1) Customer enquires about domain – check Uniforum or Network Solutions for availablility

-give prices

-send application form

2) When you receive application form go to

Username : admin

Password: tDasins!

3) Register domain on online form

4) Submit

5) Log a SOC requestin: “ Please add the domain: @domainname.co.za to the DNS”

6) Check regularly if domain is registered on or to networksolutions if it is a.

net.com.org domain.

7) When domain is registered add the product on infranet and send the account no and

domain name to Kershney to add on the spreadsheet.


When we receive the application form we put all the customer’s information and domain name on an online registration form that is on our server.

When you’ve entered all of the required information and click on the submit button, the information is sent to (Uniforum) – the domain registration body of South Africa. If you register an international domain i.e. .com, the submit button enables the application to get send to (.com) - this is the register body Telkom uses to register our international domains

Also remember to Log a SOC to add the domain onto the DNS

Within a period of 24 Hours. co.za will either except or reject the application for this domain. Some of the reasons why a domain will not be accepted are because it contains unacceptable words or phrases i.e. sex, death (this does not mean the domain will not necessarily be rejected but sometimes it will take longer to get approval for such a domain). International domain can take I bit longer to be accepted due to obvious reasons (it being international).

If. co.za or .com accepts this domain they will e-mail Telkom saying that the domain is accepted.

Idirect will then:

  • add the domain and e-mail domain product on infranet
  • E-mail Kershney the account no and domain name to add on the tracking log
  • Log a SOC (under domain related) requesting from Shaun to add the domain to the VDL (Virtual Domain List) – this will enable the client to receive and send e-mail if the customer wants mailboxes with us
  • After Shaun has added it to the VDL –if required we will activate the customer’s internet access account, add the customer’s e-mail addresses and inform the customer that their domain has been registered and his account activated.


1) Customer enquires about domain – check Uniforum or Network Solutions for current details. No need in updating a domain that’s already updated without you or the customer being aware of this.

-give prices

-send application form if update is incorrect.

2) When you receive application form go to

Username : admin

Password: tDasins!

3) Register domain on online form

4) Submit

5) Log a SOC requesting: “Please add domain: @domainname.co.za, to the DNS”

6) Check regularly if domain is registered through on or to

7) When domain is registered add the product on infranet and send the account no and

domain name to Kershney to add on the spreadsheet.


A domain only gets updated to Telkom when it is already registered with a register body and is already hosted by another ISP

In other words the customer has registered the domain with. co.za and i.e. MWEB (an ISP) are hosting the domain for the customer.

The customer now decides to bring that domain over to Telkom

Idirect will send the customer a domain update form, when the customer returns this domain application to idirect; we put all the customer’s information and domain name on an online registration form that is on our server. The customer could update the domain themselves and just inform us to add it to the VDL as well. But remember that the previous ISP or Host service needs to release the domain from their VDL before the update will be successful.

When you’ve entered all of the required information and click on the submit button, the information is sent to (Uniforum) – the domain registration body of South Africa or if it is an international domain

Remember to Log a SOC requesting to: “Please add the domain to the DNS”

A domain update takes a bit longer than the registration of a new domain


  • The previous ISP has not paid. co.za and they will not release the domain

until outstanding moneys has been paid

  • The customer has not paid the domain yet
  • The domain is not registered in the customer’s/companies name and. co.za

cannot verify our application’s authenticity therefore they will deny the


  • When Intekom applies for the update with.co.za they will contact (via

Sending a “ticket) the ISP that the domain is currently being hosted with

to find out if their customer has given permission to move this domain to

Intekom, if this is confirmed the ISP will vote accepted on the ticket from

.co.za and. co.za will update the domain records (MX, WWW) to Intekom.

