Children Learn What They Live
If a child lives with criticism
He learns to condemn
If a child lives with hostility
He learns to fight
If a child lives with ridicule
She learns to be shy
If a child lives with shame
She learns to feel guilty
If a child lives with tolerance
He learns to be patient
If a child lives with encouragement
She learns to be confident
If a child lives with praise
He learns to appreciate
If a child lives with fairness
She learns justice
If a child lives with security
He learns to have faith
If a child lives with approval
She learns to like herself
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship
He learns to find love in the world.
Dorothy Law Nolte, Ph.D.
Mission Statement...... 2
Center Philosophy...... 2
Daily Schedule (School Year Program) ...... 2
Daily Schedule (Summer Program) ...... 3
Services Offered 4
Payment/Tuition/Fees 4
Holiday Closings 4
Parent Involvement 5
Student Arrival and Dismissal 5
Discipline Philosophy 5
Termination of Care by Parent 6
Termination of Care by Program 6
Things to Bring On the First Day 7
Sunscreen/Insect Repellent... 7
Health/Illness. 7
Medication 8
Communicable Disease Policy 9
Data Privacy 10
Injury Reports 10
Emergency Evacuations/Closings 11
Policy on Abuse/Neglect/Sex Abuse 11
State Licensing Requirements 11
Field Trips 12
Feedback/Suggestions 12
Enrollment Policies & Regulations. 13
Sample Forms Section
Club Choices...... 15
Medication Regulations ….18
Lunchbox Suggestions 19
Handbook Contract .20
Withdrawal Notification Form .21
Our mission is to provide a safe, healthy environment for children to explore, grow and develop
to their maximum potential. We provide a balanced, structured program comprised of educational and creative experiences as well as physical activities in which staff guide the children in gaining confidence in themselves and the world in which they live.
East Side Learning Center provides a warm, inviting and stimulating program within which the needs of each child can be met. We understand that each child is a distinct being, different from others in some ways, yet sharing many of the same basic needs. Our program is designed in such a way that we can respond to the needs, interests, and maturity level of each child.
Our environment provides extensive opportunities for children to fully explore their surroundings and to grow and develop to their maximum individual potential at their own rate. Our unique and innovative approach incorporates learning in a “club” based environment comprised of distinct learning disciplines/topics.
East Side Learning Center believes that in order to ensure a child’s success at her Center, Parents must share all information regarding any child’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) prior to admission. By sharing this information, the Center can assist the parent with ensuring the necessary supports are in place to better ensure the child’s success. However, in order to keep rates as low as possible, the Center maintains ratios that do not allow extraordinary or one-on-one care. Accordingly, if the child needs supervision greater than the State mandated ratios, Parents(s) may be asked to coordinate such services privately or through the local education agency (LEA). The Center reserves the right to prohibit enrollment of any child, or discharge a child from the program, if parents withhold information pertaining to the child, or if the child is excessively disruptive or represents a danger to themselves, other children or staff.
We realize that you as parents are your children's primary role models and hope that we can support you in your very important efforts.
School-Age Daily Schedule (School Year Program)
6:30- 7:35 AM Before School Care Provided-Busing times vary yearly.
After School Program
2:30- 3:10PM Attendance/transition group
3:10- 3:15PM Daily Announcements
3:15- 4:45PM Club Choices
4:45- 5:30PM Clean Up/Free Choices
Kindergarten Schedule (School Year Program)
9:00- 9:15 AM Snack
9:15- 9:45 AM Circle Time
9:45- 11:00 AM Centers/Small groups
11:00- 11:15AM Lunch
11:15- 12:30PM Indoor/Outdoor Play
12:30- 1:00PM Circle/Quiet Time
1:00- 1:45PM Centers/Small groups
1:45- 2:15PM Learning Centers
2:15- 2:30PM Snack
2:30- 3:15PM Group Activities/Free Play
3:15- 4:45PM Club Choices
4:45- 5:30PM Clean Up/Free Choices
School-Age Daily Schedule {Summer Program)
6:30- 9:00 AM Free Choice
9:00- 9:30 AM Group Meeting
9:30- 9:45 AM Snack
9:45- 11:30 AM Indoor/Outdoor Activities
11:30- 12:00 PM Lunch
12:00- 3:00 PM Swim Lessons/Field Trips
3:00- 3:30 PM Snack
3:30- 5:30 PM Free Swim/Indoor or Outdoor Activities
· Child care starting at 6:30 AM and ending at 5:30 PM (Monday to Friday) during school days, vacation weeks and summer vacation.
