Behaviour Management and Achievement Procedure


Staff and learners work together to create a pleasant, productive and exciting learning environment. However, from time-to-time a minority of students behave in ways which contravene the Apprenticeship agreement.

The Apprenticeship Agreement provides guidelines for the behaviour of the Apprentices throughout the programme, a copy of which is given to the Apprentice, and discussed during the induction.In addition, there is a code of conduct agreed by the group regarding classroom behaviour and attitude to learning. In circumstances where these agreements are breached, the Trust will take the action laid out in the following proceedure to help the learners behave in ways, which are more appropriate to both learning and the working environment they will ultimately progress to.

Where a Behaviour/Acheivement Support Plan is instigated, as part of the Reasonable Adjustment, failure to comply may lead to automatic withdrawal from a programme.

  1. Purpose

To ensure a fair and effective approach is taken to the management of learner behaviour/achievement and learning.

To enable a safe environment and to enable learners to take responsibility for their behaviour and learning in readiness for the world of work


Overall responsibility for implementation lies with the Widening Participation Manager.

Day-to-day responsibility lies with WPT staff as detailed in the body of the procedure.

3.Procedure -Instigating Behaviour Management and achievement procedure

Behaviour Management and achievement procedure should be used as a tool to help learnerskeep on track. It should be instigated promptly where usual tutorining conversations and subsequent support have failed to have sufficient impact

4 Stages 1, 2 and 3.

All Behaviour Management and Achievment procedures are assessed on an individual basis. Deciding on the level of disciplinary is a judgement call made by WPT Manager It is up to them to apply the disciplinary process in a fair and considered way. Swift action at an early stage may well be far more supportive and effective than allowing a situation to continue.

Before any Behaviour Management and Achievment action is instigated, it is expected that

most circumstancesthe tutor will have met with the student and established

Behavioural/achievment Support Plan and issued an informal warning.

Incidents taking place outside the classroom will be treated with the same rigor. Relevant staff

will be notified of any behavioural concerns and will be expected to the follow the Policy. Where there are any patterns of behaviours non-conducive to learning or the wellbeing of others, WPT staff will discuss with students and takeaction as appropriate.

Instigating the policy at level 1 is at the tutors discretion based on their judgement of what

will be most effective in supporting learners behaviour/achievement. If the learner fails to keep

to agreed actions/Code of Conduct, formal action and move to level 2.

Administration staff will arrange all formal disciplinary hearings (levels 2 and 3)on the instruction

of Tutors, WPTManager. Administration staff will notify learner when an informal warning has

been issued. The informal warning will be placed on the students file.

The learner must be notified in writing that a hearing is going to take place for level 2 and level 3

This must specify, for example:

The level of behaviour/achievement process

The concerns to be discussed.

Where and when the meeting is to be held.

Staff conducting the meeting.

That the learneris welcome to have a representative with them at the hearing. This may be a fellow learner, Union representation or family member.

If the learner is under 18 then their Parent(s)/Guardian could be notified and invited to attend

the meeting.

A learner will be given at leastseven working days’ notice of meetings

Informal Stage Level 1 - AMBER

Example Reasons:

  • Failure to comply with Behavioural/achievement Support Plan
  • Punctuality/Non-attendance
  • Minor Infringement of code of conduct /behaviour or achievement policy.
  • Missing an Assignment deadline
  • Misuse of mobile phones in classrooms or public areas.
  • Smoking outside of designated area.
  • Encouraging others to act inappropriately.

For a Level 1 disciplinary, the informalwarning remains on the learners file for 3months. It will be discussed and recorded at each subsequent tutorial, and the end of the warning period will be noted on the tutorial record.

Formal Stage Level 2Serious Misconduct- AMBER/RED

The learner must be notified in writing that a hearing is going to take place for level 2 and level 3
This must specify, for example:
  • Any form of bullying.
  • Repeat of previous Level 1.
  • Failure to abide by Behavioural/achievement policy following Level 1.
  • Plagiarism.
  • Serial Infringement of code of conduct/behaviour or achievement policy
  • Persistent use of inappropriate language.
  • Encouraging others to act inappropriately.

For a Level 2 disciplinary, the written warning remains on the learners file for 6

months. It will be discussed and recorded at each subsequent progress review, and the end of the warning period will be noted on the ILP.

