Colorado Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

2017 Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year (RYDY) Award

Criteria and Procedures /


ThepurposeoftheRYDYprogramistorecognizethecompetenceandactivities ofyoungerdietitians inthe Academy of Nutrition and Dieteticsandtoencouragetheircontinuedparticipationinassociationaffairs.Thisgroupwill bean additionalresourcefromwhichtheleadershipoftheAssociationwill developbothat thedistrict,state, andnational levels.


  1. MemberoftheAcademy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
  2. Agelimit asofMay1, 2017:35yearsoryounger.
  3. Activeparticipationinthenational,state, ordistrictassociation.
  4. Is a Registered Dietitian/Registered Dietitian Nutritionist.
  5. Notpreviouslyselected asanRYDY.
  6. Demonstratedconcernforthepromotionofoptimalhealthandnutritionalstatusofthepopulation.
  7. Demonstratedleadership,e.g.,inlegislation,research,education,management,etc.,eitherintheAssociationor employment.

Selection Procedure

  1. Thecompleteresponsibilityfortheselectionoftherecipientrestswith the Colorado Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Member Benefits team.
  2. One Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year will be awarded from Colorado in 2017.

Submission to the Academy Procedure

  1. Applications are due to the Member Benefits Committee at by March 24, 2017. A complete application includes the following:
  2. One or more letters of recommendation for the nominee

Letters should address how nominee has demonstrated concern for the promotion of optimalhealthandnutritionalstatusofthepopulation and/or leadership inlegislation,research,education,management,etc. ineithertheAssociationor employment.

  1. Nominee resume (optional)
  2. Please include the following in the body of the email submitted:
  3. Nominee Name
  4. Nominee Credentials
  5. Nominee Academy Member ID number
  6. Colorado District (Northern, Denver or Southern)

Award Recognition

  1. Acertificate ofrecognitionwill besenttotheselecteestogetherwitha congratulatoryletter fromthe Presidentofthe Academy.
  2. Recipientsattending theFood&NutritionConference & ExpoTM(FNCE®) the following fall may pick up a ribbon for their badge at the ribbon booth near registration.
  3. Thelist ofrecipientsfortheyearwill bepublishedina fall issueoftheJournaloftheAcademy of Nutrition and Dietetics
  4. Awardee will be recognized at the 2017 Colorado Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual Conference.