Address. Panepistimioupoli – 26504 Rio (tel. 2610-996940) Patras 5/11/2003Information: Mrs Zafeiropoulou Ioanna Registr.Number:43
The student with the records listed below and student number 2305
Family Name MICHMIZOS / First Name CONSTANTINOSFather’s Name POLYDOROS / Mother’s Name STAMATIA
Place of birth LARISSA / Year of Birth 1980
Men’s Municipal Record of LARISSA / Municipal Record 446
Progress of initial entry : GENERAL NATIONAL EXAMINATIONS
Semester of Studies now 9
was registered for the 1st semester at our department during the academic year 1999-2000.
The duration of studies in the department is (10) ten semesters.
His analytical list of grades follows in the next pages and the marking scale is stated in the notes.
This certificate has been provided for all legal purposes
1st Semester
CourseCode /
C o u r s e
/ Course Category /C.U
/ Period of Examinations /Grade
/ Degr.Comp
101 / Mathematics Ι / Core / 4 / Feb. 2000 / Six and half / (6.5) Y
103 / Physics Ι / Core / 4 / Feb. 2000 / Five / (5) Y
131 / Introduction to Software Systems I (C language) / Core / 3 / Sep. 2000 / Eight and half / (8.5) Y
131 L / Software Systems Laboratory / Core / 1 / Feb. 2000 / Six and half / (6.5) Y
161 / Introduction to Computer Systems / Core / 3 / Feb. 2000 / Eight and half / (8.5) Y
161 L / Computer Systems Laboratory (ASSEMBLY language) / Core / 1 / Feb. 2000 / Eight and half / (8.5) Y
163 / Logic Design / Core / 4 / Feb. 2000 / Eight / (8) Y
181 / Introduction to the Theory of Electric Circuits / Core / Feb. 2000 / Eight and half / (8.5) Y
English and Technical Vocabulary I / Elective / Feb. 2000 / Eight / (8) N
Note : The status of being a student is obtained upon registration and is ended at the day of graduation.
The academic year starts on September 1st of every year and ends on August 31st of the next year.
The educational training in every academic year consists of two (2) semesters.
I certify that this is an exact translation from the attached document, written in Greek.-
Larissa, November 9,2003
The Translator
l a w y e r
2, Panagouli str.
2nd Semester
CourseCode /
C o u r s e
/ Course Category /C.U
/ Period of Examinations /Grade
/ Degr.Comp.
102 / Mathematics II / Core / 4 / Jun.2001 / Eight and half / (8.5) Y
104 / Physics ΙΙ / Core / 4 / Jun.2000 / Five / (5) Y
110 / Linear Algebra / Core / 2 / Jun.2001 / Eight / (8) Y
134 / Introduction to Software Systems II (Java language) / Core / 2 / Jun.2000 / Eight and half / (8.5) Y
132 / Principles of Programming Languages & Compilers / Core / 5 / Sep.2000 / Six / (6) Y
165 / Basic Electronics / Core / 3 / Jun.2000 / Seven / (7) Y
163 L / Logic Design Laboratory / Core / 1 / Jun.2000 / Eight and half / (8.5) Y
181 L / Theory of Electric Circuits Laboratory / Core / 1 / Sep.2000 / Nine and half / (9.5) Y
English and Technical Vocabulary II / Elective / Jun.2000 / Eight / (8) N
3rd Semester
CourseCode /
C o u r s e
/ Course Category /C.U
/ Period of Examinations /Grade
/ Degr.Comp.
231 /
Programming Laboratory
/ Core / 2 / Sep.2002 / Ten / (10) Y201 / Discrete Mathematics Ι / Core / 3 / Feb.2001 / Seven / (7) Y
205 / Introduction to Design and Analysis of Algorithms / Core / 3 / Feb.2001 / Eight and half / (8.5) Y
233 / Data Structures / Core / 5 / Feb.2001 / Nine / (9) Y
166 /
Digital Electronics
/ Core / 3 / Feb.2001 / Five / (5) Y165 L / Basic Electronics Laboratory / Core / 2 / Feb.2001 / Eight and half / (8.5) Y
261 / Computer Architecture / Core / 3 / Feb.2001 / Six and half / (6.5) Y
4th Semester
CourseCode /
C o u r s e
/ Course Category /C.U
/ Period of Examinations /Grade
/ Degr.Comp
202 / Discrete Mathematics II / Core / 3 / Jun.2001 / Eight and half / (8.5 )Y
204 / Probabilities / Core / 3 / Sep.2001 / Nine and half / (9.5) Y
240 /
Numerical Analysis and Environments
/ Core / 5 / Jun.2001 / Six / (6) Y232 /
Software Engineering
/ Core / 4 / Jun.2001 / Five and half / (5.5) Y282 / Linear Tranformations & Differential Equations / Core / 5 / Feb.2002 / Eight / (8) Y
166 L / Digital ElectronicsLaboratory / Core / 1 / Jun.2001 / Eight and half / (8.5) Y
261 L / Computer Architecture Laboratory / Core / 1 / Jun.2001 / Seven and half / (7.5) Y
5th Semester
CourseCode /
C o u r s e
/ Course Category /C.U
/ Period of Examinations /Grade
/ Degr.Comp.