· Before and after school care for Eastman, Dame, Beaver Meadow and Broken Ground Schools as well as other schools in which parents provide their own transportation.
· Transportation to and from Dame (grades 1-2 and PM kindergarten) and Beaver Meadow Schools (grades 1-5 and PM kindergarten).
· Transportation to and from Eastman School provided by Concord School District.
· Before and after kindergarten care.
· Summer program for children entering grades K-6.
· Nutritious morning and afternoon snack for kindergarten students.
· A nutritious afternoon snack is served to students in grades 1-5 after school. During school vacations morning and afternoon snack is served to all students.
· Swimming lessons during June, July, & August with American Red Cross certified instructors.
Payment Policy: One account will be set up per family. Payments must be made weekly or bi-weekly. Checks may be placed in the mailbox next to the check in computer and made out to ESLC. Cash and money orders are accepted. Please state on your check the week(s) paid for. If more than two weeks tuition is due your child will not be allowed to return to the center until the account is paid in full.
A bounced check will be returned, not re-deposited. The amount of the check plus a $10.00 returned check fee must then be paid by money order or cash within three (3) business days. After the second offense personal checks will no longer be accepted. Money orders or cash will then be required for future payments. If an account shows an unpaid balance at the end of one program, childcare will not be provided until the account is paid in full.
We also accept state reimbursement for those who are eligible. Parents must obtain and complete the required forms from the state prior to the child’s first day at the center. Parents are expected to pay their co-payment weekly or bi-weekly
The hours of the center are 6:30 AM to 5:30 PM. If your child is picked up after 5:30 PM there will be an additional charge of $1.00 for every minute, payable immediately, if possible, to the staff person in charge. Excessive lateness could lead to termination from the program.
Full-time care $160 per week
Before / after kindergarten care $30 per day
Before & after school care $18 per day
After school only (grades 1-5) $15 per day
Full day (vacation, snow days, etc.) $35 Kindergarten
Full day (vacation, snow days, etc.) $32 per day, grades 1-5
Family Discount $5 per child, per week
(For 2 or more children attending 5 days per week)
Registration and supply fee $50 yearly
Summer Recreation Fee $50 per summer
Late tuition payment $5 per week
Late pick-ups $1 per minute after 5:30 PM
For information regarding tuition assistance requirements and eligibility please contact:
Quality Early Learning Opportunity Initiative-Southern New Hampshire Services, Inc.
603-668-8010 or 800-322-1073
NH Department of Health and Human Services, Family Assistance Division
603- 271-6201 or 800-322-9191
East Side Learning Center is open from 6:30 AM to 5:30 PM, Monday to Friday, 52 weeks a year. We will be closed in observance of the following holidays:
New Year's Eve (3 PM closing)
New Year's Day
Memorial Day
4th of July
Labor Day
Veteran's Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve (1 PM closing)
Christmas Day
We will be closed for Staff Professional Development on Martin Luther King Jr, Day and Columbus Day.
In order to prepare for program transition, we will also be closed on the first week day following the last day of school for Concord School District and the last week day before CSD begins in the fall.
On school vacations and floating holidays, parents are asked to sign up their children in advance, for staffing purposes.
Our center encourages parents to be an active part of our program. We do not prohibit parents from unannounced access to their child during all hours of operation.
Parents' help is encouraged and valued especially for clubs, enrichment clubs, field trips, holiday parties, spring fling and special events. We rely on your support, suggestions and volunteer hours to make these activities a success.
