November 4 - 5, 2005, BARBACAN Palace, Boksto St. 19, Vilnius

The following Programme Group Members were present:

Pauli Leinikki (Finland, chairman)

Saulius Chaplinskas (Lithuania,host)

Tatiana Smolskaia (Russia)

Ulrich Marcus (Germany)

Andris Ferdats (Latvia)

Jean-Elie Malkin (France)

Zaza Tsereteli (Georgia) – ITA

Invited guests:

Troels Dalgaard – Programme Officer, Global Funding Unit, DCA, Copenhagen.

Henrik Foyn Skjerve - Norwegian Embassy in Latvia

Viktoras Meizys - Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania

The meeting started on 04/11/2005 at 14.00

The minutes were taken by Zaza Tsereteli.

Group agreed on the following agenda


1.  Opening.

2.  Adoption of the Agenda

3.  Minutes from the previous meeting of the expert group. (chair)

4.  Action plan for 2006 (suggestions for PAC). Background draft paper to be presented to the Stockholm meeting and the LFA table for further activities. Discussion about the mechanisms for “approval” of a project by the group (should the approval be submitted to CSR for political visibility).

5.  New proposals and ongoing projects

6.  DCA proposal presentation (project coordinator)

7.  Barents HIV/AIDS program. (Tsereteli)

8.  Several Russian project proposals. (Tsereteli)

9.  LTC-activities in Riga. (Ferdats).

10.  Identification of new/ongoing projects that could be extended/multiplied.

11.  Situation with the Database (chair)

12.  Financing of Group activities - EU project or not?

13.  New representatives / invited experts

14.  National priorities (tour-de-table)

15.  ARV treatment – problems and realities. (Ruutel)

16.  EEA financing mechanisms (the role of Norwegian Embassy/country responsible)

17.  Place and date of next meeting

18.  AOB.

19.  14. Closing of the meeting

1. Opening of meeting

Group had warmerly welcomed Dr. Jean-Elie Malkin. He is appointed as a new member of EG from France. Dr.Maklin is working at ESTHER, as an Senior Adviser at Medical and Scientific division. EG is also in contact with Spain, and expecting nomination of member to the group from this country.

Dr.Malkin has briefed EG on the history and activities of ESTHER. In the light of the recommendations of the UN’s Extraordinary General Meeting of 25-27 June 2001 concerning HIV/AIDS, the French government decided to set up the programme entitled "Ensemble pour une Solidarité Thérapeutique Hospitalière En Réseau" (ESTHER), The aim of the programme, which was set up in collaboration with other partners, is to facilitate access to care for people living with HIV/AIDS in developing countries.

ESTHER’s action is based on four main approaches:

·  Improving care by ensuring that technical platforms are enhanced and hospital equipment supplied.

·  Supporting national care-provision strategies for people living with the HIV virus by promoting national solidarity mechanisms.

·  Promoting and supporting the implementation of a care continuity strategy.

·  Developing joint initiatives with international and European organizations with a view to optimizing intervention coherence and increasing long-term access to care and medicines

Pauli Leinikki had informed participants about the reason of holding that special meeting of NDPHS HIV/AIDS expert group in Vilnius. The PAC meeting is planned to be held on November 17-18, in Stockholm, to discuss directions of future work. During the last meeting of CSR in October, in Helsinki, EG was asked to prepare an action plan for future work and collaboration within HIV/AIDS in the region, for the year 2006. In addition to that EG was asked to calculate what costs would be involved for implementation of proposed plan. . The actions to be presented in the plan should be in line with local, regional and/or national programmes or plans. Later on Secretariat of NDPHS together with the Chair, with input from the Expert Groups and Partners, will develop a draft Action Plan with a list of concrete programmes or projects for which the Partnership wanted to find financing. This draft would be proposed to the CSR on 17 November.

That is why, it was decided to hold that special meeting in Vilnius. Unfortunately that was done on a very short notice, and as a result some of the group members were unable to come to the meeting. The main aim of the meeting is to finalize action plan of EG on HIV/AIDS and submit back to the upcoming PAC meeting in Stockholm. The draft of action plan with detailed LFA was prepared and distributed among the group members prior to that meeting.

