Purpose of Assignment / Training Facilitator for “Effective Fundraising, Leveraging, Resource Management and Results Based Reporting” & “Managing partnerships and collaborative relationships”.
Estimated level of the assignment / P-3
Location of Assignment / Remote and On-Site in Nairobi
Duration of contract / July – September 2015 (30 working days: 20 off-site & 10 on-site)
Start date / From: 1 August 2015 / To: 17 September 2015
Reporting to: / Deputy Representative and Resource Mobilization Officer
Background and Justification
The typology in Kenya has changed over the years. Development support from partners is now based on the Second Medium Term Plan (MTPII) for implementation of the VISION 2030. Further, development Partners are now working in delivering as one (DAO) mode within the UNDAF, and continue to support the government achieve the MTPII, within a devolved governance structure, with power and resources decentralized to 47 counties.
Given the changing dynamics, birthed by devolved governance structure, allocation of domestic resources creates high risk for results. In addition, with Kenya having been declared a middle income status country, and not being an aid dependent country, the largest contribution of resources towards development results comes from the government. As such development partners and the UN will have continue using their comparative advantage to play a key role as brokers and facilitators, within the UNDAF stipulated framework, as guided by the MTPII, in order to ensure resources reach the most vulnerable for development results.
UNICEF Kenya has a planned total of USD124 million to achieve results for children as set out in the Country Programme which begun mid-2014 for four years (upto mid-2018). The office has a resource mobilization and leveraging strategy with established targets to fundraise, leverage for and manage resources needed for delivering on its obligations. Five core approaches identified include: demonstrating modeling and innovations for fundraising, including through government and county engagements; strengthening and maintaining already established relationships; diversifying the donor base; deepening knowledge on emerging economies and emerging private sector; and effectively organizing resources internally for external resource leveraging.
Further, the office is committed to partnerships and collaborative relationships with a range of actors in the country. Through these partnerships and collaborative relationships, UNICEF while achieving equitable and sustainable results, will work towards promoting children’s rights, as articulated in section 53 of Kenya’s Constitution. With this, and in place is a strategic framework for partnerships and collaborative relationships, to support the 2014-2018 programme and articulate how the office will be engaged in realising children’s rights. The aim of this strategic framework for partnership and collaborative relationships is to use lessons from the desk review and field work, to understand what is important when engaging in partnerships and collaborative relationships, and provide a foundation for focused operational planning and partnership management approaches: with the sole intention of moving towards developing long-term sustainable transformational relationships.
In order to effectively implement the resource mobilization and leveraging strategy and achieve established targets, the office requires a team with capacity to: conduct strategic analysis, targeted management of risks and resources; ensure continued partnerships strengthening/engagement; and effectively advocate and promote children’s rights, within the delivering as one. A training has been scheduled for key technical programme staff, to equip and empower them with needed skills to implement identified approaches effectively, and this requires a dynamic facilitator to conduct this training.
The training is part of the office-wide learning and training plan activities categorised under section C: Local Group Events; Activity: “Resource Mobilization and Donor Report Writing”– with an objective to “equip staff with practical skills, knowledge and confidence in writing professional reports, with emphasis on donor reports, for production of reports that well-structured, clear, consistent and engaging donors”.
In addition, the office has identified key strategic initiatives that need to be undertaken by the office, in order to achieve the mission of strategic framework for partnership and collaborative relationships for the office. With the given dispensation of a devolved governance structure, these have been split into national and county level actions, to ensure partnerships effectiveness at both levels. Noting that partnerships and collaborative relationships needs to be strategically strengthened to move from transactional relationships to transformational collaborations.
Scope of Work
1)Goal and Objective: : By the end of the consultancy, results achieved will be to empower and equip participants to have a better understanding and ability as follows - participants will be able:
a)To effectively negotiate for other resources agreements with governments/development partners and international organisations;
b)To apply core principles of the 2014-2018 fundraising strategy, including understanding associated risks, in order to maintain effective fundraising and access to long term resources mobilization, leveraging and partnership strengthening, within the context of delivering as one;
c)To effectively apply concepts of results based reporting, monitoring and evaluation, budget management, and donor reporting; while acknowledging these as tools for resource mobilization;
d)To effectively develop quality donor proposals as an invitation to donors to support and partner with UNICEF Kenya to deliver results for children; and
e)To effectively operationalize the standard operating procedures for proposal development and report writing, ensuring quality and timely reporting to donors.
The consultant is expected to work closely with the Resource Mobilization Officer, Chief, Advocacy and Partnerships, the Deputy Representative and the Representative.
2)Provide details/reference to RWP areas/UNDAF output covered: Outcome 12: Cross-sectoral Annual Management Plan /Deputy Representative’s office
3)Activities and Tasks: These are outlined below under the output and deliverables section.
