Purpose: Observe some chemical reactions and identify reactants and products of those reactions. Classify the reactions and write a balanced equation.


Bunsen burner crucible tongs wood splints 1.0 M CuSO4

test tubes zinc metal 1.0 M Na2CO3 1.0 M HCl

test tube holder copper wire 1.0 M CaCl2 1.0 M NaOH

test tube rack CuCO3 phenolphthalein steel wool

waste beaker spatula flint striker


Station A

  1. Use steel wool to clean a piece of copper wire until it is shiny. Record the appearance of the wire in the data table under observations.
  2. Using the crucible tongs, hold the wire in the hottest part of a burner flame for 1-2 mins. Examine the wire and record any changes in its appearance in observation section.
  3. Leave materials on bench for next group.

Station B

  1. Place a very small amount of copper (II) carbonate in a clean dry test tube. Record the appearance of the sample in observation section.
  2. Using a test tube holder, heat the CuCO3 strongly for about 3 mins. Light a wood splint using Bunsen burner, turn the burner off and insert the burning wood splint into the test tube. If carbon dioxide gas is present the flame will go out. Record any change in the appearance of the residue in the test tube.
  3. Discard all materials and substances in waste beaker on bench. Rinse test tube and discard rinse in waste beaker, then place the dirty test tube back in the test tube rack.

Station C

  1. Place 25 drops of copper (II) sulfate solution in a clean dry test tube. Place a small piece of zinc metal in the solution. Record the appearance of the solution and the metal before the reaction in observation section. Go to other stations while waiting for this reaction.
  2. After about 10 mins. Record the appearance of the solution and the metal in observation section.
  3. Discard all products in waste beaker on bench and rinse out test tube with water bottle. Place the rinse in the waste beaker. Place dirty test tube back in test tube rack.

Station D (Fume Hood)

  1. In a test tube, add 25 drops of 1.0 M HCl to the test tube. CAUTION: Handle acids with care. They can cause painful burns. Do not inhale any HCl fumes. Record the appear of the acid and a piece of zinc metal in observation section.
  2. Carefully drop a small piece of zinc metal into the test tube. Record observations.
  3. Discard solution in waste beaker in fume hood and rinse out test tube. Discard rinse in waste beaker. Place dirty test tube back in test tube rack

Station E

  1. Add 10 drops of the sodium carbonate to a clean, dry test tube. Note the appearance of the sodium carbonate and calcium chloride solutions and record in observation section.
  2. Add 10 drops of the calcium chloride solution to the test tube. Observe what happens and note any changes in the solutions in observation section.
  3. Discard products in waste beaker and rinse out test tube with water bottle. Discard rinse in the waste beaker. Place the dirty test tube back in the test tube rack.

Station F

  1. Place 10 drops of HCl into a clean test tube. Note appearance of HCl in observations.
  2. Add 3-4 drops of phenolphthalein and record any changes in observations.
  3. Slowly add 10 drops of NaOH and record any changes in observations.
  4. Discard solution in waste beaker, rinse out the test tube with water bottle and discard rinse in waste beaker. Place the dirty test tube in the test tube rack.

Data Table:

Station / Reactants / Products / Observations


  1. In this experiment, what method was used to test for the presence of carbon dioxide gas?
  2. What type of reaction caused the bunsen burner to have a flame?
  3. Using the following information complete the reactants and products section of the data . Write balanced equation for each station and identify the reaction type.

Station A: Cu, O2, CuO


Reaction Type:

Station B: CuCO3, CuO, CO2


Reaction Type:

Station C: Zn, CuSO4, ZnSO4, Cu


Reaction Type:

Station D: Zn, HCl, ZnCl2, H2


Reaction Type:

Station E: Na2CO3, CaCl2, NaCl, CaCO3


Reaction Type:

Station F: HCl, NaOH, NaCl, H2O


Reaction Type: