AAE 512




Prof. Marc H. Williams

Grissom Hall, Rm 342

phone : 494-5137

office hours: open (if I'm here) or by appointment. I will hold Wed 2:30-3:30 open for 512

email: (yes, 1 ell)

TA: Brijesh Eshpuniyani

email :

He will keep Thurs 4-5 open for 512

References :

Anderson, Tannehill and Pletcher

Comp. Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer


C. Hirsch

Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows

Vol 2, Computational Methods for Inviscid and Viscous Flows

Wiley, 1990


The goal is for you to learn how cfd works. We will concentrate on Finite Volume schemes, though other methods will be discussed for contrast (eg nonconservative finite

difference mathods, finite element methods, spectral methods.)

Most of the examples will be from 1D, Quasi-1D, and 2D or axisymmetric problems

in gas dynamics and external aerodynamics.


I assume that you have had basic fluid mechanics, as in AAE333, and compressible aerodynamics, as in AAE334.

I also expect that you have had some background in numerical methods, for example through AAE412, ME581, or equivalents.

You should be conversant with some suitable programming language, like Fortran or C. Many problems can also be done in MATLAB, particularly the smaller problems.

I will use Matlab for classroom demonstrations.


The only way to learn CFD is by doing it.

Therefore,grades will be based on projects, not exams.

The projects will be organized as follows:

5 common, individual projects in roughly 2 week intervals

1 final project, done in small groups


Jan 18 Proj 1 due

Jan 25 Proj 1 returned

Feb 1 Proj 2 & Proj 1 revision due

Feb 8 Proj 2 returned

Feb 15 Proj 3 & Proj 2 revision due

Feb 22 Proj 3 returned

March 1 Proj 4 & Proj 3 revision due

March 8 Proj 4 returned

March 22 Proj 5 & Proj 4 revision due

March 29 Proj 5 returned

April 5 Proj 5 revision due

I will expect about 11 teams of 3 each to spend the last 4-5 weeks of the semester on this. The last week of class will be devoted to oral presentations by each team. (This may require using the final exam period for presentations as well.)

Individual Projects: 50%

Common Projects: 50%


If you want to know what your current status is, or what you can do to improve it, come see me.

If you need help on solving a problem, come see me.

I will hold on to all of your work till the end so I can review it before assigning the final grades. Therefore you should keep copies of everything you give me.

Class Account:


This is accessible through any unix station on campus. It will be

used to distribute class materials.

Web page:

This URL has links to several AAE class pages. You may want to look

at AAE412, as well as AAE512. (They are pretty nearly the same

right now!) . These pages are linked

to several CFD related sites on line. See especially "CFD Online".