4)Work relationships: The consultant will interact with both internally with relevant staff to access information and also externally with partners as part of supporting facilitation of the training.
Targeted Participants:The training will target all Outcome Leads, who will then identify one person from their teams. One person from each cross-sectoral team and a representation from the field offices (Chief of Field Offices and one other staff). The expected number of participants is approximately 35: this will help to achieve a seating plan and group work arrangements of 6 participants per group, for a maximum of 5-6 groups.
Information sources:The consultant will make use of but not be limited to the following key documents:UNICEF Kenya’s key documents including - the CPD 2014-2018, Resource Mobilization Strategy 2014-2018, Annual Report 2014, Leveraging Guidelines, Corporate Engagement Strategy, Donor Reports Checklist, Children Rights Principles, Donor Engagement Guidelines, Donor Contact Lists; Guidelines on Contribution/Grant and other relevant resource mobilization documents; various PARMO guidelines on resource mobilization; donor/partner engagement; Partnering booklet; proposal development and report writing; Delivering As One Resource Mobilization Strategy.It is expected that this will be done in line with the global UNICEF expanded strategic framework document (E/ICEF/2012/18): (i) framing the contribution of partnerships to results; (ii) investing strategically in key multi-stakeholder partnerships; and (iii) strengthening internal capacity for effective partnering.
External: The consultant will interact with local stakeholders, private sector partners and public donors to coordinate and facilitate the donor panel discussions for the training
The expected deliverables have been organised in three phases as listed below:
PHASE I: (off-site)
  1. Conduct an online survey/assessment to understand the level of understanding of key programme and technical staff on resource mobilization, leveraging; partnerships and collaborative relationships;
  2. Develop a training package that covers key components of: (i) “Effective Fundraising and Leveraging, and Resource Management and Results Based Reporting”; and (ii) “Effective Management Partnerships and Collaborative Relationships” for key programme staff in UNICEF Kenya.
  3. Prepare for and coordinate a donor/partner panel discussion on day 1 (one) of the training.
PHASE II: (on-site)
  1. Conduct a five (5) day training for 35 key programme & technical staff on the abovementioned training.
  2. Coordinate and facilitate a donor/partner panel discussion on day 1 (one) of the training.
PHASE III: (partially on-site and off-site)
  1. Work with Outcome Leads and Heads of Field Offices to develop an action plan to effectively apply both strategies going forward.
  2. Develop a draft engagement strategy/package, as part of the resource mobilization and management/ nurturing partnerships and collaborative relationships.
  3. Conduct and end-point online evaluation.
  4. Provide a final report/assessment of the training with key recommendations and action points for the office and management from the training.
Attached to this TOR is a detailed timeline of activities for the duration of the consultancy.
Deliverables / Duration (Estimated # of days or months) / Timeline/Deadline / Schedule of Payment
Phase 1: Teleconference held; a workplan for the consultancy developed; Pre-training online survey developed and disseminated; customise and finalise training modules / 18 Working Days / 5 July – 31 August 2015 / First Payment Processed
Phase 2: Coordinate and facilitate a donor/partner panel discussion and conduct a five (5) day training for key programme & technical staff and evaluation of training sessions and lessons learnt / 8 Working Days / 4 September – 10 September 2015 / Second Payment Processed
Phase 3: Work with Outcome Leads and Heads of Field Offices to develop an action plan; Provide a draft report/assessment of the training with key recommendations and action points / 4 Working Days / 13 September – 17 September 2015 / Final Payment processed at the end of the consultancy which will include any reimbursed costs for travel
Payment Schedule:
Note that the Payment is based on satisfactory completion of deliverables duly authorized by the Supervisor of contract.
Required qualifications, desired competencies, technical background and experience
(Consult with HR on this prior to signing off on the TOR)
The consultant is expected to have the following qualifications and experience:
a)Education: At least an advanced degree in development cooperation or any other related field.
b)Specialist skills/Training:Relevant work experience in developing countries; knowledge of issues being addressed by national development plans; including UNICEF’s key documents is an Asset; Excellent knowledge on the global aid environment and UNICEF Resource Mobilization direction.
c)Years of experience: A minimum of 5 years’ experience and evidence of prior work with in resource mobilization and programming, done with or for international organizations with a special focus in developing M&E frameworks for measuring progress towards achieving results.
d)Competencies: Planning and Organizing: good organizational skills, with attention to detail; Communication: presents information with skill and confidence; responds quickly to the needs of an audience and to their reactions and feedback; resents information in a well-structured and logical way. Drive for Results: works in a systematic, methodical and orderly way; focuses on the needs and satisfaction of internal and external partners; Working with People: respect for the views and contributions of other team members; consults others and shares information and expertise with them; builds team spirit and reconciles conflict; adapts to the team and fits in well;to interact and communicate effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds and levels. Flexible and adaptable to change in a dynamic environment; Relating and Networking: establishes good relationships with external partners and staff builds wide and effective networks within UNICEF, within the wider UN system and with external parties; relates well to people at all levels; Applying Technical Expertise: Applies specialist and detailed technical expertise.
e)Languages required: Excellent command of the English language, with proven writing skills and good team work.