Parent orientation nights are held prior to each program change in the spring and fall. Dates and times of the orientation/information nights will be posted on the “Upcoming Events” board.
Parent information is posted daily on the “Upcoming Events” board, in monthly newsletters, and through email. Parents are encouraged to take time each day to view these items. A staff person is usually available during regular business hours, either by telephone or in person, to address any questions or concerns that may arise.
All parents and guardians are required to enter and exit the building using the main entrance only, for safety and security reasons.
As a security feature and to provide accurate attendance records for billing purposes, we have a “sign-in” computer located next to the office. Parents or designated authorized pick-up persons must sign their child(ren) in and out each day. Children arriving after school will be signed in by a staff member.
All authorized pick-up persons must furnish an identification code (four characters only) that will be linked to your child(ren). You may use letters or numbers, or a combination of the two. Also, you must indicate whether or not you would like each person to have access to your account balance, your child’s schedule and immunization records.
If it is necessary for someone who does not have an identification code to pick up your child, please call the office prior to pick-up and a staff member will sign your child out at the time of pick-up. Please do not share your identification code.
Our belief is that discipline is the process by which children learn self control. Discipline is not punishment. Discipline is redirecting, teaching, and guiding using the philosophy of natural, logical consequences. There is an emphasis placed on what is socially acceptable in our society.
The New Hampshire Bureau of Child Care Standards and Licensing includes the following rules for discipline in its operating standards for New Hampshire Child Care Facilities, of which we follow:
1. Discipline practices shall support the child's behavior with positive guidance as well as the setting of clear cut limits which foster the child's own ability to be self disciplined.
2. Corporal punishment shall not be used.
3. Child care agencies shall not use forms of punishment which are humiliating, shaming, frightening, or otherwise damaging to children.
Any staff person who sees or hears another staff person dealing with a child in a way that is inappropriate or harmful is responsible for speaking to that person and if necessary, bringing it to the attention of the On-Site Supervisor. We are all responsible for the physical and emotional well being of every child at this center.
It is our philosophy, belief and practice that children require physical contact for their care and healthy development. The contact can be described in three ways:
Nurturing: This includes hugs and non-intimate kisses, hand-holding, gentle tickling, carrying, cuddling, and back rubbing. This type of contact is never made against the expressed wishes of the child.
Safety and Guidance: This includes restraining children from harmful situations, separating conflicting children, guiding children by gently leading them, and administering first aid to injuries.
Hygiene: This includes face and hand washing, assisting with toileting, examining rashes or unusual marks, nose blowing, and conducting necessary clothing changes.
When parents decide to terminate this child care arrangement, a one week’s written notice to the Director is required. In the great majority of cases, termination of care by the parent is due to reasons such as relocation, child entering school, etc. However, we also recognize that not every situation is appropriate for every child. If for any reason, this program is found to be unsatisfactory for any particular child, we will make every effort to discuss this with the parents in order to determine the cause. Sometimes, we can help the child make the adjustment. If this is not possible, the parent and/or program may choose to terminate the arrangement on a time-line that is in the child's best interest.
As stated above, the child's adjustment to the program and the appropriateness of this particular care arrangement for an individual child may cause concern for the child's well-being. If the program staff does not feel that it is meeting the child's needs, we reserve the right to terminate the care arrangement on a time-line that is in the child's best interest. Other reasons which may result in the termination of a specific arrangement are as follows:
1. Non-payment for child care services and/or lack of adherence to our tuition payment policies.
2. Lack of cooperation from parents with the program's efforts to resolve differences and/ or to meet the child's needs through parent/ staff meetings or conferences.
3. Abusive behaviors and/ or verbal threats by parents toward program staff or other parents. (Immediate Termination)
4. Parents disciplining, in any way, children other than their own while at the program.
5. Child exhibits special needs or has special needs related to a serious illness that are not possible to meet at the program. In this case, the program staff will make every effort to involve parents, and possibly other resource persons (as appropriate), in order to decide together on the best course of action for this child, prior to any termination.