1Who was the first man on the Moon?

a) Bellb) Armstrongc) Newtond) Neznayka

2The Beatles were…

a) composersb) pop singersc) doctorsd) teachers

3Who discovered America?

a) George Washingtonb) The Indiansc) Christopher Columbus d) Winnie – the – Pooh

4Which is the capital of the U. K. of G. B. and N. I.?

a) Plymonthb) Liverpoolc) Edinburgd) London

5What’s the English for “между”

a) aboveb) betweenc) insided) under

6Who discovered pencilin?

a) Constableb) Flemingc) Armstrongd) Walt Disney

7What is the most popular sport?

a) chessb) swimmingc) footballd) basketball

8What is the American equivalent for the English word “form”

a) storeb) mailc) graded) line

9Look at the picture and name the sport

a) boxingb) soccerc) joggingd) racing

10Finish the proverb “Too many cooks…”

a) makes perfectb) makes waste

c) spoil the brothd) never boils

11Who was the first Englishman in Russia?

a) Captain Cookb) Francis Drake

c) Richard chancellord) Mark Twain

12Which article is used with”… Pacific Ocean”?

a) anb) ac) thed) –

13Complete the idiom. “Bold as…”

a) a foxb) an eaglec) a muled) a man

14What dish do the Englishmen always eat on Thanksgiving Day?

a) roast chickenb) roast beef

c) roast turkeyc) roast fish

15Which variant corresponds to the Russian sentence.

Мои родители хотят, чтобы я не был ленивым.

a) My parents want me to be lazy.

b) My parents want me not to be lazy.

c) My parents don’t want me not to be lazy.

d) My parents want me to be not lazy.


1Look at the picture and name the game.

a) golfb) tennisc) cricketd) fishing

2What`s the Russian for “the children`s ball”?

a) мяч ребенкаб) мячи детейс) мяч детейd) мячи ребенка

3Which part of Great Britain has this flag?

a) Walesb) Scotlandc) Englandd) Northern Ireland

4What would you say

Could you pass me a scone?

a) No, thanksb) It`s OKc) Yes, here you ared) Help yourself

5Which word doesn`t match the others?

a) artistb) doctorc) composerd) winter

6Choose the antonym to the word “early”

a) lightb) popularc) lated) clever

7Which is the smallest planet in the solar system?

a) Mercuryb) the Earthc) Venusd) Pluto

8Which holiday do the English celebrate on the 31-st of October

a) New Year`s Dayb) Christmasc) Easterd) Halloween

9How many stripes are there on the American flag?

a) thirteenb) thirtyc) fiftyd) sixty

10What`s the English for «вдоль»?

a) acrossb) behindc) roundd) long

11Complete the idiom. “Let the cat out of the…”

a) bagb) boxc) card) house

12What`s the for «навещать»?

a) Look out!b) look atc) look upd) look in

13Which is the capital of the USA?

a) New Yorkb) Washington DCc) Los Angelesd)Santa Barbara

14Which word is used only in Singular?

a) bookb) fruitc) friendd) money

15Where is the Fellowship Christian Academy situated?

a) in Floridab) in Californiac) in Georgiad) in Ohio

Учитель английского языка Печеникина Лидия Григорьевна

Тема: Игра. «Кто хочет стать миллионером?»

Цели: Обобщение изученного материала по теме «Великобритания»; совершенствование навыков устной речи; активизация страноведческого материала.