Administrative/Clerical Evaluation Step-by-Step Overview

2014-2015 School Year

Jefferson Parish Public School System

Administrative/Clerical Evaluation Step-by-Step Overview:

Beginning of the Year Conversation Form

One critical step in the Administrative/Clerical Evaluation process is ensuring that all forms are completed correctly. This section will assist you in accurately completing the forms and therefore setting a strong foundation for your performance conversations.

Beginning of the Year Conversation: Evaluation Introduction:
You and your employee will complete the entire Beginning of the Year form together during the actual conversation.

Step 1:

·  Type Employee’s First and Last Name

·  Type Employee’s School or Location

·  Choose Employee’s Unit from the Drop Down Menu (If Applicable)
Type Employee’s Position

·  Type Evaluator’s First and Last

Step 2: Review the “JPPSS Administrative/Clerical Performance Indicators” with your employee. Key parts to highlight during the conversation are the rating scale and the specific indicators for each of the three sections:

·  Office Management

·  Communication/Calendar

·  Work Management.
Discuss with your employee how demonstrating the professional indicators would look specific to their job duties. Note for the employee that any indicators not relevant to their job will be rated as “Not Applicable.”

JPPSS has high expectations for employee performance and therefore receiving a 4 rating is an honor that will be earned. If an employee receives a 4 in any indicator, that means they are the epitome of what that indicator means and could be held up as an example for all other employees to follow. All employees should be striving for a 4, but we fully expect that the majority of employees will fall in the 2 or 3 range. [There are NO ratings given during the Beginning of the Year Conversation]

Step 3: Share with your employee that the “Final Overall Score” section will be automatically calculated based on the manager/evaluator’s inputted scores on the End of Year Evaluations. [There are NO ratings given during the Beginning of the Year Conversation.

Step 4: If the employees have any thoughts related to the Beginning of the Year conversation, please type them in “Comments” section.

Step 5: The final steps in the Beginning of the Year process are signing, dating and submitting the document to your Support Performance Specialist. Please share with your employee that signing their name does not necessarily indicate agreement with the evaluation.

ü  Finally you should print the completed form.

ü  Ensure that the form is signed and dated by you and your employee.

ü  Submit the printed form with original signatures to your Support Performance Specialist.

ü  Make two copies of the signed form- one copy for your records and one copy for your employee.


You must save a copy of the following forms for each employee:

·  Beginning of the Year Conversation Form

·  End of Year Evaluation Form
Information from the Beginning of the Year Conversation Form will be
automatically transferred to the End of Year Form.

Administrative/Clerical Evaluation Step-by-Step Overview:

End of Year Evaluation Form

One critical step in the Administrative/Clerical Evaluation process is ensuring that all forms are completed correctly. This section will assist you in accurately completing the forms and therefore setting a strong foundation for your performance conversations.

Step 1: Start by reviewing the general employee information at the top the form. All of the information should have automatically transferred from the Beginning of the Year form, but you should just double check the fields for accuracy and make any necessary adjustments.

Step 2: In “JPPSS Administrative/Clerical Performance Indicators” section you will rate your employee’s performance against the JPPSS Administrative/Clerical Performance Indicators. It is important to reflect on the employee’s performance throughout the review period and not focus on the last few weeks or one singular poor/outstanding occurrence. After selecting ratings for the three sections: Office Management, Communication/Calendar, and Work Management, input evidence to support your ratings.

While assigning ratings please keep in mind, JPPSS has high expectations for employee performance and therefore an employee receiving a 4 rating should be an honor the employee has earned. If an employee receives a 4 in any indicator, that means they are the epitome of what that indicator means and could be held up as an example for all other employees to follow. All employees should be striving for a 4, but we fully expect that the majority of employees will fall in the 2 or 3 range.

Step 3: The ratings in the “Final Overall Score” section will be automatically calculated based on the scores you input for the JPPSS Performance Indicators. As an evaluator, you will not need to input any information in this section.

Step 4: If you or your employees have any comments related to the End of Year conversation, please type your thoughts in the “Comments” section. You can complete/modify this section before or during the actual conversation. It is encouraged during End of Year, to provide specific evidence based on feedback and observations –as to the ratings that you assigned.

Step 5: The final steps in the End of Year process is signing, dating and submitting the form to Support Performance. This section should be completed as part of the actual conversation. Please share with your employee that signing their name does not necessarily indicate agreement with the evaluation.

ü  Finally you should print the completed form.

ü  Both you and your employee should sign and date the form, and then submit the printed form with original signatures to your Support Performance Specialist.

ü  Make two copies of the signed form- one copy for your records and one copy for your employee.


You must save a copy of the following forms for each employee:

·  Beginning of the Year Conversation Form

·  End of Year Evaluation Form
Information from the Beginning of the Year Conversation Form will be
automatically transferred to the End of Year Form.