Dear Generation Ten

Aloha from the EWC

As June begins we are now less than ten weeks from our launch. We hope you are as excited as we are.

APLP staff members are currently working on array of activities which connect with the program in various ways. Christina Monroe and Scott MacLeod are hosting a group of young environmental scientists from Southeast Asia for the annual 5 week Institute on Global Environmental Issues. It is an exciting project and brings new ideas and contacts into the APLP. Nick Barker is continuing his year leave of absence and building our ties across Asia. He is deepening our linkages with Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in Beijing and the ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong. These links will manifest themselves during our October Field Study when we will also meet up with Nick in China.

The East-WestCenter also held an extremely successful Second Asia Media Conference, hosted by partners at the University of Hong Kong. Speakers included US Assistant Secretary of State for Asia and the Pacific, Kurt Campbell, ASEAN Director General Surin Pitsuwan, famed Chinese journalist Hu Shuli, Editor in Chief, Caixin Media, our President Charles Morrison and over 200 journalists. The event was attended by APLP staff and two members of G9. You can follow some of the speeches and the agenda at

The East-Center also hosted Judith A. McHale, Under Secretaryfor Public Diplomacy and Public Affairsto an event in Washington which was part of our 50th Anniversary program of events.

The month of May also saw the successful conclusion of Generation Nine with events May 5-9 in Honolulu. A highlight of the proceedings is the annual Ho’opuka Ceremony at the EWC’s IminInternationalConferenceCenter. We congratulate Generation Nine on an extremely successful year and thank them for inspiring new ideas and energy as we turn to the arrival of Generation Ten… you!

We are very happy with the pace and clarity with which you as a group have communicated with us over the past several weeks. This really helps us in moving the large process of enrolment along, thank you.

If you have received this note your file is either complete or very nearly so. You may be asking where do things go from here?

We realize that there are a great number of logistical and other matters to attend to as you get ready for August. We understand that these matters require due attention and care but we also know that some solid preparation activities in advance of our time together can yield tremendous results.

We liken the start of the APLP to the start of a sailing regatta – if all of the boats are already moving, and in mostly the same direction, the start is much smoother.

Between now and your arrival in Honolulu we will be sending out three kinds of materials to help you get ready for the APLP opportunity.

1.Progress Updates will keep you informed about various logistical items.

2.Preparation Documents are designed to help you frame your goals and activities in the APLP and will generally require some responses from you. Over the next weeks three main Preparation Documents will be sent along in the order below.

Mid June: A document outlining some starting themes regarding issues we will be addressing during the year and asking you your areas of interest.

Early July: Our ‘Planning for Success Document’ which helps you to frame your goals for the time in the APLP and helps us to assist you in getting there.

Early August: A questionnaire about your initial thoughts on optional activities, confirmed arrivals times and other organizational information.

3. Starter Packs of readings and web references which will help you start to engage important ideas and themes which will come up during our work together. The first of these will arrive next week.

That is it for this update – we aim to keep these to a manageable length. We hope you are well and that you know that should have any questions about any aspect of the APLP or your move to Honolulu we are most eager to answer them.

With much Aloha,


NOTE: If you have not received message one please email Monique Wedderburn at .