2. Adoption of Agenda

The agenda was adopted

3. Adoption of minutes from Helsinki meeting, March 21-22, 2005

The minutes were adopted. Group members had once again stressed the importance in understanding of the role and responsibilities of EG among the CSR, and the necessity to improve connections between the EG and CSR members of their respective countries.

4. Action plan for 2006 (suggestions for PAC).

Pauli Leinikki and Zaza Tsereteli had briefed EG members on CSR meeting in Helsinki, in order to explain the background for the proposed Plan. During the CSR meeting, was agreed that : a) HIV/AIDS is still a key area of interest and actions; b)Barents HIV/AIDS Program is a good start, would be the model to be used for other areas to be expanded within ND area c) Working Data base is an urgent need, for documenting and promoting ND activities within partners.

During the CSR meeting Estonia informed Partners that the fight against HIV/AIDS now had a high priority in Estonia, which had the highest prevalence in the area. An HIV strategy was going to be sent to the Government. Estonia proposed that the Partnership Secretariat could collect strategies from Partner countries for comparison. The issue of costs could perhaps be included among Partnership priorities for next year. Estonia underlined the need for much more cooperation around this problem.

S.Chaplinskas stressed the importance of issue regarding ARV pricing, and as an example had brought situation in Ukraine. He also proposed to activate the work of EG towards monitoring of AIDS treatment and more involvement in preparation of National treatment guidelines.

Dr.Malkin had raised question on connection of EG with WHO/EURO, when discussing the issues on ARV treatment. That is due to the fact that WHO/EURO is in charge of preparation of standards/guidelines for AIDS treatment.

P.Leinikki had clarified that EG is well aware on these activities carried out by WHO/EURO and is not going to be involved and replace WHO in that work. The main idea is to collaborate and coordinate activities in that field.

Z.Tsereteli reminded that EG is always in close contacts with WHO/EURO and UNAIDS, and that they were participating in the side event connected to ARV treatment, which was organized by EG last year in Tallinn.

P.Leinikki presented the draft action plan and had invited group members to comment on it and make their suggestion and recommendations.

S.Chaplinskas asked to add municipalities, behavioural researches and drug policy into the presented draft. He underlined the importance of work at a local level, and as aresult thr increased role of municipalities in the future work. As for the drug policy, that becomes important then working with target groups as IDUs’ or CSW.

J-E Malkin – proposed to increase focus on 3 directions: IDU; HIV/TB with the focus on resistant strains and as a result increased numbers of HIV among TB patients; and HCV and co infections and treatment of such patients.

Z.Tsereteli underlined that it was discussions within the EG to invite TB specialist to EG meetings, especially after demolishing of TF working group on TB. Suggestion from Dr.Malkin once again emphasised need in this, so EG agreed to continue work on that issue. In addition to that TB/HIV aspect will be added into the background document of ND policy towards HIV/AIDS, prepared by EG.

A.Ferdats informed group about the new project “Expanding network for Coordinated and Comprehensive Acton on HIV/AIDS prevention among IDUs and Bridging population”. Project timing is 2 years (2006-2008), and it will be covering all 3 Baltic countries. Project will be financed by EU.

Due to the fact that one of the objectives of Barents HIV/AIDS program is also establishment of network of LTSC in the Russian part of Barents region, it was proposed to establish the links between those 2 projects. Z.Tsereteli informed that he had already discussed the issue of collaboration with Latvian AIDS Centre. As a result of those discussions an exchange trips between Murmansk and Riga will be organized in 2006.

S.Chaplinskas brought to attention several projects implemented in Lithuania, which can be considered for the expansion through the ND. One of them is Projects for schoolchildren. Lithuanian AIDS Centre has been organising schoolchildren’s drawing and writing competitions for ten years already, following an aim to improve youth’s awareness on AIDS and harm of drug use issues. Awards provided during World AIDS day on 1st of December. One of prizes could be trip to foreign countries (schoolchildren exchange program).

Another one is Projects for municipalities and districts. Project idea is to curb the spread of drug use and HIV/AIDS epidemics in Lithuania through implementation of seminars and workshops for local and public health authorities. Main projects goals are to decentralize efforts of HIV/AIDS prevention and control and stimulate local authorities and public health authorities in launching local programs according to specific needs and the situation; to build capacity of local and public health authorities in designing and implementing programs and action plans targeted at prevention and control of HIV/AIDS and related problems in their specific environment; to facilitate broader and more effective partnership between central government and local authorities in building capacity to respond to HIV/AIDS and related problems epidemic and in strengthening the multi-sectoral approach to sub-national level. Project activities would be session of workshops and seminars for local authorities, public health, social sectors, mass media representatives, police forces and etc.

