
Minutes of the meeting of the Patient Participation Group at Dr Azim & Partners on 3rd June 2015 at 67 Elliot Rd NW4 3EB.

Present: Janice Tausig(Chair), Judith Charlesworth, Ulla Chisholm, Molly Savage, Gabriel Shaw, Jackie Wellesley, June Wilson (Minutes),Prof Zuckerman and Dr Bozak(part).

Apologies for Absence: Marguerite Brodtman, Joan Hale and Shirley Rodwell.

In Attendance: Indre

Minutes of last Meeting: Approved

Matters Arising:

Choose Well Leafletto be included in the Welcome Pack for new patients. Present patients should be asked what items it would be helpful to include. Our suggestions include: names of staff, specialist clinics, how to make/cancel appointments, local Pharmacies, charges, parking, home visits, how to use the website, information about other services which are on display/on the walls, PPG, information on the Practice

Practice Newsletter: The last one was very good. The idea of a quarterly bulletin is to be reviewed and the next one will be in September.

AGM and NAPP (National Assn for PPGs): our currentVirtual DNA members (patients who have shown an interest in the PPG but are unable to come to meetings) are to be asked if they are willing for their e-mail addresses to be shared with the rest of the group.

There is no need for an AGM unless we have a constitution.

The group are to be asked if they want to receive the e-bulletin from NAPP.Janice will send out 2 or 3 most important items to the core group.

Communication with Pharmacies: According to Boots, NHS say that electronic prescriptions should not be downloaded until the patient comes in. Indre to contact Boots about this.

Practice Priorities: The data is being assembled.

Notice Boards - WalksThe next two walks are on 28thJune and 19th July. Judy will up-date the board.It was suggested that we should advertise the walks in Street Life. Judith and Ulla will try Street Life for a month and report back at the next meeting.

Judith will prepare little notes promoting the walk to give to the doctors. She will give these to Indre.

Walk dates for the rest of the year; 13th September, 11th October, 15th November, 6thDecember

Coffee Mornings: Dates for the rest of the year are as follows: 14th July, 8th September, 5th October, 11th November, 1st December all from 9-11am.

Exercise Grant: No more information. Gabriel will let Shirley have the details of who to contact.

Brent Cross: More consultations are taking place. Jackie and Judy will try to get more information from their contacts and tell Shirley. Gabriel suggested we should try to get a Councillor to talk to us about the plans.

Parking:Jackie said that her contact might be willing to repaint the line. More research is needed to see if there is misuse in parking.

A.O.B.:The Newsletter is not very visible in the Surgery:Indre was asked to see if a plastic stand would be useful. Jackie had found that part of it, on a coloured background, was hard to read.

Winning pictures in the Children’s Art Competition have been displayed on the notice board.

Children’s Art to be monitored until the end of the month.

Dates of Future DNA Meetings:1st July, 2nd September, 7th October, 4th November, 2nd December.