Physical Education
April 6, 2005
Miss Brooke Arnold
JeterPrimary School
Second grade or Pre-K
Physical Education
Focus (Skill Theme):Jumping and Landing
Sub-Focus (Movement Concepts): Trampoline Jumping,Turning in the air, landing with accuracy
Equipment:Trampoline, Poly spots, Velcro line tape to make markers and x’s, hula hoops, safety mat, bean-bags or animals for markers for each child
Finish –“Relax”
Objective:At the end of this lesson students will be able to jump and land on a specific spot/accuracy. They will be able to jump, make a 360 degree turn, and land on two feet. They will be able to jump fro height and distance.
Learning Cues:
- Swing and Spring
- Bend knees and hips for quiet landings
- Land on the balls of feet
- “both feet” (when landing)
- “feet together” ( when landing)
- “diver arms” for balance
- “bend knees” (landing and jumping)
Set Induction:
Today we are going to learn how to jump and do tricks on a trampoline. What sport did you do jumps in? Do you ever jump at recess or in P.E.? What animals jump? Are there many types of jumps? (High/low) Why don’t you show me how you guys can jump?
Organizational Formats:
- Each student comes in a stands in a hula hoop and then waits for instruction.
- When we begin jumping have student line up beside oneanother perpendicular to the trampoline and mat, facing the the trampoline.
- This will allow for you the teacher to have more control over the students and the students to watch each other.
Content Development:
Informing (I):
- Difference between a hop, one foot take off, and a jump, two-foot take-off.
- Leaping – taking off from one foot and land on two
- Good landing – soft and hard landings
2 Step Sequence Patterns:
- 2 to 2 foot landings
- right to right foot
- left to left foot
- right to both feet
- left to both feet
- both feet to right foot
- both feet to left foot
- Jump on and off the spot
- Hop on and off the spot
- Jump side to side over the spot
- Hop around the spot
- Jump forward and backwards over the spot
- Hop around the spot
- Straddle jump on the spot. (Both feet on, and both feet off.)
- In a straddle position, jump side-to-side changing which foot lands on the spot.
- Jump up in the air in a straddle jump and land with both feet on the spot
- Create your own jumping/hopping pattern and share with a friend.
Extending (E):
- When jumping for accuracy move the marker further back to give more of a challenge.
- Turn opposite direction
- Turn half way around or 360 degrees
Application (A):
- Taking the skills they practiced and demonstrating them as they go through the different jumps on and off the trampoline
Culminating Activity:
- Performing a variety of different jumps on and off the trampoline.
- Landing with accuracy on different lines and x’s.
- Turning 180-360 degrees and sticking the landing.
- Step on and jump off (two feet)
- Walk up, jump on and jump off (2 feet)
- Divers arms for balance
- Run and jump on and jump off
- Run jump on trampoline and land with two feet. Count to 3 and then jump off.
- When you land off the trampoline make a shape for 3 seconds, everyone counts
- Accuracy – land on the x’s
- Start with the closest one and if you make it then you can progress to the further X
- Jump really high. Swing and Spring
- Jump and try to reach the ball hanging from the ceiling
- Jump really low.
- Jump on trampoline and make a shape in the air and land on two feet.
- Jump as far as you can and land on two feet
- Make a silly shape in the air
- Give me a high five as you jump in the air
- Jump off the trampoline and turn facing the trampoline
- Jump off and turn all the way around
- Review Cues
- Have the students repeat back cues for the best ways to jump and land
- Ask for volunteer to demonstrate their favorite jump.
- Ask for their favorite animal and demonstrate the type of jump they do.