Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive held on 9th March 2017 at King’s Chambers, Derby.
Present: Mr. T. Parr (in the Chair), Mr. J. Hidle, Mr. P. Marshall, Mr. R. Shepherd,
Mr. P. Spink, Mrs. A. Basford. Mrs. M. Roberts, Mrs. H. Bickerstaff.
1) Apologies: Mrs. L. Bates, Mr. D. Whitlam, Dr. B. May
2) Minutes of previous meeting.
With a correction to Item 6, with the outstanding invoice amount being £6.6k and not £6.6, it was agreed that the Minutes of the meeting of 19th January 2017 were a true record of that meeting.
3) Matters Arising.
There were no matters arising which were not on the Agenda.
4) Finance Report
A report had been circulated ahead of the meeting and was accepted.
Generally, things were in line with the plan for the year end. Membership income was up slightly.
Competitions income and expenditure were both up on Budget, whilst Development Grant expenditure was well up on plan.
The financial situation regarding the Development Plan, and latest County Records, were presented.
A financial breakdown of the recent County Championships was presented.
This showed a slight increase in the surplus over 2016, but still down on 2015. Income from entries and the sale of Coaches Passes was up, but there had been a significant increase in the cost of pool hire. The cost of refreshments was down, largely as the result of saving a session.
5) Competition Report
Written reports on Competitions and the Talent Camp situation had been circulated and were accepted. A Competitions Committee meeting was planned for 23rd March.
6) Development
Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Bickerstaff had met and a draft Development Plan for 2017-18 produced. This is to be circulated with the Minutes of this meeting.
It was reported that Matlock Water Polo Club were progressing with SWIM21, but that Ashbourne were more concerned with finding a Chief Coach at the moment.
The meeting was advised that 21 J1 Trainees had been mentored at the County Championships, along with 5 J2’s and 4 J2S’s. In future all Officials’ Tutors will need DBS checks and Safeguarding training before training young Officials.
7) Development Programme Report
Members welcomed a more thorough report than in the past, and generally recognised the activity reported.
It was pointed out that the running of the Derbyshire Junior Grand Prix was part of the SLA with Derventio.
It was agreed that Jack Chambers would share the club visits / meetings dependant on needs and location.
8) Disability
Sessions at Chesterfield (5th March) and City of Derby (taster to be held on 2nd April) were reported.
9) Open Water
It was agreed that Lavender Patch sessions had not achieved the aim of increasing competition and entries to the Regional Championships. It was confirmed that they would not be offered in 2017.
10) Water Polo
It was agreed that the Development Plan would include a grant of £630 towards the cost of the Water Polo competitions being organised by Matlock Water Polo Club. The Executive was appreciative of the efforts being made to support female competition.
11) Facility update
It was reported that clubs were still talking to the City Council about costs incurred in the use of Moorways.
The Council has a new Head of Sport and Leisure.
12) Regional Update
The latest ASA funding situation was outlined.
13) Succession Planning
Concern was expressed at the likely number of vacancies on the Executive and other positions from June.
It was agreed to publicise the situation by e-mail to clubs, Facebook and on the Association web-site.
14) Any Other Business
The position of incoming President-Elect was discussed and it was agreed that an approach be made to an individual.
A nomination for Life Membership was put forward and accepted unanimously. This will be put to the AGM in June.
Special thanks were expressed to the President for the way he had coped with Presidential and commentating duties at the recent Championships.
A number of members had attended the funeral of Mandy Hunt, and the meeting recorded its regret at the sad loss.
15) Date of next Executive meeting:
7:00pm. Thursday, 11th May, 2017 at Alfreton Leisure Centre.
John Hidle
Hon. Secretary