Dear Parents & Students:
Welcome back students and parents! With the Lord’s guidance and blessings nothing is impossible!
Thank you for the comments and suggestions from your summer survey. There may be some changes coming based on your recommendations.
Our first band rehearsal is set for August 28, 2012 6-8 pm in the FVL band room. This rehearsal is for Senior Wind members. Wind Ensemble will not rehearse on August 28th.
The parent meeting for August 28th has been canceled and rescheduled for October 13, 2012 (8:15 am). This change was requested by music parents. Music parents would like all parents to attend the October 13th meeting. This includes parents of Senior Winds, Wind Ensemble, Cadet Band and String members.
FVL is working to update the registration form. This year you will be able to fill out the form on line and send it back to FVL electronically. If you already filled out a registration form you may mail it to FVL. Returning students please return the registration form by Monday September 17th with your $20.00 registration. (FVL high school students participating in strings please turn in a registration form.)
New this year – The Saturday rehearsal time has changed. Rehearsals are 8:15 am to 9:45 am. Please note this change on your calendars.
Wind Ensemble – your first rehearsal is Saturday September 8th from 8:15 am to 9:45 am in the band room with Mrs. Amy Nogar.
Strings – your first rehearsal is September 10th at FVL from 6:15 pm to 8:15 pm.
Lisa Baehman has graciously accepted the position of President for Music Parents during the 2012-13 school year. May the Lord bless her efforts and guide her. May the Lord’s blessings extend to all the parents and students involved in our music program!
Cadet Band (directed by Mr. Kramer) – is for new students. If your child was in Cadet Band last year they have moved on to either Wind Ensemble or Senior Winds. Cadet Band will start their rehearsals on October 13th. New students (5th/6th) in our FVL Schools will receive program information, a registration form and rehearsal schedule in the mail. There will be a meeting/open house for new students/parents on September 13, 2012 at FVL. The meeting is from 6:30-7:00 pm for new parents. Those parents familiar with our music program may pass on the meeting. If you know the instrument your child will play this year, you may send in your registration form to FVL or you are welcome to have your child come after the meeting to try out an instrument. Please return a registration form (for new students) by Monday September 17th. Mr. Neujahr and Mr. Jahnke plan to meet with students at the open house to assist with instrument selection.
Beginner Strings – you have moved on to the advanced/intermediate strings. Music that is selected will be appropriate for your level.
Jazz Ensemble will be offered in the fall from 10:05 am to 11:30 am contingent on enrollment. Jazz ensemble starts on September 22nd after band rehearsal. Jazz ensemble performs rock and jazz. It serves as an introduction to styles of music that may not regularly be performed in band. Trombones, saxophones, trumpets, drum set, piano, bass guitar/string bass, euphonium/baritones, and clarinets are used in jazz ensemble. There is a special form that should be returned to FVL that indicates your participation in jazz ensemble. Please return this form with your registration form.
Chicago Band rehearses in the spring semester after regular band. (Strings – Mondays) Students with one year of experience may go on the Chicago trip. There are options being considered at this time for the future of this trip. One of these options is to go to Chicago every other year. This would mean there may not be a Chicago trip in 2013-14. You should know the status of future trips prior to this year’s December trip registration. The cost has generally been $235.00 per person. The Friday schedule includes a morning clinic at VanderCook College, lunch at Buddy Guy’s, a major museum/ educational attraction, supper at a nice restaurant, possible fun attraction or tower experience in the evening or swimming at the hotel. Saturday our competition is in the morning followed by Great America in the afternoon. We stay in nice hotels, travel by coach, and the meals/attractions are included or cash back is given to each person.
Senior Winds and the advanced strings – your first performance is scheduled for Thursday November 8, 2012 at St. Paul Appleton 10:00 am and Bethlehem Hortonville 1:30 am. These performances give thanks to God for our country and military veterans. A bus and lunch will be provided. Parents and grandparents are welcome to attend.
Recruitment: On your survey forms many of you commented that you heard about our music program from a friend or family member. Please take the time to mention our music program to other parents in the next couple weeks. The information for Cadet Band and Beginner Strings was included in this letter for this purpose.
E-mail from LuAnn Peters is sent to our parents during the year from FVL HS or music parents. Please keep your e-mails current with LuAnn during the year. She can be reached at . Questions concerning billing may be sent to LuAnn or Krista Davis If you no longer have a child in our program you may e-mail LuAnn and she will remove your name from our e-mail list. Once registrations have been received a new list will be compiled for the 2012-13 school year.
The placement for the 2012-13 year is as follows based on your audition scores. Thank you for your hard work and dedication.
Senior Winds is listed below & Wind Ensemble starts with Elizabeth Van Rossum
Keller, JennaKrug, Rebecca
Dorschner, Heather
Willson, Carrie
Melso, Mikayla
Ellis, Emily
Brass, Michaela
Ragner, Liesl
Boughton, Bryce
Paulson, Michelle
Behm, Sophie
Van Rossum, Jacob
Stensberg, Erika
Vickstrom, Sondra
Hennig, Christian
Ragner, Dietrich
Dorschner, Brian
Nelson, April
Olson, Brianna
Baehman, Stephen
Archer, Bryce
Segelstrom, Adeline
Kolell, Caleb
Warnke, Emily
Mielke, Caleb
Kubek, Jack
Schaser, Noah
Hablewitz, Noah
Aden, Maya
Bosin, Jacob
Aubry, Julia (B. Clar)
Van Rossum, Elizabeth
Lillo, Emily
Drake, Erin
Jones, Nicholas
Wolfrath, Hannah
Popke, Emma
Jens, Savannah
Mielke, Megan
Schlueter, Carlee
Talo, Ryan
Paulson, Steven
Wilson, Alexis
Archer, Spencer
Mellberg, Spencer
Thelen, Hunter
Aden, Joshua
O’Leary, Brendan
Schaetz, Zachary
Long, Breanna
Funk, Stevie
Nelson, Stephen
Van Ess, Jade
Springstroh, Jacob
Brink, David
Beyer, Zachary
Schultz, Luke
Flatau, Emily
Jungwirth III, Thomas
Eismann, Isaiah
Nogar, Jonah
Gauvin, Luke
Roe, Bryce
Strings – you will receive your placement at your first rehearsal.
Lessons will start Monday October 1, 2012 in our FVL Schools. Your principal or Mr. Jahnke will inform you of the day and time of lessons.
If you have questions contact Mr. Jahnke at 562-4228 cell 739-4441 school or
God’s blessings on your new school year!
Charles G. Jahnke