Formal Stage Level 3Gross Misconduct–RED

The learner must be notified in writing that a hearing is going to take place for level 2 and level 3

This must specify, for example:

  • Failure to abide by Level 2 Conduct Agreement.
  • Action that could be treated as a criminal offence.
  • Serious contravention of Health and Safety regulations.
  • Encouraging others to act inappropriately.
  • Persistent bullying

For a Level 3 disciplinary, the written warning remains on the learners file for 12 months. It will be discussed and recorded at each subsequent progress review,and theend of the warning period will be noted on the ILP

5 Prior to the Meeting

Prior to the meeting all relevant evidence must be gathered,e.g. witness statement, Action plans, progress reviews.

6 Conducting the Meeting

Clarify the purpose of the meeting and explain the way it will be conducted. Information

Relating to allegations is presented by the member of staff conducting the meeting. The learner and their representative will be given an opportunity to respond.

The person conducting the meeting will then make an appropriate decision based on the

evidence presented. If they feel that there is sufficient evidence, then action will be taken to

ensure that the incident is not repeated. In extreme cases, this may include the option to

exclude either temporarily or permanently. In some cases, they may postpone decision making

until others have been consulted. However, the process will still take place within agreed


Written notes must be kept of the meeting. This will be summarised on the formal warning form

and signed by staff and learner.

Where Behavioural Support/achievementPlans are required, these should be developed with

the Tutor/assessor during progress reviews. The plan should be a negotiated document, which

on completion are shared with the whole teaching team.

Outcomes of the meeting and subsequent action required must be notified to the student in writing within two working days by the Administration staff.

Further copies will be sent to the following as appropriate:

Clinical placement



WPT manager

7 Suspension

Suspension is only used in situations where it is not safe to have a learner on the premises whilst

a disciplinary meeting is arranged. To minimise disruption to learning, suspension time is kept to

a miniumum. Suspension can be requested by tutors, but must be authorised by the WPT

Manager. Suspended learners can only return on to Trust premises with the permission of the

WPT Manager. In extreme circumstances WPT Coordinatorshave the authority to ask a learner

to leave the building to maintain safety and wellbeing of all.

8 Exclusion

Exclusion is only used in extreme circumstances and where no other course of action is possible.

The person involved will cease to be considered a learner of the Trust because they have broken their contract with us in an untenable way. They are therefore excluded from all Trust facilities, courses and premises. Exclusion must be authorised by WPT Manager.

The terms of the exclusion will be notified to the learner in writing and will detail the time period

that the exclusion is in place for.

Copies will be sent to:

The learner


WPT Manager

9 Appeals

It is important that learners know they have the right to appeal formal stages (level 2 and 3) and

that the appeal will be treated fairly. The appeal must be in writing and received by the Trust

within ten working days of the date on the outcome letter.

If no communication is received the learner has lost their right to appeal.

The appealsare considered by an independent manager such as a HR officer,not involved in the original meeting.

A formal appeal hearing does not have to be held but the Appeal lead may feel they need to

interview those involved to help them make a decision.

Appeals will only be considered if:

New evidence has become available.

It can be proven that the plan process was not adhered to in a way that could have affected the outcome.

If the appeal is successful then the action decided can be either overturned completely or amended.

The outcome of the appeal concludes the Behaviour management and Achievement Procedure

If you do not agree with the outcome and were studying on a course funded by Skills Funding Agency and the above Appeals Process has been exhausted, you can contact the Skills Funding Agency within three months of the appeal decisionusing thecontact details below:

Complaints Team

Cheylesmore House

Quinton Road



You can also email the Skills Funding Agency Complaints Team at: .

You can access the Skills Funding Agency Procedure for dealing with complaints about Providers

of Education and training by using this link:

They should send you acknowledgement that they have received your complaint within five working days.

Behaviour/Achievement plan

Name of learner Date
Tutors name Date
Assessors name Date
Place of work Date
Agreement made with Date
Attendance / Punctuality / Behaviourin study / Behaviour in other areas of the Trust / Academic performance
Current concern:
Triggers for behaviour:
SMART targets
How can Trust staff support me in achieving this?
This plan will be shared with:
I agree to abide by the terms and conditions in this agreement, I realise that if I do not abide by them, I may lose my place on the Apprenticeship programme.
Learner Signature: / Date:
Review Date (4 weeks
Review Date 8 weeks
Review Date 12 weeks