Map Your Neighborhood (MYN)

Library Set

“Map Your Neighborhood” is a program designed to help neighborhoods prepare for disasters of all types and severity.

MYN Materials: all the material contained in this set are the property of the Library and must be returned. Some of the materials may be copied for individual use and training purposes, but all originals must be returned as a complete set.

Digital Media.

1.  Training Video DVD. The DVD is copy-written and may not be duplicated or copied in any form.

2.  CD of MYN Supporting Data Files. The CD and/or the data files may be electronically be duplicated and saved for individual use and training purposes.

Paper Documents. All of these documents are on the CD. The originals must be returned as a complete set. All of the following may be copied for individual use and training purposes.

1.  Arrange a local MYN Neighbors’ Meeting.

2.  Pre-Meeting Action List

3.  Post-Meeting Action List

4.  Neighbors’ Contact Form

5.  MYN Information List

6.  Preparedness Websites

7.  Evaluation Form – Neighbors

8.  Post-Meeting Email

9.  Evaluation Form – Host

10.  MYN Discussion Guide

Arrange Your Neighbors’ Meeting

1. Contact Greg Hempen (314-743-4136, ) for Missouri Hosts’ Orientation schedule. Attend the 1-hour MYN Orientation. Follow local procedures to obtain materials (MYN Neighbor’s Handout, Discussion Guide, CD and DVD).

2. Review materials, CD, and DVD. Carefully watch the DVD with the Discussion Guide. Determine any materials that you wish to make paper copies for your neighbors’ advantage. Consider including both

the single-sheet map and the contact form for each domicile.

3. Choose a meeting date, so neighbors will know well in advance.

4. Determine your neighborhood boundaries. MYN recommends

15-20 households, because of the importance of the first hour of a

disaster response. Make the Master Map of your neighborhood for the meeting. It is preferable to make an 8-1/2”x11” map and copy the single-sheet map for each domicile to save meeting time. Simple maps may be created at neighbors.whitepages.com .

5. Personally invite your neighbors within the boundaries to attend your neighborhood meeting.

6. Conduct the meeting using the simple-to-follow Discussion Guide and DVD. Start and end your meeting on time, allowing for a maximum time of 90 minutes. Discuss the contact list at the meeting. It is preferable to distribute the contact form for each domicile, and have them completed and returned to save meeting time. Ask if someone would make the master contact list afterward (using the form on the CD) from the returned forms, to be copied and provided to each domicile. If you have not done so consider both the Neighborhood Watch Program for your area and the Community Emergency Response Team training ( www.citizencorps.gov/cert/ ) for individuals in your neighborhood. Ask whether nextdoor.com would be useful or how to easily communicate. Request that the Neighbors’ Evaluation to be completed. Possibly walk the neighborhood to determine locations of exterior natural gas meters or propane tanks, or decide a later date to do so.

7. After the meeting, follow the Post-Meeting Actions. Please double check that you and your neighbors have completed all of the actions.

If you have questions for Missouri use of MYN, please go to mssc.missouri.edu/map.shtml or contact Mr. Steve Besemer (Missouri State Emergency Management Agency, 573-526-9232, ), or for general issues the EMD Public Education Department (800.562.6108 or ).

Pre-Meeting (Host’s) Items & Actions

·  Assemble nametags & pencils/erasers for everyone attending.

·  Display your hard hat, gloves, shoes, under bed tray, fire extinguisher, …

·  Have available the DVD and a DVD player/television &/or use the MYN Discussion Guide.

·  Make the Master Map of your neighborhood. It is preferable to make an 8-1/2”x11” map and copy the single-sheet map for each domicile to save meeting time.

·  Prepare well to start the meeting on time; ask neighbors to come 10 minutes early. Ask for a volunteer to keyboard the contact list data and save the file. Before ending the meeting ask for two alternates, who regularly use email, to receive data on the MYN Program from the state.

·  Determine whether both Neighborhood Watch (N Watch) and Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) Programs are available in your community. NWatch is a useful program to improve neighborhood security. Decide at your Neighbors’ Meeting whether to have a future N Watch presentation. CERT info may be obtained through region’s emergency management coordinator or your local fire department. Some at your MYN Meeting may wish to take CERT training.

·  Forms for the meeting (some optional choices are made by the Host)

o  Neighbors’ Handouts (“Shingles”), the blank Disaster Preparedness & Response Forms, may be acquired through your community or Greg Hempen.

o  Neighbors’ Evaluation Forms

o  Optional choices to copy for distribution to the neighbors’ participating

§  8.5”x11” map copies for your neighbors. While it is listed as optional, the meeting will be very difficult to complete in 90-minutes and some copying errors may be made, if you ask neighbors to copy the large Master Map. The Host may make a 8.5”x11” map and copy it to distribute at the meeting. To create a map your may use the website, neighbors.whitepages.com . Participants can then add notes to the map and staple the sheet into their Neighbors’ Handout at the location of the map grid after the meeting.

§  Blank Neighbors’ Contact Forms. While it is listed as optional, the meeting will be very difficult to complete in 90-minutes and some copying errors may be made, if you just share contact information at the meeting. Ask participants to print their information on copied, blank Neighbors’ Contact Forms. Ask a participant to enter the Contact Form information onto Neighbors’ Contact Entry file. Double check the Contact file’s data before printing and distribute the copied full listing to the participants after the meeting. Participants can staple the sheet(s) into their Neighbors’ Handout at the location of the Contacts after the meeting.

§  Single-sided “HELP” and “OK” sheets on double-sided cardstock, if desired, copied for participants.

§  Neighbors’ Items of useful information, if desired, copied for participants.

Post-Meeting Actions for the Neighbors’ Meeting

1. Assemble the completed Neighbors’ Evaluations from your MYN Neighborhood Meeting. Summarize the Neighbors’ Evaluations and complete the Host’s Evaluation of your own Neighborhood Meeting.

2. If a contact forms were submitted to create a file, be certain to get the data entered, copied for each domicile, and returned to every home. Use this opportunity to recommend that neighbors get the under-bed kits completed and obtain their preparedness materials.

3. If you were not able to walk the neighborhood immediately following the Neighbors’ Meeting, resolve the time and date and conduct the tour.

4. You may copy files from the CD to your own computer. The DVD and the Neighbors’ Handout are copy-written and must not be copied.

5. Return the borrowed MYN originals materials (the papers, CD, DVD) and unused Neighbors’ Handouts, as requested at the Hosts’ Orientation by the local procedures in your area.

6. Complete an email (subject line: MYN Meeting conducted) to the Missouri Seismic Safety Commission (). This will allow the Commission to track the number of teams statewide and evaluate the program. There is also a blank format on the CD’s “MYN Evaluation-Host” file’s second page. The information needed includes:

Date of Meeting, Number of Individuals Attending, Number of Households Participating, and Range of Addresses for Participating Households.

Host (1st line: Name, Phone #. 2nd line: Email Address. 3rd line: full mailing address.)

Alternate contact 1 (1st line: Name, Phone #. 2nd line: Email Address. 3rd line: full mailing address.)

Alternate contact 2 (1st line: Name, Phone #. 2nd line: Email Address. 3rd line: full mailing address.)

7. Approximately in one-year consider updating your MYN contact information, adding other neighbors to your MYN Neighbors’ group, and having a brief meeting or drill.