Oedipus Rex Study Questions - Part I

Oedipus and Priest (Lines 1-95)

Summarize the scene in 1 - 2 sentences:

1. To whom is Oedipus referring when he speaks to “young sons and daughters of Old Cadmus”?

2. Consider direct characterization. What do Oedipus’s words to the Thebans in lines 11-12 reveal about his character? What else do we learn about Oedipus’s character in this section?

3. Note the metaphor in lines 26-28. To what does the Priest compare the suffering city of Thebes?

4. What does Oedipus say he has already done to bring relief to the city?

* Be sure to note at least two instances of dramatic irony from this scene on the attached chart.

Oedipus and Creon (Lines 96-173)

Summarize the scene in 1 - 2 sentences:

1. What modern character could you compare Oedipus to in this scene?

2. What was Creon’s answer to Oedipus’s inquiry “Was there no messenger” travelling with King Laius?

Oedipus and Chorus / Parados (174-321)

Summarize the scene in 1 - 2 sentences:

1. After reading the parados (174-230), reflect on the chorus. What seems to be its function?

What is your opinion of this feature in the play?

2. List two alternate names for Apollo named in this section in the parados:

3. What does Oedipus declare will happen to the murderer of Laius?

Oedipus and Teiresias (322-575)

Summarize the scene in 1 - 2 sentences:

1. What is the irony in Teiresias’s blindness? What type of irony?

2. What does Oedipus accuse Teiresias of doing?

3. What does Oedipus accuse Creon of doing?

4. What truth does Teiresias ultimately reveal? Find an appropriate quote to illustrate.

Oedipus, Creon, and Jocasta (lines 576-997)

Summarize the scene in 1 - 2 sentences:

1. How does Creon respond to Oedipus’s accusations in lines 654-697?

2. What is unusual about the story Jocasta tells to reassure Oedipus that Teiresisas is false.

3. What is the significance of Oedipus’s question “Was I not born evil” in his revalation (lines 858 – 929).

4. What is Jocasta doing as Act I closes?

Oedipus Rex - Part II

Oedipus, Jocasta, and Messenger (Lines 999-1208)

Summarize the scene in 1 - 2 sentences:

1. In lines 1011-1012, what earlier figure of speech is Jocasta referencing in this description?

2. What is paradoxical about the messenger’s news in lines 1026-1027? Could these lines be considered verbal irony? Why or why not?

3. What is Jocasta saying in lines 1068-1074? Analyze her message to Oedipus.

4. How does the exchange between Oedipus and the messenger in lines 1080-1150 add to the play’s suspense? What does the messenger reveal during this exchange?

5. At what point does the audience know that Jocasta has realized the truth?

6. In lines 1181-1191, what does Oedipus assume is the reason Jocasta discourages him from seeking the truth?

7. What does the chorus speculate about Oedipus’ birth in lines 1192-1208?

Oedipus and Herdsman (Lines 1209 - 1341)

Summarize the scene in 1 - 2 sentences:

1. In line 1251, how does King Laius’ Herdsman/servant respond to the Messenger from Corinth? Why does he respond this way?

2. What is Oedipus’s reaction to the old Herdsman/servant?

3. In lines 1291-1296, in what way does the Herdsman’s pity for the infant Oedipus present an example of situational irony? (record on chart)

4. At what point does Oedipus realize the truth and how does the Chorus react to the truth?

Chorus and Second Messenger (Lines 1342 - 1419)

Summarize the scene in 1 - 2 sentences:

1. In all Greek drama, terrible events like murder and suicide all take place off-stage, “in the house” rather than in public”? What are the events that the second messenger must relate to the audience due to these circumstances?

2. According to your reading, what was Oedipus’s motive as he enters Jocasta’s chamber?

3. What are a few of the many ways this scene connects to Tieresias?

Oedipus and Chorus (Lines 1420 - 1530)

Summarize the scene in 1 - 2 sentences:

1. What is ironic about the chorus’ first reaction to the blinded Oedipus?

2. Who does Oedipus blame for his situation in 1450-1455? What degree of guilt or responsibility do you think Oedipus deserves?

3. According to Oedipus in his speech (lines 1479 – 1524), why is it better to be blind than dead?

* Any examples of situational irony in this scene (consider Oedipus’ new position toward Creon)?

Oedipus and Creon (Lines 1531 - END)

Summarize the scene in 1 - 2 sentences:

1. What does Oedipus request of Creon in this final scene and what is Creon’s position toward Oedipus?

2. What is the concern Oedipus expresses to Creon before leaving? What does this tell the audience about gender roles in Greek society?

3. By the plays end, do you think Oedipus is ennobled by suffering? Can he still be considered a hero?