Updated July 2014
Little Raindrops
Admission and Payment Policy
Little Raindrops is open to all children and their families regardless of ability, lifestyle, gender, beliefs, ethnicity, medical or special needs.
We are able to take children from the age of 2 years and are allowed up to 26 children per session.
The waiting list is arranged in date of birth order; consideration will be given to those new to the area or other exceptional circumstances.
When places become available, extra sessions will be offered to funded children who are not currently attending for their full15 hours per week allowance before offering places to those on the waiting list.
Pre-school children who receive funding (usually from the term after their third birthday) are entitled to 15 hours per week, providing places are available.
The setting will be flexible about attendance patterns to accommodate the needs of individual children and their families where possible.
Parents/carers should inform the setting as soon as possible if their child will not be attending for any reason.
Those parents wishing their child to attend any session on an ad hoc basis (providing a place is available), must give the setting at least 24 hours notice and should pay on the day in cash.Ad hoc sessions once booked must be paid for, even if your child subsequently does not attend.Emergency bookings made by telephone should be paid for in full when collecting your child.
Fees are payable monthly in advance by a monthly invoice issued on the 1st of the month and payment is due by the 10th of the month, any invoices which are not paid by the 10th will incur a £10 charge. Fees are not transferable between sessions or refundable for absences due to sickness.Please pay fees at the start of the session rather than the end, as the administrator finishes at 3pm.
Parents are asked not to make their own changes to invoices, if you feel there is a problem or a mistake has been made, please speak to the administrator or managers.Any adjustments will normally be made in the following months invoice.
Each child is entitled to a 2 week holiday allowance (pro rata) where a reduced rate of 50% will be paid. At least 2 weeks’ notice is required to obtain the reducedrate; if this falls after the invoice has been processed then adjustments will be made in the next monthly invoice.
Please speak with a leader as soon as possible if you are experiencing problems paying your invoice as alternative arrangements can be discussed.
If fees are not paid by the 10th of the month the following procedure will be followed:
- An ‘Overdue Account’ letter will be issued asking for payment in full, this letter will incur a penalty charge of £10. If payment is received within 7 days no further action will be taken.
- If after a further 10 days full payment has not been received, or a payment plan agreed by the leaders has not been arranged, all unfunded sessions will be withdrawn and your child’s sessions will be offered to another child on the waiting list; proceedings will be initiated to collect outstanding fees.
There is a late collection fee; uncollected children impact on staffing, statutory adult/child ratios, insurance and Ofsted/EYFS guidelines. Please let us know as soon as possible if you are likely to be late. Late payment fees are charged at £5 for every 15 minutes late as illustrated below:
Any changes to fees will be decided by the committee and the changes will be notified to all parents in advance of implementation.
If a child is absent for 25% or more of their booked sessions in any half term with no contact from their parent/carer, we will make contact to establish the reasons for high levels of absence and the child may lose their place if appropriate to do so.
Adopted on Date
Signed on behalf of committee
Position held
Review date
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Admission and Payment Policy