhibition areas?
What type of lighting do you use in the temporary exhibit galleries? (Check all that apply)
□ Daylight – Windows □ Daylight – Skylights
□ UV filtered □ UV filtered
□ Equipped with shades or drapes □ Equipped with shades or drapes
□ Incandescent □ Fluorescent
□ Tungsten □ UV filtered
□ Iodide
□ Quartz
□ Other (specify)
Do you have a light meter? Yes No
Do you have a UV meter? Yes No
Are display cases internally lit? Yes No
If yes, indicate the type of lighting: □ Fluorescent □ Incandescent □ UV filtered □ Fiber optic
Are objects in these cases protected from extreme heat (e.g. from lighting in the cases)? Yes No
Are objects in these cases protected from light exposure from the interior lighting? Yes No
Fire Protection
Is your entire building protected by a fire and/or smoke system? Yes No
If yes, indicate type: ______
If no, indicate areas not protected: ______
Are all emergency exit doors equipped with alarms? Yes No
How is the fire/smoke detection/alarm system activated? (Check all appropriate)
□ Self-activated heat detection
□ Self-activated smoke detection
□ Control panel
□ Manual pull stations
□ Water flow switches in sprinkler system
Who does your fire system alert? (Check all appropriate)
□ In-house central system
□ In-house audible devices
□ Local fire station-direct line
□ UL/FM-approved central station (specify company) ______
□ Other (specify) ______
Indicate the types of fire suppression systems(s) in operation where loaned object(s) will be received,
stored and exhibited: (Check all appropriate and specify type)
Received Stored Exhibited
Sprinklers ______□ □ □
Gaseous fire suppression agents ______□ □ □
Fire hose cabinets □ □ □
Portable fire extinguishers ______□ □ □
Handling and Packing
Is there a special loading door? Yes No Is there a loading dock? Yes No
Is there a loading ramp? Yes No Is the loading area covered? Yes No
What are the maximum dimensions and weight of crates that can be accommodated in your loading and
receiving area? ______In your temporary storage area?
Is there a separate packing/unpacking area in your museum? Yes No
How is it secured?
Who has access to the area?
Do you have personnel available for loading and unloading? Yes No
If yes, how many? ______
Do you have staff specially trained to pack and unpack objects? Yes No
If yes, how many? ______
Supervised by whom?
What type of training is provided?
Do volunteers or interns handle borrowed objects? Yes No
If yes, who supervises their work?
Which company provides insurance for your institution?
Broker’s name:
Telephone: FAX:
What type of coverage does your policy for borrowed objects provide? (Check all that apply)
□ All-risk museum coverage, wall-to-wall (while on exhibit and in transit) subject to the standard
□ Coverage against burglary and theft
□ Coverage against rising water and water damage
□ Coverage against natural disasters (e.g. earthquake)
□ Coverage against mysterious disappearance
□ Coverage against employee dishonesty
What are the applicable non-standard exclusions of your policy affecting loans?
The undersigned is the legally authorized agent for the subject institution and has completed this report. The information indicated provides a complete and valid representation of the facility, security systems, and care provided to objects (both owned and borrowed).
Signature Date
Typed name and title