Dignity at Work

Preventing and Dealing with Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Harassment

A Training Seminar for Managers, HR Professionals, Equality Officers, Trade Union Representatives, Members of Boards of Management and others in key roles

Tuesday,20thJune, 20179.30-4.30

Venue: Dublin Rape Crisis Centre, 70 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2.

Bullying,Harassment and Sexual Harassment can occur in any work place, with often devastating effects for the individuals involved and for the organisation. This training seminar will prepare those with responsibility for staff to prevent and deal with this important and potentially very damaging workplace issue.

Programme content

  • Understanding what is meant by bullying, harassment and sexual harassment
  • Dynamics, impact and effects of bullying, harassment and sexual harassment
  • Legal framework, primary legislation and Codes of Practise
  • Employer obligation
  • Employee responsibilities
  • Facilitating the initial complaint of bullying, harassment and sexual harassment
  • Proactive approaches

The format and style of the training will be participative, and will include presentations, group discussions, and case studies/role plays.

Comprehensive written notes are provided with this training programme to support the learning and to act as an ongoing resource


The fee for attending this seminar is €260. There is a reduced fee of €120 for participants from voluntary/community organisations. Please complete the application form and forward with fee or information as to who to invoice to: The Education and Training Department, DRCC, 70 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2 or

DRCC has been providing training on issues related to Dignity at Work and preventing and dealing with bullying, harassment and sexual harassment since 1988 to private companies, state and semi state bodies, industry and voluntary organisations.

Training is provided to organisations on request. If you would like to discuss the training needs of your organisation please contact Leonie or Jane at or 01 6614911.

Dignity at Work

Preventing and Dealing with Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Harassment

A Training Seminar for Managers, HR Professionals, Equality Officers, Trade Union Representatives, Members of Boards of Management and others in key roles

Tuesday,20thJune, 20179.30-4.30

Venue: Dublin Rape Crisis Centre, 70 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2.

I wish to attend this Training Seminar





Position/role within company/organisation:

Do you have any special requirements re facilities?

I encloseFee of €260 

Reduced fee of €120 (for voluntary/community organisations)

Or: please send invoice to:

For further information contact Leonie O'Dowd or Jane Baird at 01 6614911 or email