Revised 2005



Learning Objectives

Second Grade

I. The learner will develop skills in reading/literature.

1. The learner will develop skills in phonics/word study by:

____ identifying and decoding simple words. (D, E, A)

____ demonstrating knowledge of short and long vowels. (E)

____ demonstrating knowledge of vowel combinations (diagraphs, diphthongs, r-controlled vowels). (D)

____ demonstrating knowledge of consonant blends and digraph at the beginning, middle and end of

a word. (I, D, E)

____ identifying and using the suffices. (I, D)

____ identifying and decoding compound words. (I, D, E)

____ identifying and using contractions. (D, E)

____ using vocabulary knowledge to gain meaning of synonyms and antonyms, homophones, and

homographs. (D)

____ identifying possessives. (D)

____ identifying words using visual clues (letters, word chunks). (D)

____ demonstrating knowledge of silent consonant letters. (I, D)

____ identifying and using rhyming words. (I, D)

____ identifying and using base words. (I, D)

____ identifying and using prefixes. (I, D)

____ identifying syllables. (I, D)

____ demonstrating knowledge of variant consonant sounds (hard and soft c and g). (I, D)

2. The learner will develop skills in comprehension/strategies by:

____ identifying words using meaning (picture clues, context, prior knowledge), and syntax (grammar of

the language. ). (D)

____ identifying and sequencing the major events of a story. (D, E)

____ demonstrating knowledge of story elements (who, what, where, when, why, beginning, middle,

end). (D, E)

____ identifying characters, setting and problem-solution. (I)

____ predicting story outcomes and events. (D)

____ identifying the main idea and supporting details. (D)

____ utilizing story mapping. (D)

____ using self-questing to predict, question, and summarize story events and outcomes. (D)

____ identifying context from picture clues. (I, D, E)

____ identifying examples of cause and effect. (I, D)

____ using sentence context clues. (I, D, E)

____ identifying fact and opinion. (I, D)

____ distinguishing between realism and fantasy. (I, D)

____ comparing and contrasting characters and events in a story and across texts. (I, D)

____ drawing conclusions. (I, D)

____ identifying the author’s purpose. (I, D)

Revised 2005



Learning Objectives

Second Grade

3. The learner will develop skills in literary elements by:

____ self-selecting a variety of printed materials for recreational reading. (D)

____ listening to and/or reading a variety of genre including poetry, fiction, folk tales, plays, non-fiction,

biography, etc. (D)

II. The learner will develop skills in six trait writing.

4. The learner will print legibly in D’Nealian with appropriate spacing. (A)

5. The leaner will compose simple sentences. (A)

6. The learner will compose simple stories with beginning, middle, and end. (I, D, E)

7. The learner will compose simple poems. (I)

8. The learner will use the steps of the writing process (pre-writing, rough draft, revisions, editing). (D)

9. The learner will develop the six trait language by composing a story using a prompt. (I, D, E)

____ conventions (E)

____ ideas (E)

____ word choice (I, D)

____ organization (I, D)

III. The learner will develop skills in conventions/grammar.

10. The learner will use correct capitalization:

____ titles of books (I)

____ poems (I)

____ stories (I)

____ proper nouns (D, E)

____ beginning of sentence (D, E)

____ the word I (D, E)

11. The learner will use correct punctuation:

____ commas to separate words in a series: city and state; date and year. (I, D)

____ endings of sentences (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory). (D, E)

12. The learner will identify and use parts of speech:

____ nouns (I)

____ verbs (I)

____ adjectives (I)

____ adverbs (I)

____ pronouns (I)

IV. The learner will develop skills in speaking/listening.

13. The learner will develop skills in speaking/listening by:

____ using effective and appropriate listening skills. (D)

____ using effective and appropriate speaking skills (speak clearly, use expression and complete

sentences). (D)

____ interacting appropriately during group discussions (take turns, listen, etc.). (D)

____ processing information to respond to or ask questions. (D)

Revised 2005



Learning Objectives

Second Grade

V. The learner will develop skills in research/study skills.

14. The learner will follow 2 and 3 step directions. (I, D, E)

15. The learner will alphabetize words to the second letter. (I, D, E)

16. The learner will use skills and strategies to locate information using: (I, D)

____ table of contents. (D)

____ maps, graphs, and charts. (I, D)

____ dictionary and glossary. (I)

Revised 2009



Learning Objectives

2nd Grade

I. The learner will develop an understanding of number sense and mathematical properties. (I, D, E, A)

  1. The learner will understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers and number systems:

____ Read, write, order, model and identify whole numbers less than 500

(I, D, E)

