Gold Standard Evaluation

Store must meet the first five standards to qualify as a Gold Standard Store

Window Treatments

Window Stripes & Logo Decal or logo decal & “We pay…” – good condition / Y / N
Franchise Business Statement(Independently Owned & Operated) / Y / N
Safety Sign / Y / N
Interior Trademark Signage
Interior Perimeter Border (blue border or white “Kids Stuff…” decals) / Y / N
Billboard Sign (2009 version) / Y / N
Buy Policies/Holder (current = galvanized; recent = acrylic) / Y / N

DRS 6.8e

/ Y / N
Brand Operating Standards
Open a minimum of 63 hours, 7 days/week / Y / N
No Appointment Necessary / Y / N
Payment on the Spot / Y / N
Once Upon A Child Gift Cards / Y / N

Year End Financials (P&L/Balance Sheet) Submitted

/ Y / N
To be eligible to achieve Gold Standard status store must meet each of the five above standards.
Did this store meet these standards? / YES / NO
Exterior sign (Take photo & submit to Director of Training for approval)

Good condition (no fading, cracking, lights operable)


Y = 7

/ N = 0

Correct logo


Y = 10

/ N = 0

Window Treatments

Hours of Operation posted / Y = 4 / N = 0
“Open” sign / Y = 4 / N = 0
Window Banners / Y = 4 / N = 0

Interior Signage

Streater Shelving Inserts (2009 version) / Y = 4 / N = 0
Share Our Success / Y = 4 / N = 0
Play Area / Y = 4 / N = 0
Size Inserts (2009 version) / Y = 4 / N = 0
Aisle Flags (2009 version) / Y = 4 / N = 0
Top 5 Most Wanted / Y = 4 / N = 0
Lifestyle category signs (2010 version) / Y = 4 / N = 0
Advertising Programs
Email Marketing Program / Y = 4 / N = 0
Once Upon A Child® website / Y = 4 / N = 0
Once Upon A Child® shopping bags / Y = 4 / N = 0
Once Upon A Child® Customer Appreciation Cards (CAC) / Y = 4 / N = 0
Accepts CAC from other stores / Y = 4 / N = 0
CAC offered for buying & selling / Y = 4 / N = 0

Store Design

Flooring (current = dark blue with secondary colors from DE ; recent = dark blue pattern) / Y = 5 / N = 0
Counter (current = galvanized; recent = white) / Y = 5 / N = 0
Play Area / Y = 5 / N = 0
Basket System (buys bins: current = blue recycle bins; recent = blue laundry bins) / Y = 5 / N = 0
Paint (current = rye grass green; recent = white) / Y = 5 / N = 0
Floor Racks (white grid, chrome free standing racks) / Y = 5 / N = 0
Total Points
/ /111


Phone Greeting

Phone answered in 3 rings or less / Y = 5 / N = 0
Phone answered with, “Once Upon A Child” / Y = 5 / N = 0
Selling Customers: Greet, Explain & Sign In
Greeted with, “Have you sold to us before?” (or acknowledges repeat customer) / Y = 10 / N = 0
If customer has sold before, asked “any questions on the process” / Y = 5 / N = 0
Communicate Buy Time / Y = 5 / N = 0
Following points are covered with each new customer
Presented with Buy Policy / Y = 5 / N = 0
No appointment necessary – first come, first serve / Y = 5 / N = 0
Looking for ‘next to new’ current styles & items that sell well in our store (Pass on items with stains, tears or too much wear) / Y = 5 / N = 0
Apparel should be freshly laundered & prefer it brought in neatly folded in box, basket or tub / Y = 5 / N = 0
Toys, equipment, and furniture must meet current safety standards, be clean, in good working order, and have all original parts / Y = 5 / N = 0
Payment options presented / Y = 5 / N = 0
How we price. (What we buy & what we pay is based on demand, style, condition and brand. Select items & enter into the computer to prepare an offer) / Y = 5 / N = 0
Selling Customers:
Present quote first, then passes / Y = 7 / N = 0
Presenting the offer positively (“These are the items we would like to purchase. Avoided using the word “take”) / Y = 7 / N = 0
Communicate why we are purchasing what we are purchasing / Y = 5 / N = 0
Communicate & show why we are passing on items / Y = 5 / N = 0
Purchasing Customers:
Inventory needs mentioned or add-on item suggested (“Have you sold to us before?”) / Y = 8 / N = 0
Store Staff
Staff wears logo wear or name tag / Y = 5 / N = 0
Customers are greeted upon entering the store / Y = 5 / N = 0
Customers are thanked / Y = 5 / N = 0
Interacts with customers on the sales floor to ensure their needs are met / Y = 5 / N = 0
Current Buyer Certification documents are printed & in use / Y = 5 / N = 0
Total Points
/ /122


Store Cleanliness

Windows clean / Y = 4 / N = 0
No hand written signs/old signage / Y = 4 / N = 0
Carpet/flooring (clean & in good condition) / Y = 4 / N = 0
Slatwall (good condition) / Y = 3 / N = 0
Product & Displays clean / Y = 3 / N = 0
Cash Wrap area (clean, organized) / Y = 3 / N = 0
Restrooms (clean, stocked, open for use to the public & no storage) / Y = 4 / N = 0
Store is free of unpleasant odors / Y = 4 / N = 0
Apparel is colorized & subcategorized / Y = 4 / N = 0
Apparel hangers (consistent use by size) / Y = 4 / N = 0
Satellite Radio / Y = 4 / N = 0
Toy Bags utilized / Y = 4 / N = 0
Shoes (merchandised by gender/size in shoe bins) / Y = 4 / N = 0
Pricing hang tags (used/new) utilized for EQ/FU/TO / Y = 4 / N = 0
Lighting(all must be in working order & same color) / Y = 4 / N = 0

Inventory/Business Management

All Season Buying / Y = 5 / N = 0
Buy all day, every day (buying hours mirror operating hours) / Y = 10 / N = 0
Same day buying / Y = 5 / N = 0
No limitations on buying / Y = 5 / N = 0
Payment options include cash &/or check. (No store credit only) / Y = 5 / N = 0
Store provided quarterly financial statements / Y = 10 / N = 0
Store attended previous annual conference / Y = 10 / N = 0
Aged Inventory (1 year) for New = <10% / Y = 5 / N = 0
Aged Inventory (1 year) for Used = <10% / Y = 5 / N = 0

Total Points

/ /117
Scoring Points:

Brand Identity

/ /111 = %

Customer Experience

/ /122 = %

Operational Standards

/ /117 = %


/ /350 = %
Gold Standard Store / YES / NO

Points possible: 350 Gold Standard Minimum 280 (80%)

Revision date: 1/10