. CO.ZA will then send a confirmation e-mail to Intekom confirming that the domain has been updated to Intekom

Idirect will then

  • Add the domain and e-mail domain product to Infranet
  • E-mail Kerhney the account no and domain name so she can add it on the tracking log
  • Log a SOC requesting Shaun to add it to the VDL (Virtual Domain List)
  • When the SOC has been completed idirect will add all the requested products to

infranet and add the customers e-mail addresses to the mailserver (Intranet)

Idirect will then inform the customer that everything is done.


DNS hosting can only take place if a domain has already been registered.

For example the customer has already registered his domain name with Networksolutions or Uniforum and needs an ISP to host his domain records (this entails hosting his mail records so that the customer can have mailboxes with us or to host his www records so that we can create web space for the customer).


Pointing can only take place if the domain is with Telkom

A domain for idirect purposes consists of x3 records: WWW records, A(Address) records and MX(Mail Exchange) records.

WWW records

The www records are the web space address of the domain

. For instance if you type in the URL: it will open up the Intekom home page.

A(Address) records

The A records are also closely related to the web site address.

For instance if you type in the URL: the Intekom home page will open up. If you type in the URL: intekom.co.za it will also open up the Intekom home page if the WWW and A(Address) records are all pointed to the same web server.

Customer’s do not always know that both the www records and the A records should be pointed to the same web space for their domain. By default point there A and WWW records to the same web space to stop confusion and trouble later on.

When a customer then requests pointing to be done Idirect will send them a pointing application form, which needs to be completed and returned to idirect.

Please make sure the customer knows what records he needs to be pointed the WWW, A OR MX records or all of them. And were they want their domain to be pointed too. If the customer asks for their domain to be pointed to a website or mail records with Telkom they can for example request the following:

Please point my domain @domainname.co.za to Intekom12345.

But if a customer wants us to point his domain records to www or mx records outside of Telkom they must provide you with an IP address, example:

Please point my domain: @domainname.co.za to ip address:

In some cases a customer will host a domain with us, he will have mailboxes with Intekom. I.e. , but his web site will be hosted by Netactive. The customer can then ask Intekom to point the www records of the domain to Netactive.

The idirect agent will then i.e log a SOC requesting to point the www records to Netactive by giving Netactives ip address i.e.

Please note this when pointing a domain away from Intekom without releasing the domain.

When you have a domain pointed away from us we still host the domain it means that the domains WWW and/or A records are just pointed to another ISP’s inform your customer that they need to contact their new ISP have them add this domain to their web server’s new directory where the web site will be hosted. Without doing this you will get endless calls after the domain has been pointed asking why the domain isn’t working.


RefID / 16928
Support / Kershney Chetty
Date / Wed Feb 20 2002
Time / 14:51:42
Nature / Domain Related
Fault / [Domain: casinomykonos.com] [Fault: Hi,Customer requests secondary hosting:Primary:hosting.steerage.co.za,IP:, Secondary: ns2.intekom.co.za, IP: you]
Accepted / checked
Completed / checked
Noted / checked
Sysadmin / Shaun Gibson
Sysadmin Notes / done
Accepted Time / Wed Feb 20 15:28:40 SAST 2002
Completed Time / Wed Feb 20 15:44:32 SAST 2002
Noted Time / Tue Feb 26 17:00:01 SAST 2002

What does Secondary Hosting entail?

When a customer hosts his domain with Telkom they will require our Primary and Secondary Domain Name Servers. These Severs (DNS) works as follows: when a customer sends e-mail to Telkom his e-mail will go through our mailservers (Our Primary Mail Server. (mail.intekom.co.za) where the e-mail gets stored until the customer downloads it onto their pc’s. If our primary mail server should go down the customer’s e-mail get send to our Secondary mail server (mail.cape.intekom.com), which is in Cape Town. There the customer’s e-mail will be kept for 4 days until our Primary Mail Server is up and running again. Then the secondary Mail Server will send all the e-mail back to the Primary Mail Server and enable the customer to download their mail. If our mail secondary mail server is down for more than 4 days the email will unfortunately be deleted. This would rarely ever happen