Colorado Agriscience Curriculum

Section: Plant & Soil Science

Unit: Plant physiology and growth

Lesson Title: Lesson 6: Exploring Respiration

Colorado Agricultural Education Standards:

AGS11/12.4 / AGS11/12.4.7 / 11 & 12 / Understand photosynthesis and respiration.

Colorado Science Standards:

SCI3.2.1 / Science / comparing and contrasting the processes of photosynthesis and respiration
SCI3.2.2 / Science / explaining how simple molecules can be built into larger molecules within organisms
SCI3.2.3 / Science / explaining how large molecules are broken down into smaller molecules, serving as an energy source or as basic building blocks in organisms

Student Learning Objectives (Enablers)

As a result of this lesson, the student will …

1.  Students will be able to explain the process of respiration

2.  Explain factors that affect the rate of respiration

Time: Instruction time for this lesson: 50 minutes.


Modern Biology, Holt, Rinehart and Winston

Agriscience Fundamentals and applications, Cooper and Burton

Tools, Equipment, and Supplies

Fruit for each student i.e. strawberries

Copy of PSS.1.PR handout for every student

Key Terms. The following terms are presented in this lesson and appear in bold italics:



Interest Approach

Remind the students of the exercise that began the prior lesson. Ask them to share what they remember regarding what that represented relative to plants and their functions.

Lead them to the parallel you were creating: breaking down sugar to create energy. What plant process is this? Respiration.

Summary of Content and Teaching Strategies

Objective 1. Students will be able to explain the process of Respiration.

Review PowerPoint Slide 2 making sure the students capture the information in their notes.

Slide 2

•  IV. Respiration is the process by which an organism provides its cells with oxygen so energy can be released from digested food. Respiration takes place in all living cells at all times.

–  A. Mitochondria are energy processing factories for plants. Respiration takes place in the mitochondria of all cells.

–  B. Respiration yields the opposite results as photosynthesis. The process of photosynthesis absorbs energy, consumes carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. Respiration uses energy, consumes oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.

Students are going to use their posters from the prior day and add two more equations that represent respiration. Each group will need a copy of PSS.4.PR and PSS.5.PR. This section will take five minutes to complete and ten minutes to review. The students should take less time to put the equations together, but you can allow some time for them to make their posters colorful and label them properly.

You figured out Photosynthesis yesterday. Now we are going to move right in to respiration. Now this should be the easy part if you remember our exercise session. You are now going to add the last two equations to your poster, however these equations are going to be for respiration. Each group send one person up to get the other two equations and a package of markers.

Have one package of markers per group and PSS.4.PR and PSS.5.PR in the front of the room.

Don’t begin until I say, “Go!” You now have the essentials to finish your poster. You will have five minutes to put the last two equations together and then using the markers you can label each equation as best as you can.

Allow students to finish poster in five minutes.

Time! I am going to call one group up to explain the first equation. As I said before make sure your equations match the group that is presenting or you may need to make some changes.

Call up the first group to present, once they are finished and any questions are answered call up the next group to present.

Objective 2. Students will be able to explain the process of respiration

Now that we know how respiration works, lets consider those factors that can affect it!

Review PowerPoint Slide 3

•  V. Temperature, oxygen, soil conditions, and light can affect the rate of respiration.

–  A. Temperature—There is a direct relationship between respiration and temperature, as the temperature increases so does the rate of respiration.

–  B. Oxygen—Oxygen is required for respiration to take place. As oxygen levels decrease so does the rate of respiration.

–  C. Soil conditions—Soil containing large quantities of water cause the rate of respiration to decrease because of the lack of oxygen.

–  D. Light—The amount of energy produced by photosynthesis in low light conditions is reduced. Therefore the amount of energy available to conduct respiration is lower.

After the students have this information in their notes, ask them to return quietly to their posters. Their task will be to select one of the factors just discussed and using body movements only show how it would impact the rate of respiration. Allow groups to share their motions and ask the rest of the class to identify which factor was being demonstrated.

Does everyone have a good understanding of how photosynthesis and respiration works? Your posters look awesome, lets take thirty seconds to clean up our mess. Go!...... Thank you.


Use a Me-You-Us Moment to have the students compare and contrast the processes of Photosynthesis and Respiration.


Extended classroom activity:

Have students bring in labels of their favorite cereal. Compare the labels to see which chemical substance (not an added ingredient) is the most prevalent and why? I.e. Cornflakes have 75% starch/carbohydrates.

FFA activity:

Students can make an experiment limiting light on certain plants in order to make a presentation for the class in order to qualify for the Chapter FFA Degree.

SAE activity:

Students can develop an experimental SAE using this concept in the chapter greenhouse.



Answers to Assessment:

1.  A. Carbon Dioxide

B.  Water

C.  Sugar/carbohydrate/glucose

D.  Oxygen

E.  6H2O

F.  6 02

2. A. C6H12O6

B. 6CO2

C. Oxygen

D. Carbohydrate

Suggested Scoring:

1.  A) 4 points

B) 4 points

C) 4 points

D) 4 points

E) 4 points

F) 4 points

2.  A) 4 points

B) 4 points

C) 4 points

D) 4 points

Total points: 40 points


Name: ______

Photosynthesis and Respiration

1.  Fill in the following equations for Photosynthesis:

Word equation

sunlight & chlorophyll

a.______+b.______ c.______+d.______

Symbolic equation

sunlight & chlorophyll

6 CO2 + e.______ C6H12O6 + f.______

2. Fill in the following equations for Cellular Respiration:

Symbolic equation

a.______+ 6O2 b.______+ 6H2O

Word equation

Glucose + c. ______d.______+ Water

(Sugar or carbohydrate)

Unit 2, Lesson 6: Exploring Respiration 1