A brief overview of the clubs finances, what your money goes towards and what we expect from you.


All playing fees have been calculated based on expected costs over the season. Where applicable we have tried to introduce fee policies which are fair to everyone. The club is expecting no or very little surplus funds by the end of the season.

Fees payable are as follows:

Fees payableAmountDate payable

Initial registration - £50Immediately – deadline 8th July

Fee per friendly - £4On match day

Fee per competitive start - £5On match day

Fee per substitute appearance - £2On match day

Initial registrations are payable immediately so that up front fees can be reimbursed, including the hire of the pitch for the season and purchase of kits. For this reason, the initial registration fee is non refundable. If anyone has issues payingby the deadline date, please contact me to discuss.

Friendly fees are £4 whether you start or make a substitute appearance. This has been decided on the basis that all substitutes will be used at half time, meaning every player that turns up will get at least 45 minutes.Friendlies are expected to start around mid July.

Competitive start fees are not payable if substituted within 10 minutes of the start and instead the oncoming sub will take on the fee. Fees for substitute appearances are not payable if you are brought on in the last 10 minutes. Obviously this is to try and be fair when you are given very little game time.

Players are not allowed to have more than 1 match fee outstanding at a time. Therefore if you forget your playing fee for 2 games in a row, you will not play in that second game. This rule will be enforced strictly to preventpaying members of the squad paying for non paying members to play.

The club budget does include an allowance for disciplinary fines. The club is liable to pay £6 per yellow card and £20 per red card received. The club will pay disciplinary fines, except where cards are received as a result of ‘foul and abusive language.’ Such fines should easily be avoided, and members of the team should not have to pay if one individual can not consistently restrain themselves. In the occurrence of this situation, the individual will have to pay their own fines.

Further information

Adam Butler and James Hague will be in charge of all team selections. Taken into consideration in the selection process will be ability, form and attendance to training. Missing training through work or injury are circumstances we understand cannot be avoided and therefore will not effect your possibility of playing.

Kits will be initially assigned to each player by their numbers. So that kits do not become lost, a log will be kept as to who is keeping each kit. If a kit is transferred from one player to another at any point then the responsibility will change hands.

Training will be held at AltwoodSchool. We currently play on both field and the astro turf pitch when it is free at around 8pm. We do not pay for this, so until someone notices we will continue to use them (this will be cheaper for all of us!). However, we have budgeted for requiring astro or indoor pitches when it becomes dark from around mid September time. Training will start 8pm every Wednesday and finish at around 10pm during pre-season and 9.30pm during the season.

We now have a range of training wear that can be purchased on request. If you are interested, the selection will very soon be available to look at on our website, contact me for purchase requests

We will be holding an end of season trophy evening which will be a great social event and the budget includes the cost of awards for the:

  • Goal of the season
  • Player’s player of the year
  • Manager’s player of the year
  • Most improved player of the year
  • Golden boot
  • Most Assists
  • Donkey ‘moment’ of the season

Hopefully we will also arrange a mid-season Christmas get together in order to keep in contact over the Christmas break.

What we need you to do for us

  1. Pay initial sign on fee of £50 asap, we have already started receiving some
  2. Register with the club website, this is very useful tool for communicating during the season and Iwould like everyone to do this. Go to and hit ‘join’ on the left column. Follow instructions and request 1st team membership.
  3. Request Training wear if interested, the sooner we order the faster we get it back.

Contact Details

Manager – Adam Butler (07545980698)

Assistant manager – James Hague (07882404165)

Treasurer – Jonny Hague (07518379975)

Playing pitch – Mercian Recreation Ground, Mercian Way, Slough

(Map available on website)

Training - Whilst light - Altwood School

Whilst dark - TBC