____ Read, write, order, model and compare whole numbers less than 1000 (I, D)

____ Read number words less than 1000 and write the corresponding numeric

value (I, D)

____ Identify and model the number of ones, tens, and hundreds in numbers less

than 1000 (I, D)

____ Compose and decompose whole numbers less than 500 by place value

(I, D, E)

____ Compose and decompose whole numbers less than 1000 by place value

(I, D)

____ Count forward or backward by one beginning with any number less than

500 (I, D, E)

____ Count forward and backward by one beginning with any number less than

1000 (I, D)

____ Demonstrate counting skills of skip counting by 5 and 10 to 130 (A)

____ Identify odd and even numbers and determine whether a set of objects has an odd or even number of elements (I, D, E)

____ Order, compare and count coins up to $1.00 using dollar sign and decimal

point (I, D, E)

____ Order, model, compare and identify fourths using concrete models and visual representations (I, D, E)

____ Understand that wholes come in different sizes (a whole class, a whole city)

(I, D)

Revised 2009



Learning Objectives

2nd Grade

II.  The learner will develop an understanding of estimation, computation and mental math. (I, D, E, A)

1.  The learner will compute fluently and make reasonable estimates:

____ Develop and evaluate strategies for adding and subtracting whole

numbers (D, E)

____ Apply with fluency sums to 18 and related subtraction facts (I, D, E)

____ Add and subtract without grouping (sums and differences less than 500)


____ Add and subtract pairs of two digit numbers with and without regrouping

less than 100

(I, D, E)

____ Mentally add or subtract multiples of ten to and from a number (I, D, E)

____ Make change for amounts to 25 cents (I, D, E)

____ Identify the correct operation (addition or subtraction) for solving a word problem

(I, D, E)

____ Round one or two digit whole numbers to the nearest 10 to estimate sums and differences (I, D)

  1. The learner will understand meanings of operations and how they relate to one another:

____ Use the inverse operations of addition and subtraction to solve problems and check solutions (I, D, E)

____ Use commutative (4+2) = (2+4) and associative (4+3) +7=4+ (3+7) addition properties to simplify calculations (I, D, E)

Revised 2009



Learning Objectives

2nd Grade

III.  The learner will develop an understanding of measurement and geometric concepts (I, D, E, A)

  1. Understand measurable attributes of objects and the units, systems and processes of measurement:

____ Select the most appropriate tool or unit for measuring distance (I, D, E)

2.  Apply appropriate techniques, tools and formulas to determine measurements:

____ Demonstrate an understanding of time and uses of time relationships (e.g., how many minutes in an hour, days in a week, months in a year)

(I, D, E)

____ Tell time to the nearest quarter hour using analog and digital clocks

(I, D, E)

____ Determine measurements of length to the nearest inch (I, D, E)

____ Determine the volume of an object by counting and filling (e.g., determining how many small containers fit in a larger container (I, D, E)

3.  Analyze characteristics and properties of 2- and 3-dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about them:

____ Identify, describe, and classify 3-dimensional geometric shapes (cone,

cylinder, cube, sphere) according to the shapes and number of surfaces,

edges and vertices (I, D, E)

  1. Use visualization, spatial reasoning and geometric modeling to solve problems:

____ Put shapes together and take them apart to form other shapes (I, D, E)

____ Identify 2-dimensional net for a 3-dimensional figure (I, D, E)

  1. Specify locations and describe spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other representational systems:
  2. Apply transformations and use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations:

Revised 2009



Learning Objectives

2nd Grade

IV.  The learner will develop an understanding of patterns, algebraic reasoning and logic. (I, D, E, A)

1.  Understand patterns, relations and functions:

____ Sort and classify objects using one or more attributes by observing relationships and making generalizations (I, D, E)

____ Extend a three item pattern: color, number, shape, etc. (I, D, E)

____ Identify describe, extend and reproduce a pattern and use it to make

predictions (I, D, E)

