Chapter 1: 3 Worlds Meet Academic US History Whitehead
Chapter 1 Read pages 4 to 33. Answer the questions completely and you must use sentences. Be prepared for a quiz on this HW.
1. How does National Geographic reporter, Thomas Canby describe North America at the end of the Ice Age?
2. What are the 3 cultures that created modern day US culture?
3. Why do you think it is needed to study Pre Columbian Indians?
4. When did the first Americans arrive in North America? How long ago?
5. How did they get here?
6. What did the ancient big game hunters prey upon?
7. Why did the end of the Ice Age change the First Americans from big game hunters to hunter gatherers?
8. How long ago did agriculture develop?
9. Which crop was the first to be planted?
10. How does agriculture enable First Americans to build stable and complex societies?
11. How long ago to First Americans form larger communities and build civilizations?
12. Determine the characteristics that separate the Olmec, Maya, Aztec, and Inca from each other.
13. In what way did Pre Columbian civilizations surpass the achievements of other cultures of the world?
14. What was the name of the ancient desert farmers?
15. Why did they build cities in canyons and on the side of cliffs?
16. What did the Mound Builders excel at?
17. Look on page 7. What made the Mayan pyramids more advanced than the Egyptian pyramids?
18. Which ancient Pre Columbian civilization is the most advanced? Why do you think so?
19. How did Kashaya Pomo keep the stories of her culture alive?
20. What do you think a big bird on the ocean describes?
21. How did the diverse environments of North America shape the diverse lifestyles of North Americans?
22. What did Kashaya Pomo mean when she said California was not one land but many lands?
23. In what ways can we see the influence of the sea on Northwest tribes such as the Kwakiutl?
24. What is a potlatch? Why is this very significant?
25. How did the Pueblo Indians of the Southwest tame the harsh desert climate?
26. At the time of Columbus arriving, what made tribes like the Eastern Woodland Iroquois the most versatile of all North American Indians?
27. How did American Indian trade networks shape the people of North America?
28. How did Indians view the use of land?
29. How would you describe the religious beliefs held by American Indians?
30. What is a bond of kinship?
31. How did the young and old interact?
32. Describe the division of labor in the American Indian world?
33. What is the difference between an extended family and a nuclear family (just mom,dad,kids)?
34. What are the advantages of an extended family?
35. In what way is the American Indian family more democratic?
36. Based on the writings of Leo Africanus, how would you describe the great West African city of Timbuktu?
37. What increased the interaction between West Africa and Europe?
38. Why was the Sahara Highway important to the wealth of Timbuktu and West Africa?
39. What was brought to West Africa that transformed society?
40. When the Portuguese began trading in West Africa what were two important developments?
41. Why did Portuguese plantations require West African slaves?
42. What made the Songhai empire the most powerful in West Africa?
43. What limited Songhai’s expansion to the south?
44. What title to the ruler’s of Benin have?
45. How did Benin’s rulers achieve great wealth and progress in such a short time?
46. What is a striking feature of the Manikongo in the Kingdom of Kongo?
47. What is unusual about West African’s tracing lineage through the mother’s family?
48. What advantage did West African’s have marrying outside of their lineage group?
49. Why did elders hold the most authority in West Africa?
50. What part of the native West African religion enabled them to understand Christianity and Islam?
51. What economic activities did West Africans take up to sustain themselves?
52. What was different about West African slavery when you compare this to the way Europeans practiced slavery?
53. What was Prince Henry’s motivation for exploration?
54. Why do you think the Renaissance is essential to the time of exploration?
55. What is social hierarchy?
56. What is the positive and negative side of social hierarchy?
57. What is a nuclear family?
58. How did Europeans divide labor along the lines of gender?
59. What was a dominant force in European politics and religion?
60. How did Christians in Europe respond to Muslim invaders?
61. What led to the decline of church authority?
62. Why were the 1300s a tough time in European history?
63. How did the Crusades help the European economy?
64. How were monarchs able to concentrate so much power after the Crusades?
65. How did the spirit of the Renaissance shape exploration of the New World?
66. What enabled Portugal to take the lead in exploration?
67. Who sailed on the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria?
68. What does the expression of gold, god, and religion mean for Spanish explorers?
69. What was the difference between Columbus’s first visit and second visit?
70. What method did Europeans use to claim land in the New World and build colonies?
71. How did American Indians respond to colonization?
72. Why did American Indians fail to protect their lands?
73. What is the Columbian Exchange?
74. Why is the Columbian Exchange the most significant event perhaps in the last 1,000 years?
75. Why did the Treaty of Tordesillas fail to divide New World land between Spain and Portugal and maintain peace?
Chapter 2 HW: The American Colonies Emerge Academic US History Whitehead
Read pages 34 to 63. Answer the questions completely. Use sentences.
1. Why was Malinche so valuable to Cortes?
2. Who were the conquistadores?
3. What did they want?
4. When Cortez set off to conquer the Aztecs, how many men did he have to do this with?
5. Why did the Spaniards marvel at the Aztec capital of Tenochititlan?
6. How was Cortez able to gain Aztec’s gold and wealth?
7. The Aztec people expelled the Spanish, but when they returned the Aztecs seemed unable to defend their lands. Why? What happened?
