OCJA Business Meeting
March 24, 2017
Meeting called to order by OCJA President Dr. DeWade Langley.
Dr. Langley noted the minutes from last years’ meeting were posted on the OCJA web site. He opened discussion for any corrections or additions to the minutes. None noted.
Dr. Langley advised the Treasurer’s report had been reviewed by Drs. Michael Jenkins and Don Mizell prior to submission. Treasurer’s report submitted by OCJA Secretary/Treasurer Dr. Burle Steelman. Amount reported at OCJA meeting 2016 was $3,503.12; deposits $1,760.00, additional costs last year’s conference $2,351.07; current balance $2,912.05. Dr. Don Mizell, UCO, moved to approve the Treasurer’s report, motion seconded by Dr. Elizabeth Maier, UCO. All in favor. None opposed.
Dr. Langley stated the President-Elect is Dr. Donald Mizell, UCO, and the Secretary/Treasurer, Dr. Burle Steelman, is a two-year position, having been elected last year.
Floor open for nominations for President-Elect 2019. Dr. Mizell nominated Dr. Elizabeth Maier, UCO. No other nominations heard. Mizell moved to close nominations, Jenkins seconded. Voice vote for Dr. Elizabeth Maier.
Under new business:
Dr. Langley opened the floor to discuss the theme for next year’s conference.
A number of themes were proposed with “Innovative Responses to Criminal Justice Issues” being approved with numerous subheadings, including: digital evidence and technologies; technology in crime analysis; use of force continuum – issues in police-involved shootings; recidivism; abuse of children in state custody/Pinnacle Plan; and digital aspects of white-collar crime. Steelman moved to approve “Innovative Solutions,” Maier seconded.
Under old business:
Getting a new logo was discussed. Proposed logos are to be submitted via email to President-Elect Mizell by September 1, 2017. Upon receipt the executive board will choose.
The current logo was designed by one of the OCJA founders, Dr. Holley, SWOSU, who is now deceased. The brick wall represented corrections and the scales represented the rest of the CJ system.
Bank location was also discussed. It was noted that Arvest Bank (which is where the account currently resides) has numerous branches and should continue to adequately serve the Association. 5
General discussion: Dr. Rashi Shukla, UCO, encouraged other universities participating to take the lead in OCJA in the future.
Dr. Langley thanked Niki Morgan and Katie Richard for their assistance in setting up this year’s conference.
Motion to adjourn by Dr. Elizabeth Maier, seconded by Dr. Mike Jenkins.