____ Analyze how repeating and growing patterns are generated (I, D, E)

____ Supply a missing element in or extend a number pattern involving addition and subtraction (I, D, E)

  1. Represent and analyze mathematical situations and structures using algebraic symbols:

____ Describe quantitative relationships using the terms “greater than”, “less than” and “equal to” and the associated symbols >, <, = (I, D, E)

____ Construct and solve simple number sentences involving sums to 18 and related subtraction facts using concrete objects, pictures or symbols (I, D, E)

Revised 2009



Learning Objectives

2nd Grade

V.  The learner will develop an understanding of statistics, probability, and data analysis. (I, D, E, A)

  1. The learner will understand and apply basic concepts of probability:
  2. Select and use appropriate statistical methods to analyze data:
  3. Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize and display relevant data to answer them:

____ Ask and answer simple questions related to tallies, charts and bar graphs

(I, D, E)

____ Create pictographs that represent ten or fewer data pieces (I, D, E)

____ Record results of probability experiments using tallies or by completing charts (I, D, E)

  1. Develop and evaluate inferences and predictions based on data:

____ Develop inferences about the likelihood of the occurrence of an event based on data collected from activities which have outcomes that depend on chance (e.g., tossing a two-colored counter, using a spinner) (I, D, E)

Revised 2005



Learning Objectives

Second Grade

Listed below by grade level are the Science Modules to be taught at each grade level.

This will ensure that the Science curriculum (encompassing Life Science, Earth Science,

Physical Science, and Scientific Inquiry) has not been fractured. After teaching these

modules teachers have the flexibility to teach any of the other modules in their grade


Grade Level / Science Modules to be taught
K / Looking at the Sky
Exploring with the Senses
1 / Kinds of Living Things
Weather and Seasons
2 / Earth Through Time
Light and Color
3 / Life Cycle
Earth’s Water
4 / Animals
Weather and Climate
Properties of Matter
5 / Populations and Ecosystems
The Solid Earth
The Solar System and Beyond
6 / The Changing Earth
The Nature of Matter
Forces and Motion

Revised 2005



Learning Objectives

Second Grade

Inquiry: Use methods and materials that are developmentally appropriate for individual

grade level.

Scientific Process

1. ____ construct questions that can be answered by collecting and interpreting data in a scientific

investigation. (A, D, E, I)

2. ____ use or make systematic observations, accurate measurements, and control variables to

formulate and conduct investigations, and to draw conclusions based on specific scientific

data. (A, D, E, I)

3. ____ use collected data to make inferences, explanations, models, or predictions. (A, D, E, I)

4. ____ communicate scientific procedures and explanations. (A, D, E, I)


1. ____ select the appropriate technology, tools and/or techniques to gather, analyze and interpret

data. (A, D, E, I)

2. ____ examine various topic specific programs which will enhance their global awareness in

relation to scientific application and interaction into other curriculum areas, taking

advantage of current technology. (A, D, E, I)

3. ____ recognize that technology is essential to science because it provides tools for investigations,

inquiry, and analysis. (A, D, E, I)

Lab Safety

1. ____ identify and demonstrate safe procedures in using scientific investigations. (A, D, E, I)

2. ____ identify and select tasks and responsibilities, and use materials in a safe manner. (A, D, E, I)

3. ____ have available and learn to properly use materials and equipment necessary in investigations.

(A, D, E, I)

Historical Contributions & Careers

1. ____ use various resources to explore topics of personal interest and become aware of career

opportunities in areas of science. (A, D, E, I)

2. ____ identify careers that are dependent on a knowledge of science. (A, D, E, I)

3. ____ use historical examples to understand scientific inquiry, the nature of scientific knowledge,

and the interactions between science and society. (A, D, E, I)

4. ____ utilize the knowledge developed through discovery by women and men scientists. (A, D, E, I)

5. ____ engage in scientific activities and processes that rely on basic human qualities, such as

reasoning, insight, energy, skill, and creativity. (A, D, E, I)

Revised 2005



Learning Objectives

Second Grade


1. ____ describe interactions and the complexity of all components in a local environment and

community that distinguishes it from others. (A, D, E, I)