The Operational Plan for 2012/2013financial year has been prepared and was adopted at theCouncil Meetingheld on 21 June 2012.
Upper Lachlan Shire Council has projected an operating budget surplus (before capital grants and contributions) for 2012/2013 of $694,500, with a total cash flow deficit from all activities of $305,800.
Upper Lachlan Shire Council has prepared a comprehensive capital expenditure works program for the Shire totalling $12.5 million in 2012/2013. The highlight is a water supply and water treatment upgrade project for Gunning and Daltonfor a total project cost of $10.8 million included over two financial year budgets. Theconstructionis estimated to take 12-18 months to complete. This project is a partnership of Council with the Federal and State Governments.
The capital works program outlines the key roads and bridges, water supply and sewerage service project works and plant fleet replacements planned for the next twelve months, along with a number of community facilities projects desired by our community.
Councillors have tried to address the needs and demands from all sections of the community. Council has reviewed all community submissions and incorporated a number of those requests into the budget. Council has welcomed the community participation from the ratepayers and residents in the Shire into compiling the Operational Plan for Upper Lachlan Shire.
Clr John Shaw
- Council has prepared a $24 million operating budget for 2012/2013 and the projected operating budget surplus (before capital grants and contributions) is $694,500.
General Rates
- The Ordinary (General) Rate pegging maximum increase is 3.60% asset by the Division of Local Government. Council has adoptedthe increase to the Ordinary Rates by this percentage, which amounts to $207,000 increase in rates income.The $ value increases will vary within each rating category.
- The average Residential property general rates will increase by an estimated $18 per annum. The average Business property general rates will increase by around $25 per annum. Note: These charges do not include water access, domestic waste, commercial waste and sewerage charges price increases.
- The average Farmland property general rates will increase by $38 per annum and an average Residential – Non Urban property’sgeneral rates will increase by $23 per annum. Note: These charges do not include the rural waste charge increase.
Stormwater Charges
- The Stormwater Annual Charge will continue to be levied for the towns of Crookwell, Gunning, Collector and Taralga. This levy will remain at $25 for Residential properties and $50 for Businesses.
Waste (Garbage) Charges
- TheDomestic WasteManagement Charges for the Shire will increase by 6% or $20; the charge will be $356 per annum per service. The Domestic Waste service will continue to be a weekly 120 litre bin pick up and a recycling fortnightly pick up of a 240 litre bin. The Commercial Waste Charge for Businesses will increase by6% or $24 to now be $422 per annum per service.
- The Rural Waste Charge will increase by 3.8% or $5 and will be $138 per Assessment for properties that do not have a Domestic Waste Service. The Rural Waste Charge entitles these ratepayers to dispose of one standard garbage bin (120 litre bin) of waste per week at no cost at any rubbish tip in the Shire. Disposal of sorted recyclable materials will be accepted free of charge at all rubbish tips.
Sewerage Charges
- The Sewerage Access Charge is now uniform across the three towns; Gunning, Crookwell and Taralga.
- Council utilises the Sewerage Best Practice Pricing Structure. For Non-Residential properties the charge will be not less than the Annual Residential Sewerage Access Charge. The Sewerage Access Annual Charge will increase by 4.8% or $30 to $665 per Residential property.
- The Unoccupied SewerageAccess Charge in Gunning and Crookwell will increase by 5% or $22 to $435 per Residential property.
Water Supply Charges
- The Water Supply Access Charges for Dalton, Crookwell, Gunning and Taralga are uniform. TheWater Supply Access Charge will increase by 9% or $31and will be $370 per annum per connection.
- The water consumption user-pays charges for the towns of Crookwell, Gunning, Dalton and Taralga are uniform for all towns.Note that NSW Office of Waterregulations now require 50% of all water income from the user pay charge. The water usage charges will increase by 10%.The water usage chargeswill be$2.26 per kilolitre for consumption less than 200 kilolitres and $3.00 for every kilolitre above 200.
New Loans
- There are no new loans forecast in 2012/2013.
Capital Works Expenditure Program 2012/2013
- Plant Replacements (including fleet vehicles) totallingan estimated net purchase cost $1.1 million
- Stormwater improvements in towns $50,000
- Funding for public halls, community facilities and other social facilities improvements$105,000
- Gunning Shire Hall improvements $15,000
- Waste Centre Transfer Station improvements $30,000
- Kerb and Gutter improvements $56,500
- Taralga Community Service Centre (Post Office) Roof Replacement $35,000
- Crookwell Main Street Toilet Amenities Upgrade $25,000
- Roads and bridgescapital budgeted expenditure is as follows:-
Gravel Resheeting on Local Roads (throughout the Shire)$150,000
Gravel Resheeting on Local Roads from Roads to Recovery (throughout the Shire) $675,000
Iron Mine Road Crookwell from Roads to Recovery partial reconstruction and sealing$148,700
Road reconstruction and sealing on TaralgaRoad (MR248E)$571,000
Urban Local Roads – road reconstruction and sealing $40,000
McDonald Street bridge removal and culvert replacement$180,000
Cullerin Road capital improvements $50,000
Crookwell Main Street (Roberts St to Laggan Rd section) rehabilitation$250,000
Bitumen Resealing on Regional Roads, funded by RTA (throughout the Shire) $540,000
Bitumen Resealingand Pavement Rehabilitation - Urban Roads (throughout the Shire)$125,000
Bitumen Resealing and Pavement Rehabilitation - Rural Roads (throughout the Shire)$540,000
- Water Funds capital improvements at a cost of $6.8 million in 2012/2013;which includes the following:-
-$1.3 million for TaralgaWater Supply Augmentation.
-$5.4 million for Gunning andDalton Water Supply Augmentation and Treatment Plant constructions (total project cost of $10.8 million over 2 year period).
- Sewerage Fund capital improvements at a total cost of $348,300; which includes the following:-
-$100,000 on the Gunning sewerage mains extensions.
- In addition to the capital improvements, there is an estimated $2 million for the restoration road works from the December 2010 flood damage natural disaster. Also, a further $500,000 is estimated for February 2012 flood damage. These works are to be funded by the government assistance payments.