Summer Term 2 Week 1 Newsletter

Focused, hardworking, happy children!!

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Welcome back after what I hope has been a peaceful half term, although I would also like to take this opportunity to send our thoughts to the people caught up in the attacks in London and Manchester over the last few weeks and to all those families and friends who have been affected by these terrible tragedies.

We have welcomed back Mr Walker and Mrs Jeffery from South Africa and they appear to have had an amazing experience. Mr Walker has tried the sympathy vote on feeling tired with jet lag but has not got anywhere! The partnership seems to be going from strength to strength and this is thanks to the hard work of our staff – especially Miss Black who is passionate about the partnership and is doing a fantastic job of promoting it and keeping the momentum going. During assembly she was presented with a plaque sent over from Summerfield where apparently she is a mini celebrity!

Lisa Seton

Chess competition

Thank you to our organisers in Year 6: - Dominic, Elliot, Frazer, Ned and Lewis. The competition is on its way with a final prize of the winner challenging Mr Trudgill to a game (Mr Trudgill has lost to one Year 4 boy this term already!) I wonder who else will have the honour of beating the Headteacher in a game of chess.


We are going to be treated to 3LF’s assembly next week, Wednesday 14th at 10.45. Unfortunately I will be unable to go to this one as I will be in Malham with Year 4 – however I have been able to get myself an invite to the dress rehearsal on Tuesday – so I am looking forward to this as the Victorian costumes looked brilliant today.


A quick notice to say that this will be cancelled on Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th due to the residential for Year 4 on those two evenings.

Times Table Rock Stars Rock Wrangle and Red Carpet event

Monday 19th June is the start of Rock Wrangle week where the children will compete to earn a place in the Red Carpet event on Friday 23rdJune. The winning pupil will receive the Rock Wrangle trophy and a Domino's pizza to share with 2 friends. So children get practising!

Reading Area

Over half term our small reading area inside the playground entrance to year 4 has been transformed thanks to the skills of Chloe and Roger who have been working on turning the area into a lovely space to read and relax with a book!


Gledhow Primary now has a base for two private Dyslexia teachers who are on site a couple of days per week and using a dedicated room in which to teach their pupils. We are very lucky to have them in school as they will be able to share their expertise with the staff.

Kick Boxing Fun Day

Dantrell in Year 6 attends British Military Martial Arts, BMMA - LEEDS where he has been doing Kickboxing for the past 2 years.
He is an assistant instructor under the supervision of his instructor Charlotte Thomas and he is also on the fight team BMMA - Leeds Vipers.
Dantrell along with his team mates regularly attend competitions up and down the country and some of them including Dantrell recently competed at the ICO British Open Championships where they qualified to represent England at the ICO World Cup in October.
In the field of martial arts all competitions, travel expenses and accommodation are self-funded through various different fundraising activities, so Mrs Knight, Dan’s mum, and some of the other parents of The Vipers have decided to organise a Funday to enable Dantrell and his team mates to attend the ICO World Championships.
They are holding their Family Funday on Sunday 16th July at Thomas Danby Community Sports Centre from 11am - 5pm if you wish to support them. It would be great to help support this venture as Dantrell is a credit to school and a name to watch in the future!

Books For Schools

Please see below the competition to help school win books for our library.

ACHIEVEMENTS 9th June 2017

The following children featured in this week’s ACHIEVEMENT ASSEMBLIES
for work or activities achieved in and out of school:
Nursery / Nursery pupils have a Star Jar which is filled with rewards earned by Individuals or groups. When the jar is full, the whole Nursery receives a reward.
RAC / Joseph Robinson and Gracie Taylor
Always Club: Jake Black / RLW / Zayaan Arif and Heidi Earl
Always Club Vedamsa Atyam
RKJ / Annie Joyce and Alfie McMahon
Always Club:Antonia Salfelder / 1AB / Elijah Alam and Thaleia Stavropoulou
Always Club: Georgie Ward
1SH / Grace Ball and Olivia Dunning
Always Club: Harry Fryer / 1SS / Rory Mitchell and Tinh Nguyen
Always Club: Ava Joyce
2PG / Neath Frank and Zachary Turner
Always Club: Connor Branfoot / 2VW / Sienna Matthews and Mollie Armstrong
Always Club: Jamie Smith
3LF / Sam Redmond, Tayaba Shahzad
Always Club: Zain Chaudary / 3KG / Amelie Freear, Rayan Idris
Always Club: Kiara Isaacs
4DB / Sofia Sainty and Susannah Hall
Always Club: Erin Evers / 4SB / Saba Hussain and Sam Comyn
Always Club: Kyle Simpson
5RK / Ed Sumner and Martha Redmond
Always Club: Yousuf Muhammad / 5SL / Noah Hussein & Siraj Kany
Always Club: Colette Buck
6EC / Matilda Charlett and Violet Powell
Always Club: Daniel Brown / 6KW / Always Club: Dominic Goodwin
Always Club: Luca Morris and Sam Cook

Thank you for your continued support - Mark Trudgill, Lisa Seton, David Bickley and Louise Jeynes.

Dates for Your Diary New items are underlined

Monday 5 June School opens- Summer 2

Tuesday 6 June New Reception parent meeting -6.00

Thursday 8 June Class Photos by Tempest

Monday 12 June New Reception parent meeting- 4.30

Wednesday 14/15/16 June Year 4 Malham Residential- one night ONLY

Saturday 24 June Roundhay Primary Schools’ Fun Run in Roundhay Park

Wednesday 28 June Nursery CLOSED- OPEN DAY for September starters

Saturday 1 July Gledhow Summer Fair goes Carnival

Tuesday 11 July School Partnership Music Concert 3.30-5pm

/ 06-2017

/ Your school needs you!
Know a school in need of new books? Nominate them to win£5,000 of National Book Tokensin our free prize draw!And just in case that warm, fuzzy feeling isn't enough, if your entry is picked, you'll also get£100 of National Book Tokens to spend on yourself.
The winners of last year's prize - Camperdown Primary School in Dundee - transformed their library and filled their bookshelves with new books. Give a school near you a new library this year!
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