330 / Operating Systems I / Core / 4 / Feb.2002 / Five / (5) Y
334 / Data Bases / Core / 3 / Feb.2002 / Nine and half / (9.5) Y
334 L / Data Bases Laboratory / Core / 1 / Feb.2002 / Ten / (10) Y
301 / Theory of Computation / Core / 3 / Feb.2002 / Eight / (8) Y
343 / Scientific Computing I / Core / 5 / Feb.2002 / Six / (6) Y
361 / Microprocessors / Core / 3 / Feb.2002 / Eight / (8) Y
Note: Passed Examination : Grade higher than or equal to 5 (five)
Failed Examination : Grade lower than 5 (five)
Good : Cumulative Grade higher than or equal to 5.0 and lower than 6.50
Very Good : Cumulative Grade higher than or equal to 5.0 and lower than 6.50
Excellent : Cumulative Grade higher than or equal to 8.50
I certify that this is an exact translation from the attached document, written in Greek.-
Larissa, November 9,2003
The Translator
l a w y e r
2, Panagouli str.
6th Semester
CourseCode /
C o u r s e
/ Course Category /C.U
/ Period of Examinations /Grade
/ Degr.Comp
302 / Computational Complexity / Core / 3 / Feb.2002 / Nine / (9) Y
330 L / Operating Systems Laboratory / Core / 2 / Feb.2002 / Ten / (10) Y
361 L / Microprocessors Laboratory / Core / 2 / Feb.2002 / Eight and half / (8.5) Y
381 / Digital Signal Processing / Core / 4 / Feb.2002 / Seven and half / (7.5) Y
482 HA / Digital Image Processing and Analysis / Core Elective / 3 / Feb.2002 / Ten / (10) Y
556 SW / Human Computer Interaction / Elective / 3 / Feb.2002 / Ten / (10) Y
7th Semester
CourseCode /
C o u r s e
/ Course Category /C.U
/ Period of Examinations /Grade
/ Degr.Comp.
387 / Computer Networks / Core / 4 / Feb.2003 / Nine / (9) Y
384 / Digital Comunications / Core / 5 / Sep.2003 / pending due to professor’s strike / (-) Y
387 L / Computer Networks Laboratory / Core / 1 / Feb.2003 / Nine and half / (9.5) Y
435 SW /
Applied Information Systems I
/ Core Elective / 3 / Feb.2003 / Ten / (10) Y454 SW /
Computer Systems Evaluation Techniques
/ Core Elective / 3 / Feb.2003 / Eight and half / (8.5) Y415 /
Public Networks and Interconnection Networks
/ Core Elective / 3 / Feb.2003 / Nine and half / (9.5) Y481 HA / Stochastic Signals and Applications / Core Elective / 3 / Feb.2003 / Nine / (9) Y
545 SW / Calculating Methods for Differential Equations / Elective / 3 / Feb.2003 / Ten / (10) Y
8th Semester
CourseCode /
C o u r s e
/ Course Category /C.U
/ Period of Examinations /Grade
/ Degr.Comp.
416 AF / Cryptography / Core Elective / 3 / Jun.2003 / Ten / (10) Y
484 HA / Advanced Topics on Telecommunications / Core Elective / 3 / Jun.2003 / Ten / (10) Y
516 AF /
High Speed Networks
/ Elective / 3 / Jun.2003 / Ten / (10) Y517 AF /
Telematics and New Services
/ Elective / 3 / Jun.2003 / Nine and half / (9.5) Y528 AF /
Special Themes of Computational Logic
/ Elective / 3 / Jun.2003 / Nine and half / (9.5) Y535 SW /
Applied Information Systems II
/ Elective / 3 / Jun.2003 / Ten / (10) YThe secretary of the department THE VICE-RECTOR
(signature) (signature)
Athina Kosmopoulou PANOS D. GOUMAS
Note: Passed Examination : Grade higher than or equal to 5 (five)
Failed Examination : Grade lower than 5 (five)
Good : Cumulative Grade higher than or equal to 5.0 and lower than 6.50
Very Good : Cumulative Grade higher than or equal to 5.0 and lower than 6.50
Excellent : Cumulative Grade higher than or equal to 8.50
I certify that this is an exact translation from the attached document, written in Greek.-
Larissa, November 9,2003
The Translator
l a w y e r
2, Panagouli str.