Administrative issues

  • The administrative and coordination of logistics of the training will be supported by an identified Programme Assistant from the Office.
  • Payments of the venue and related stationary to support the training will be taken care of by UNICEF.
  • All travel by the consultant should be for the most economical fare and reimbursed as per UNICEF policy.


  • The Consultant may not publish or disseminate reports, data collection tools, collected data or any other documents produced from this consultancy without the permission of and acknowledgement of UNICEF Kenya.
  • The consultancy will be undertaken in 30 working days off- and on-site as follows: 20 working days off-site and 10 working days on-site in Nairobi (includes the 5 training days). Office space will only be provided for the 10 working days in Nairobi.
  • The selected candidate will be governed by and subject to UNICEF’s General Terms and Conditions for individual contracts.
  • As per UNICEF DFAM policy, payment is made against approved deliverables. No advance payment is allowed unless in exceptional circumstances against bank guarantee, subject to a maximum of 30 per cent of the total contract value in cases where advance purchases, for example for supplies or travel, may be necessary”.
  • The selected candidate selected will be governed by and subject to UNICEF’s General Terms and Conditions for individual contracts.


Security Risks: The current increased security alert, may cause the training to be postponed, this may delay capacity building of the teams and as such results may not be achieved as planned.

How to apply:

Qualified candidates are requested to submit a cover letter, CV, and signed P11 form (which can be downloaded at to with subject line “KCO/SSA/DR/2015-017-

Interested consultants to indicate ability, availability and all-inclusive rate (for expected deliverables to undertake the terms of reference).

Applications submitted without a fee/ rate will not be considered.

All applications should be sent by 26 May 2015

UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of the organization.