International Federation of Hospital Engineering Healthcare Building Award 2018
Submission Form

Important Submission Notes
Projects can be entered from any healthcare sector and can be either new buildings or renovation projects. Projects must have been in-use for a minimum of 12 months at the time of entry to be eligible for the award.
Entry indicates an intention to attend the IFHE Conference in Brisbane, Australia in October 2018.
Submissions must be received by 12:00pm (midday) GMT Friday 1 June 2018.
Submission requirements:
You must complete all sections of the application form. If any sections are not relevant for the project, please indicate by entering N/A as a response.
Photographs of the project must be supplied (minimum of 8, maximum of 20) via the conference submission page as either JPEG, TIF or PNG files with a minimum of 1180px on the shortest side. i.e. the shortest side of the photograph must be at least 10cm at 300dpi.

Section 1: Project Details

Project Name / Click or tap here to enter text. /
Project Type / Building Typology / Click or tap here to enter text. /
Project Location / Click or tap here to enter text. /
Project Team / Click or tap here to enter text. /
Project Completion Date (Month/Year) / Click or tap here to enter text. /
Project Value (€EUR) / €Click or tap here to enter text.
Project Size (m2) / Click or tap here to enter text.m2
Building Size (if renovation or alteration project) / Click or tap here to enter text.m2
Primary Submission Contact Name / Click or tap here to enter text. /
Organisation / Click or tap here to enter text. /
Contact Email / Click or tap here to enter text. /
Section 2: Design for physical health and wellbeing
Please describe how the project positively impacts the physical health of its users. For example: natural and artificial lighting, air quality, acoustics, hygiene and occupant comfort. Please address all users of the building including visitors and staff (as appropriate). Maximum 300 words.
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Section 3: Design for mental health and wellbeing
Please outline how the design promotes good mental health and the mental wellbeing of all building users including visitors and staff (as appropriate). Maximum 300 words.
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Section 4: Design for accessibility
How does the building provide accessibility and encourage participation for a range of user types. This can include supporting users with a range of physical and/or psychological needs. Maximum 300 words.
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Section 5: Encouragement of independence
What steps have been taken in the design and/or operation of this building to ensure patients/clients can live and act as independently as possible. This may also include features or processes that support users to interact socially while also maintaining sufficient individual privacy. Maximum 300 words
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Section 6: Design for functionality for everyday activities
Outline how this building supports staff, clients/patients and visitors to carry out everyday activities efficiently. Maximum 300 words.
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Section 7: Contribution to urban context
Outline how this building interacts with its broader urban context. In what ways does it contribute to the social sustainability of the communities that it is a part of or interacts with? Maximum 300 words.
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Section 8: Environmental sustainability
Outline the approach(es) taken to address environmental sustainability. Please include references to any sustainability certifications, as well as specific examples ofhow environmental impact has been reduced in the design, construction or operation phases.
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Section 9: Design innovation and contribution to best practice
Outline how this project has extended best practice in healthcare design. This can include any innovative processes or features that have been developed and tested during design, construction and/or operation and maintenance phases. Maximum 300 words for each phase.
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Operation and maintenance
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