Intent to Apply Instructions

The “Intent to Apply” form will allowthe Planning Council to better coordinate planning and help you write a stronger planning proposal. It is a short version of the Planning Proposal form, so filling it out is the same as starting your planning proposals. What the Council needs is a general picture of each idea you want to implement (separate Intent to Apply for each), what and who will be involved. Follow the instructions belowand on the form fill out the boxes that are not grayed out. Email the form to your dean or area leader[1] no later than midnight, Nov. 10. He or she must email the form to the Planning Council Secretary, Linda Costagliola, by midnight on Nov. 12.

Below is a line-by-line explanation of what information should be provided on the form. Items you do not need to respond to are grayed out. The boxes in the form will expand as you type.

Line 1:Give a name to your proposal. While the name should be short, it should also be descriptive of what you are trying to do. (E.g. “Increase course offerings in Psychology—new faculty” “increase number of hybrid courses—change course scheduling” “Stay current in HVAC tech—new equipment” etc.)

Line 2:Describe briefly what you propose to accomplish (2 sentences maximum)

Line 3:Identify each college goal and/or action strategy addressed by this proposal and explain how it will do so. (E.g. “Goal I, Strategy C: proposal will increase number of trained employees for expanding alternative energy industry in the valley.”)

Line 4:What needs in your area will this proposal address. Include any program review recommendation, if it is involved. Intent to Apply forms do not need to be prioritized.

Line 5.If this project involves collaboration with other units or areas, list them here along with a contact person from each area.

Line 6.Briefly summarize program review or other supporting data, logic, professional judgment, etc. that justifies this proposal (You may attach up to 1 full page of documentation.)

Line 7.If your proposal requires new resources describe them here. State what you want and the estimated cost in the appropriate lines. Be sure to include an estimate of continuing costs if they are needed. (IMPORTANT: Remember that we want to know about all proposals to help implement goals or program review, even if they do not involve new costs or resources. If your proposal does not require resources, you may leave this line blank.)

Line 8.Your proposal should involve some action or activity. It might be as simple as “buy and install computers,” or it might be a complex project with several stages or steps. Use this line to give a quick outline of what needs to be done to accomplish your proposal, who is responsible, and when the steps will be completed.

Line 9.How will you evaluate the success of your proposed activity? This is a vital component because at some point the Planning Council will ask you to report what has been accomplished and how it has supported the college goal, action strategy, and/or program review recommendation that you identify in lines 3 & 4 of this proposal.

Line 10.If you are working in collaboration with another area (Line 5) explain what benefit they will receive. However, even if this is not a collaboration, try to think how this proposal might benefit other areas of the college.

Line 11.Try to identify any areas of the college that might be impacted or have to make accommodations for your proposal(E.g. other academic programs, maintenance, IS, any other significant in-house resources).

Line 12.If this proposal describes actions that are required by county, state, or federal program guidelines or by degree or certification accreditation standards (e.g. nursing), state them here.

Line 13.If this proposal addresses identified safety concerns of the college, describe them here.

Line 14:Your area supervisor is expected to provide any comment he/she thinks will help this proposal.

Each Intent to Apply must include a “contact person” who is responsible for the activity, and the discipline or area involved. The dean or area leader adds his/her name at the bottom of the form to show he/she approves this application. This is the equivalent of a signature. He/she emails the application to the PC secretary, Linda Costagliola.

Intent to Applyfor 2009—10 planning / Date Rcvd:
(To be completed by PC)
1. Proposal Name
2. Brief Description
(one or two sentences)
3. College goals/action strategies
4. Area needs and priority / Area Priority
5. Joint Project / Area Priority
6. Justification: Why should this be done?
7. Resources Required: facilities, equipment, software, staff, etc. (include cost estimate) / Faculty: / Cost:
Continuing costs:
8. How will your proposal be achieved? Include primary steps, timeline for implementation, and who is responsible. / What / When / Who
9. Assessment process: How will you determine that your proposal has been successful?
10. Will this proposal benefit other areas of the college? / Yes/No (If “yes” explain briefly)
11. Will this proposal impact or require accommodations from other areas? / Yes/No (If “yes” explain briefly)
12. Does this proposal fulfill a legal or accreditation mandate? / Yes/No (If “yes” explain briefly)
13. Does this proposal address a safety issue? / Yes/No (If “yes” explain briefly)
14. Comments of dean or supervisor

Contact Person: ______Discipline/area: ______

Dean/supervisor approval: ______

[1] Any area/unit with a dean should work with him/her. Areas with no deans (e.g. M&O) will work with their VPs or with the appropriate “area leader” identified by the VP.