HO/MB/043/16 – Annex A

Impact of the pay offer

Members notin scope for the award

  • Former NPIA or FSS staff who transferred under the machinery of government move to the Home Office and decided to retain their NPIA or FSS terms and conditions.
  • Arms Length Bodies or any other staff who are not on Home Office terms and conditions.
  • Staff on Capita terms and conditions.
  • Staff who are paid legacy shift allowances (SDA and AAA including other HMRC attendance allowances) in Border Force, Immigration Enforcement, UK Visas and Immigration and Corporate Security Directorate and those elsewhere paid SDA but not in a shift working role.

AA (including SGB2, Typist)

Spot rate will be increased by£238.

AO/AIO (including SGB1)

Spot rate will be increased by 0.8% consolidated. A further 0.3% non-consolidated will be payable.

EO/IO (including Accountant, Support Manager 2)

The minimums and maximums of these grades will be increased by 0.8%. Additional consolidated payments of 0.3% or 0.2% may be payable depending upon where a member sits on the 2015 salary range. Those in the top third (tranche) will receive an additional 0.2% non-consolidated payment.

HEO/CIO (including Accountant, Auditor)

The shortening of the salary range to 17.5% produces an increase to the minimum of 1.2%. Compression should ensure members remain in the same relative position to the minimum of the new (shortened) range as they were to the old range.

Progression payments may be payable (taking the increase up to 1.1% or 1%), depending on where a member ‘sits’ on the 2015 salary range.

The maximums will be increased by 0.8%. Those who only receive a consolidated payment of 0.8% should also receive 0.2% non-consolidated.

SEO/HMI (including Accountant, Auditor)

The minimums and maximums of these grades will be increased by 0.8%. Additional consolidated payments of 0.3% or 0.2% may be payable depending upon where a members ‘sits’ on the 2015 salary range. Those in the top third (tranche) will receive an additional 0.2% non-consolidated payment.

Grade 7

The shortening of the salary range to 17.5% produces an increase in the minimum of 1.2%. Compression should ensure members remain in the same relative position to the minimum of the new (shortened) range as they were to the old range.

Progression payments may be payable (taking the increase up to 1.1% or 1%), depending on where a member ‘sits’ on the 2015 salary range.

The maximum will be increased by 0.8%. Those who only receive a consolidated payment of 0.8% should also receive 0.2% non-consolidated.

Grade 6

The £500 award to the grade minima produces increases of 0.8%, 0.83% and 0.87% to the London, London Provincial and National pay ranges. The freezing of the grade maximum means the salary range is shortened. Compression should ensure members remain in the same relative position to the minimum of the new (shortened) range as they were to the old range.

Progression payments may be payable (taking the increase up to 1.1% or 1%), depending on where a member ‘sits’ on the 2015 salary range.

Those in the upper tranche will receive 0.8% (if there is sufficient ‘headroom’) with a 0.2% non-consolidated, or higher non-consolidated amount where members are within 0.8% of the Grade 6 maximum.