8. How did the Spanish transform the old Aztec capital?
9. Why was the marriage between male Spanish colonists and native women common?
10. How is the creation of the mestizo’s an example of the Columbian exchange?
11. Describe the labor system called encomienda.
12. Why did the Spanish abolish encomienda?
13. Who explored Florida?
14. What is the name of the oldest colony in the present day United States? Where is it located?
15. What region did Coronado explore? What was he looking for?
16. How did the Spanish successfully colonize New Mexico?
17. Why did Pope lead a Pueblo rebellion in 1680?
18. How long did the Pueblo people keep their lands until the Spanish returned?
19. What was the name of the major battle between Spain and England in 1588?
20. How did this English victory help the English down the road?
21. Look on page 42. What was John Smith’s motto?
22. What is a joint stock company?
23. Who founded Roanoke and why did it fail?
24. When was the first successful English colony created? What was it called?
25. What led to starvation, death, and disease in the early days of Jamestown?
26. What methods did John Smith use to save the remaining 38 colonists?
27. What was the name of the Indian tribe that provided food for Jamestown?
28. Why did the nearby Indians turn on the English destroying farms, livestock, and killing colonists?
29. Who discovered brown gold?
30. How did tobacco save Virginia from extinction?
31. How did the headright system bring more settlers to Virginia?
32. How did the indentured servant system work?
33. How did the indentured servants system help plantation owners and poor English peasants?
34. What did the Dutch bring to Virginia in 1619?
35. Why did African slavery replace indentured servitude and wage laborers?
36. When the English conquered Virginia’s Indians why did they refuse to integrate them into society?
37. How did Pocahontas bring peace between Jamestown and the Powhatan Indians?
38. What happened to Jamestown in 1622?
39. What happened in 1624?
40. How did the status of royal colony help Virginia emerge strong and self sufficient?
41. What were the 3 major problems of most free white men in Virginia?
42. Why did poor colonists settle on the frontier of Virginia?
43. How did this create more tensions between Virginia and Indians?
44. Why were poor colonists upset with Governor Berkeley’s taxes and lack of protection from Indians?
45. Who led the rebellion to overthrow Berkeley and the rich plantation class?
46. What happened in Jamestown in 1676?
47. What happened to Berkeley? Bacon?
48. It seems like Bacon’s Rebellion proved nothing, but really it did reveal something very important. What was it? Look at the last paragraph on page 48.
49. What is the House of Burgesses?
50. Why is it unique in American History?
51. What did the Puritans want to do with the Church of England?
52. What does the Anne Bradstreet poem reveal about Puritans?
53. Who wanted to build a model new society?
54. What would this society be called?
55. What problems did the Puritans have with the Anglican Church?
56. Ideally how did the Puritans plan to experience God?
57. Who were the Separatists and what colony did they create in 1620?
58. By 1629 Puritans replaced the early Pilgrims, what did they change the name of the colony to?
59. In Winthrop’s sermon “City Upon a Hill”, what did he declare as the Puritan mission?
60. Who voted in Massachusetts Bay Colony?
61. How did the Puritan’s justify the combination of church and state (government)?
62. Why did Puritan headstones have an image of a winged skull?
63. What sins did the Puritans declare to be illegal?
64. How did the government/church keep a watchful eye over families?
65. Who were the two major dissenters who disagreed with the Puritan way?
66. In a sermon what 2 things did Roger Williams declare was wrong with the Puritan way?
67. What happened to Williams and what guarantees did he promise?
68. How was Anne Hutchinson an even greater threat to Puritan authority?
69. What were the differences between Puritans and Indians on the use of land?
70. What was the name of the war to resolve these differences?
71. Why did the Puritan massacre of Peqout Indians end the conflict?
72. Who was Metacom and what was he upset about in 1675?
73. What was the name of the war in 1675?
74. What tactics helped the Indians under Pequot achieve a near victory?
75. In the end why did the Indians lose King Philips War?
76. Who was William Penn and what were his plans?
77. What was the name of the Dutch colony in North America?
78. What led to enormous Dutch profits?
79. How did the Dutch attract large numbers of settlers?
80. What is unusual about Dutch, French, and Germans living side by side with free slaves?
81. Why did the Dutch get along with neighboring Indians so well?
82. Who was the English leader who led a takeover of New Netherlands?
83. What is a proprietor?
84. How was New Jersey created as a colony?
85. What did the Quakers mean when they said that God’s inner light burned inside of everyone?
86. What was different about the Quaker way of worship?
87. What 2 guarantees did Penn make for all Quakers?
88. What is Philadelphia’s nickname?
89. How did Penn insure that the Quakers and Delaware Indians would get along peacefully?
90. Which Europeans filled Penn’s need for a labor source?
91. What skills did they bring to help the colony grow?
92. Which colony was a haven for Catholics?
93. Why was the Religious Toleration Law passed in Maryland?
94. Who was the founder of Georgia?
95. What type of colonist came to Georgia in the early days?
Chapter 3 HW: The Colonies Come of Age US and VA Academic US History Whitehead
Read pages 66 to 93. Answer the questions . For How and Why questions you need to elaborate.
1. What were the hopes of Eliza Lucas?
2. What was exchanged between English colonists and the mother country?
3. What was the name of this economic relationship?
4. Explain why the balance of trade is essential for the success of mercantilism?
5. What were the Navigation Acts?
6. Why were the English trying to tax and control trade after not caring for so long?
7. How did the merchants of Massachussetts react to the Navigation Acts?
8. What was the Dominion of New England?
9. Who was Sir Edmund Andros?
10. How were they a threat to colonial freedom and democracy?
11. What were the names of the 2 monarchs who returned England to a time of peace?
12. How did Saluatry Neglect help England and the Colonies heal from the period of taxes and control?
13. In what way did England’s less watchful eye help the colonists develop self government?
14. Read Philip Vickers Fithian’s quote on plantation life. Why was he so fascinated with this lifestyle?
15. How did plantations create huge fortunes for wealthy aristocrats?
16. Which ethnic groups and nationalities settled the south?
17. What factors lead to a high standard of living in the south?
18. Why did indentured servitude fade away after working so well for so long?
19. In simple economic terms why did slavery make more sense the indentured servants as a source of labor?
20. Describe the 3 way process of triangular trade.
21. What percentage of slaves died during the middle passage?