In His Name

Name:………………………….. Class: ……………… Lesson 3- Pre-University Book- B

1. The train …… at 10:30 is the best for you. So hurry up, otherwise, you will miss it.

1) leaving 2) left 3) which left 4) to leave

2. Acid rain …… by burning of gas, oil and coal destroys forests.

1) is created 2) creating 3) which created 4) created

3. Anna told me that the stories …… in this book are very interesting.

1) write 2) written 3) wrote 4) writing

4. All over the world there are people …… fast without paying attention to the traffic rules.

1) to drive 2) who are driven 3) who drove 4) driving

5. Your heart is a hardworking part of your body …… blood through the vessels.

1) pump 2) pumped 3) pumping 4) pumps

6. He has written several books …… the effects of greenhouse on global warming.

1) discuss 2) discussed 3) which discusses 4) discussing

7. The strategy …… to control pollution in Tehran is effective.

1) planning 2) which was planned 3) which planned 4) plan

8. Scientists are concerned about global warming …… by human activities.

1) produced 2) which produced 3) is produced 4) producing

9. Many people believe that we should avoid all foods …… chemicals.

1) contain 2) containing 3) which containing 4) contained

10. Which sentence is grammatically WRONG?

1) A new factory employed 100 workers has opened in this area.

2) The car taking us to the airport broke down.

3) Life must be very pleasant for people living in the countryside.

4) The police never found the money stolen in the robbery.

11. Another greenhouse gas …… by farming is called methane.

1) is producing 2) which is produced 3) which produced 4) producing

12. The earth is a small …… located on the edge of the Milky Way.

1) plane 2) plant 3) planet 4) plan

13. White is the easiest color to see at night because it …… the most light.

1) absorbs 2) controls 3) destroys 4) reflects

14. The government should consider heavy fines for the factories which …… rivers with chemical waste.

1) perform 2) produce 3) pollute 4) provide

15. He …… the door of the shop and went home.

1) got away from 2) locked up 3) took part in 4) took off

16. People living in cold …… need to wear thick clothes to keep warm.

1) distances 2) regions 3) bulbs 4) craters

17. We put our empty bottles in a bottle bank for …….

1) trapping 2) surviving 3) recycling 4) suffering

18. Air pollution in big cities is to some extent related to …….

1) examination 2) communication 3) organization 4) transportation

19. Very often too much rain or too little rain …… the food which has been planted by farmers.

1) collects 2) confines 3) deforms 4) destroys

20. Much time and money can be …… if computers are used in offices.

1) absorbed 2) consumed 3) produced 4) saved

21. Working in a coal mine is a serious risk to the health. "Risk" means …….

1) safety 2) salary 3) reason 4) danger

22. The amount of air …… in Tehran is increasing day after day.

1) position 2) prediction 3) protection 4) pollution

23. For the first time in my life, I think I will be able to …… some money.

1) bake 2) cost 3) burn 4) save

24. Do you know that some of the chemicals are very damaging to the ……?

1) achievement 2) government 3) development 4) environment

25. As human beings destroys forests, many types of plants and animals are put in danger of ….

1) pollution 2) expansion 3) extinction 4) production

26. The ozone …… protects living things from the harmful radiation of the sun.

1) climate 2) layer 3) environment 4) length

There are many theories about how our solar system began. Some scientists think the solar …27… was once a …28… cloud of moving gas and dust. Each bit of matter in the cloud …29… the others toward itself. They began to come …30…. They became so great that powerful explosions began and the sun was born.

27. 1) system 2) method 3) process 4) orbit

28. 1) wise 2) loud 3) cruel 4) huge

29. 1) accepted 2) influenced 3) injured 4) pulled

30. 1) one another 2) each other 3) together 4) the other

One of the great problems that the world faces is overpopulation. Experts tell us that unless it is brought under control, population growth will produce a serious problem in the world's food supply in a few years. Increase in population will also consume the space for living on the earth. Many of the world's people are not aware of this problem. Also people who have used lands to produce find this problem difficult to understand. World leaders who must always think about public reaction find the problem hard to deal with. Improvement in food production and spreading them, however, is something that everybody can understand and support. Likewise water saving which is necessary to food production and other important human activities is supported readily by most people, but increased population will probably never reach enough balance, unless an effort is made to control population.

31. The passage is mainly about the effect of …….

1) lack of food

2) harmful human activities

3) too many people living on the earth

4) shortage of water for increased world population

32. The word "it" in line 1 refers to …….

1) problem 2) world 3) food supply 4) population growth

33. The one problem NOT mentioned in the passage is …….

1) water scarcity 2) food supply

3) world leaders' weakness 4) shortage of living space for people

34. The word "consume" in line 3 is closest in meaning to …….

1) decrease 2) eat 3) catch 4) dissolve

35. According to the passage, the problem of increased population …….

1) cannot be effectively solved

2) requires human activity for its solution

3) cannot be solved unless some other problems are solved

4) requires the use of more agricultural land for its solution