Finally due to the fact that Lithuania will be chairing UNESCO this year, it has proposed to implement preventative education on HIV/AIDS under Mykolas Romeris University Social Policy Department. Main objectives would be – to provide opportunities for organizations in Lithuania and region participating in HIV/AIDS programs to integrate most important to HIV/AIDS related education subjects; to promote collaboration between scientists in country and region; to support new integrated country and region science about HIV/AIDS structure formatting and promote multi-sectoral programs; to inculcate experience and knowledge of EU in the region; to design new innovative preventive education, communication, information and social network in collaboration with neighboring countries and UNESCO aiming to implement UNESCO initiative for Eastern Europe and Baltic countries.

P.Leinikki presented LF prepared for the ND action plan on HIV/AIDS for the year of 2006. It was distributed to the group members prior to the meeting, and they were asked to comment on it. It was underlined that LF is seen as a useful tool for planning, monitoring and evaluation of large programs as well as of small scale interventions. Several additions were made including elements on TB, specific topics on IDUs and MSM, emphasis on VCT. It was also agreed that harm reduction activities will be covered under the heading of Health Promotion.

Final version of action plan and LF, with all corrections and amendments, was prepared and presented by chairman on the second day of the meeting. It was approved and sent to CSR.

6. DCA proposal presentation

The Danish Church AID (DCA) had submitted a project proposal “Prevention and Control of Socially related Diseases – HIV/AIDS/STIs, Tuberculosis and Hepatitis – in North-West Russia. The representative from that organization Troels Dalgaard, was invited to Vilnius in order to present the proposal to the EG (attachment -1).

This project proposal has defined as its overall objective (=goal) to reduce the incidence of socially related diseases – HIV/AIDS/STIs, Tuberculosis and Hepatitis – and to mitigate the negative social impact of these diseases on individuals and the society in the population of North-West Russia. Consortium member organizations, belonging to the management structure of the programme are following organizations:

DanChurchAid (DCA)

North-West Russia AIDS Center and/or Pasteur Institute (Tatiana Smolskaya) - GO

NGO «Humanitarian Action»

Inter Regional Social NGO “The Society of People Living With HIV/AIDS”

NGO of PLWHA “SVECHA” (“Candle”).

Preliminary discussion with Z.Tsereteli was hold in Copenhagen, where it was decided to present project proposal to EG. It was then also agreed that although the Barents HIV/AIDS programme is covering many of the same geographical area as the DCA proposal, it seems evident that the two programmes supplement each other in a wide range of areas – capacity building of partners and institutions, awareness raising regarding prevention of HIV/AIDS. That is why it was suggested that co-operation between the Barents HIV/AIDS programme and the proposed DCA programme increases the possibilities of synergies between the two programmes, and hence successful implementation of the programmes combating HIV/AIDS and related diseases.

During that meeting Z.Tsereteli had also proposed that DCA would continue the dialogue with Prof.. Tatiana Smolskya of the Pasteur Institute in St. Petersburg, who is also a Russian member of the HIV/AIDS Expert Group under the Northern Dimension Partnership. Troels Dalgaard had informed that DCA during their visit to St.Petersburg had meet with Prof.Smolskai and they started active discussion of submitted proposal. Several changes were already made, and Prof.Smolskai from her side also mentioned the positive development of their collaboration.

U.Marcus emphasized the importance of the project especially towards the objective about capacity building and human rights of persons living with HIV/AIDS. However he stressed the need in making of proposed activities more sustainable. Currently that is not well defined in the proposal. His second comment was towards lack of indicators for monitoring and evaluation of project. He proposed to establish clearer package of outcomes and indicators for M&E.

Questions regarding project goal, target groups, capacity of DCA itself to carry out all those activities, the role and responsibilities of Russian NGOs in preparation and implementation of project were also raised. Finally it was agreed that even the project seems very interesting, several changes and amendments needs to be done in order to coop better with Russian needs and be more sustainable and realistic. All those questions and suggestions will be sent to DCA management.