Food Sciences Section (FSS) Section Executive Committee Phone Conference
April 17, 2013 Meeting Minutes
Participants:); Jeff Abels – Vice Chair (FTS); Roger Brauninger (A2LA); Dave Eisenberg (Anresco); Tom Hungerford (S-F Analytical Labs); Dave Kliber (S-F Analytical Labs); Joe Konschnik (Restek); Elizabeth Medanic (Brooks Rand); Martin Mitchell (Certified Labs); Craig Morr (NSF); Crispin Philpott (QC Labs); Jeremy Smith (S-F Analytical Labs); Denise Bode (East Capitol Partners ); John Bode (East Capitol Partners); Richard Bright (ACIL COO); Mike Olson (ACIL); and Tony Anderson (ACIL SEO).
Apologies: Lars Reiman (Eurofins); Milt Bush (ACIL CEO)
1.0 Call to order:
Mr. Abels called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. EDT.
2.0 Introductions:
Mr. Anderson read the role call.
3.0 Anti Trust Statement:
Mr. Anderson read the Anti Trust Statement and members acknowledged they understood their obligations under the statement.
4.0 Review & Approval of February 20, 2013 Minutes:
Motion to approve: Mr. Mitchell
Seconded: Mr. Eisenberg
Passed unanimously
6.0 ACIL Communications Committee – Report:
Mr. Anderson stated that Adrienne Bush will be heading up a new ACIL Communications Committee. Tabled until the May teleconference call, when more information will be available.
5.0 FSMA Activities:
Mr. Bode reported that we are still waiting further FDA rule making, but there is nothing new on current rules in process. There are however, activities with regards to fees to raise more money for the implementation of FSMA in the form of registration fees and inspection fees to raise $60 million by 2014 There is also a proposal to have fees on food imports to raise another $166 million by 2014. There is coalition of food industry trade associations that have circulated a letter apposing registration and inspection fees and also import fees, which carry the added burden of detention without examination. To meet the deadline for submission of comments, ACIL has added its name to the letter, which had to be submitted by noon today, April 17.
Insert letter here when received from John Bode
6.1 ACIL/FSS Member letter to Congress
Mr. Abels reminded members to submit the text of the letter on their own organization’s letterhead and send to Mr. Bode for submission to their representatives in Congress. Mr. Bode will get them to both members senator and house representative. Mr. Bode’s e-mail is . The letters are attached.
6.2 ACIL Letter on FDA QC
Mr. Bode reported on the letter that went to Ellen Morrison. The response was that it helped focus attention within the agency to address the issue and progress was being made. Mr. Bode will follow up again with Tim Mcgrath.
Action: Mr. Bode to follow up with Tim Mcgrath.
7.0 Policies and Practices (P2) Conference – Review:
Mr. Abels reported on the P2 meeting and he felt it was very productive. He stated that Mr. Bode’s presentation was very useful and also the presentation from USDA was liked by members. Mr. Konschnik gave an update on the pesticide study.
8.0 FDA public meeting on February 28 and March 1 regarding:-
“Produce Safety and for the Preventive Controls for Human Food”
Mr. Abels attended and made his 3 minute presentation. He stated that the FDA paid attention. There will be three new rules coming out shortly.
9.0 Food Labs Meeting in Philadelphia, March 19-20, during Pittcon.:
Mr. Abels said there was nothing new reported by the FDA speakers and it was unfortunate that Pittcon took away attendance to P2.
10.0 Membership:
Mr. Bright reported that he was working some leads. He reported on Covance who had been invited to P2 and Mr. Bright is keeping contact with them. He plans to visit with other decision makers at Covance. His prospect list is dated and he needs new better quality referrals to follow up.
11.0 ILI:
Mr. Bright reported that there had been a couple of teleconference calls recently. ILI is in the planning and research process at the moment to develop the value proposition
12.0 A.O.B.
Mr. Abels introduced the ACIL FSS response to FDA questions on accreditation. After discussion, members were asked to input their comments.
Action: Members to get their comments back to Mr. Eisenberg, with copies to Mr. Bush and Mr. Anderson by COB on Monday April 22.
Action: Mr. Anderson to send out again the ACIL FSS draft response to FDA questions regarding accreditation to those who did not receive.
Secretaries note: Already actioned and attached here for completeness.
Mr. Anderson announced that he would be stepping down from section activities at the end of the month and stated that he had enjoyed working with the FSS members. He will continue to represent ACIL on the ILAC Laboratory Committee of which he is the Vice Chair.
13.0 Next Conference Call: May15, 2013; 3:00 p.m. EDT
14.0 Adjournment: 4:10 p.m. EDT
FSS ExCo Minutes 041713