Grant application form second half year 2015

Seeking ESC support for a COURSE/MEETING

The ESC will provide funding to support a regional or local course or meeting within Europe related to the aims of the ESC.


Please use this application form. Note sections with a maximum word count. Forms will be returned if the word count is exceeded.

Who can apply?

Applicants must be paid-up ESC members.

Applicants should be Europeans. However, a European applicant is allowed to submit a grant for a course that will take place outside Europe.


Applications MUST be received at ESC Central office by 31 December 2015.


A maximum of 5,000 euro per course application can be requested.The ESC may not be in a position to fully fund all applications.

Name of applicant: Margareta Larsson

Job title: Senior lecturer

Address: Dep. of Women’s and Children’s Health, Uppsala University, 75185 Uppsala, Sweden

Tel no.: +46 706279076


Date of submission of this form

Name of the person responsible for the course/meeting (If different to the person named in box A): Margareta Larsson and PhD student Maja Bodin address as above

Title of the course/meeting: Networking/Workshop for young resercherswithin sexual and reproductive health

Comprehensive description of the course/meeting. (Max 200 words)Sexuality and reproduction are multidimensional research areas across several disciplines and networking/collaboration is therefore important. A network for young reseachers from different universities and different discplines in Sweden started three years ago focusing on:

  • Unwanted pregnancies
  • Sexual behaviour/life styles/variations
  • Prevention
  • Sexual identityand practice

Six meetings have been conducted hosted by different institutions. The network was initially funded by FORTE, Sweden but new funds are needed for the future.

The overall aim for the coming meeting/workshop in 2016 is to:

  1. Enhance multidisciplinary communication and collaboration between reserachers
  2. Create a platform for PhDstudents at different institutions forsharing of knowledge, training in research skillsand for mutual support
  3. Disseminate research findings and contribute to methodological development within the area.

We want to expand the focus to include also family planning and reproductive health and open the network for both PhDstudents as well as for post-docs.

Meetings/workshops will be held 1-2 times a year hosted by different institutions.The funds will cover travel and accomodation for participants and a few invited senior speakers/experts. We strive for openness and multidisciplinary thinking. All young resarchers within the area are welcome and around 30 participants have joined earlier meetings.

When would it start / finish? (First meeting in April/May and, if funds allow, a second meeting in October/November 2016)

Where will it take place – country / town, establishment? (In one of the universities in Sweden, the participating network members take turn on being hosts, Uppsala will start)

Objectives and needs identified. Who will be the audience? (All young resarchers within the area are welcome and around 30 participants have joined earlier meetings.)

Sector in the area of contraception, sexual and reproductive health. See above

What outcomes will be measured? List. (Outcomes: Participants evaluation, Number of funding applications, number of published papers within the area, number of participants who reach a PhD degree)

Do you foresee any reasons why this meeting may not happen? (The meeting will happen but the number of participants may depend on available funding.)

Are there other partners or organisations supporting this same course/meeting? No.

Have you requested funding from anyone else for this course/meeting? (If yes, please give details of all funding sources you have approached) (Yes, from Forte but the application was not approved)

How much money are you requesting? A maximum of 5,000 euro per course application can be requested.An overview of the budget must be provided here (max 50 words) and a detailed budget should be attached as an appendix to the application form.

We request 5,000 Euros to partly cover expenses such as travel and accommodation for participants in one/two meetings during 2016. 5,000 Euros will not cover the entire costs so participants may need to contribute.

Have you already obtained any funding towards this course/meeting? (If yes or still awaiting a response, please give details) (Max 20 words)No

Who will oversee the budget & keep accounts? The economy administrator of the Dep. of Women’s and Children’s Health Uppsala University, Karin Törnblom.

I / We, as responsible agents for this course/meetings, agree to the following 6 points:

I/We agree that all monies will be spent appropriately / Yes
I/We agree to advise you at the earliest time if this course/meeting is delayed or cancelled / Yes
I/We agree to provide a report to the ESC within 6 months of the end of the course/meeting / Yes
I/We agree to present the ESC treasurer with a detailed budget at the end of the course/meeting. / Yes
/We agree that if you need to make any significant changes to the funding of the project after it has been awarded, I/we will advise the ESC Treasurer. / Yes
I/We agree to acknowledge the ESC as a donor in any publications and oral communications resulting from this course /meeting. / Yes

Signed Uppsala Date28/12 2015

NameMargareta Larsson

Please return this form (by email) to:

ESC Central Office

Opalfeneweg 3

B-1740 Ternat, Belgium

Tel +32 2 582 08 52

Fax +32 2 582 55 15


Budget for network meetings/workshops during 2016

Based on the assumption of one two- day meeting with 30 participants in the meeting and one/two invited experts, or two two-day meetings with 15 participants and one/two invited speakers/experts.

Travel costs 1000 Euro

Accomodation and meals 2500 Euro

Invited speakers/experts 500 Euro

UU overhead costs 25% 1000 Euro

Total sum 5000 Euro