Reception Wisley Gardens Visit

Dear Parents/Carers,

As part of our Spring term topic on Growing we have arranged an educational visit to Wisley Gardens on Friday 23rd March.

Your child needs to be in full school uniform and wear sensible shoes suitable for lots of walking. A lightweight, waterproof jacket is required in case of bad weather.

Please ensure that your child is in school on time the day of the visit. We will be travelling by coach, departing just after 9am and returning in time for the end of the school day.

As all Reception children are entitled to a Universal Free School Meal, we will be providing a school packed lunch for the trip. The packed lunch will include a sandwich, a piece of fruit, a pudding and a drink. Please indicate on the slip below which sandwich option your child would like.

Please ensure that your child brings a small ruck sac, as they need to carry their own lunch.

The cost of this trip is £12 (This will include a goody bag for each child)and this is available to pay on ParentPay. Please go to to pay online or request a bar coded letter from the office to pay in cash at a local PayPoint store by9th March.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs K Mclaughlin Assistant Headteacher



Child’s Name: …………………………………………………….…………… Class: ……………..

Cheese sandwich optionSalad sandwich option

Ham sandwich optionTuna sandwich option

Please email the Catering Manager if your child has allergies or intolerances to agree a suitable lunch option for that day on by 16th March 2017.

I give my consent for photos to be taken and published in the newsletter, website and local press. YES/ NO

Medical information we may need to know:______

The school will not be held liable for any delays caused by traffic, weather etc. this list is not exhaustive.