UNOFFICIAL COPY AS OF 04/15/00 00 REG. SESS. 00 RS BR 2916

A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in loving memory and honor of Essica Roland Meadows Marshall.

With deepest respect and admiration, we pay homage and tribute to Essica Roland Meadows Marshall.

WHEREAS, Essica Roland Meadows Marshall was born on July 3, 1902, a native of Henry County, Kentucky, and longtime resident of Eagle Station, Carroll County, Kentucky, and she crossed that final bourne from which no traveler returns on October 5, 1999; and

WHEREAS, Essica Roland Meadows Marshall was the loving daughter of the late William Abel Meadows and Van Denia Margetta Kisner Meadows; and she was the devoted wife of the late Benjamin Martin Marshall; and

WHEREAS, a mother's love is indeed the golden link that binds youth to age; and he is still but a child, however time may have furrowed his cheek or silvered his brow, who can yet recall, with a softened heart, the fond devotion, or the gentle chidings of the best friend that God ever gives us; and Essica Roland Meadows Marshall was the loving mother of six daughters, Eula Delores Marshall Robertson, Dortha Lee Parker, Donna Ray Wells, Imogene Schirmer, Joyce Evelyn Boggs, and Judith Dean Keith; and three sons, Benjamin Richard Marshall, Charles William Marshall, and Robert Wayne Marshall; and

WHEREAS, the passing of Essica Roland Meadows Marshall has left a void that cannot be filled, and she is mourned across the length and breadth of the Commonwealth;


Be it resolved by the Senate of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

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UNOFFICIAL COPY AS OF 04/15/00 00 REG. SESS. 00 RS BR 2916

Section 1. The Senate does hereby express its profound sense of sorrow upon the passing of Essica Roland Meadows Marshall and extends to her family its most heartfelt sympathy.

Section 2. When the Senate adjourns this day, April 14, 2000, it does so in loving memory and honor of Essica Roland Meadows Marshall.

Section 3. The Clerk of the Senate is hereby directed to transmit nine copies of this Resolution to Mr. Robert Wayne Marshall, 6701 Santom Lane, Louisville, Kentucky 40291.

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