Minutes of the Meeting of Stradbroke Parish Council

held in the Community Centre, Stradbroke

Monday 10 October 2011

Present: Ann Kerr; Mike Readman; Jan Chapman; James Hargrave; Gerald Jenkins; Maureen John (p/t); Oliver Last; Mark Peacock; Peter Smith; Nick Stones

In attendance: Cllr Guy McGregor (p/t); PCSO Steve Long (p/t); Carol Smy (Clerk)

10 members of the public

Presentation on the Conservation Area Appraisal: Patrick Taylor attended and gave his presentation illustrating the work undertaken on the appraisal of the Conservation Area of the village. A display of the document had been available from 6.30pm. It was explained that the last review had been completed in the late 1990s and this update was a requirement as the ‘Council is to review its Conservation Areas from time to time’. The document produced related to English Heritage guidelines. It was explained that it was not only buildings that were considered but also trees, green space, former uses of buildings, the relationship to the countryside, spaces, losses and possible gains. The Appraisal was ultimately for the planners to use so better decisions were made by their being made familiar with the area concerned. A formal response to the document was requested before 20 November 2011.

Several questions were raised such as the status of features such as upvc windows and doors and the replacement of metal railings as a boundary fence. It was noted that nothing could be done about such matters without an Article 4 agreement which was costly, time and labour intensive and so rarely used, particularly in these straitened times. The PC could compile a local list of buildings that did not fit the criteria for listing but were of local value and importance and this could be taken into account in planning decisions; the list would be on file in the planning office as a future reference work. Sudbury had produced a book of their important buildings. Households did not have the right not to be listed; the rules were applied nationally by English Heritage.

This appraisal differed very little from the last one.

The appraisal was about built heritage protection not the protection of the countryside.

Public Forum: Steve Lee addressed the meeting on the subject of the garage site on Queen Street. He explained that he had not been retained by the Cleverleys in a formal capacity but would be drawing up some plans for the site which would be in keeping with its importance in the centre of the village. At this point he was not making any definite proposals and he was not involved in a commercial capacity with the site at this stage but wanted to make the Council aware of possibilities and would value any input and comment. The Chairman thanked Mr Lee for taking the trouble to bring this to the Parish Council in such good time as to enable it to provide him with feedback.

11.1 The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting

11.2 Apologies for absence were received from: Velda Lummis and Stuart Gemmill

11.3 No Declarations of Interest were received

11.4 The Minutes of last Meeting – 12 September 2011 Proposed MP; seconded JH

11.5 To receive the Financial Report and approve Accounts for Payment:

11.5.1 Current Account balance: £30,636.93

Deposit Account balance: £14,890.63

There were five unpresented cheques totalling £3,045.92

Balance at 30 September 2011: £42,481.64

11.5.2 Cheques for Approval as per appended list. Payment was approved unanimously (proposed OL; seconded MP) and the cheques duly signed

11.5.3 Quarterly figures – these were circulated at the meeting and no additional questions or comments were raised.

11.5.3 Banking – the Council unanimously agreed to close the Santander account and transfer the balance to a deposit account with the Cooperative Bank. Clerk to action

11.5.4 RBL - a wreath would be ordered on behalf of the PC, as usual. No specific sums were itemised in the budget for 2011/12 (£220); the Council unanimously agreed to a donation of £50.

11.5.5 Annual Audit – 2010/11 audit was concluded with no comments from BDO LLP

11.5.5 Budget – 28 November was agreed as the date for the meeting of the Finance Working Party to meet in the Community Centre to consider the budget for 2011/12. Clerk to action

11.6 Matters of Report:

11.6.1 Community Centre: nothing to report other than the storage issue was ongoing.

11.6.1.i Maintenance:

11.6.2. Village Sign, bin and gate for Westhall – sign: SCC had straightened the sign

bin: this had now been installed and Mark Peacock was thanked for undertaking this

gate: the Clerk had met a representative from Adventure Playgrounds who was in the process of

having the gates repaired

11.6.3 Provision of clothing bank - MSDC Waste Department had not yet responded to the Clerk’s enquiries. This was being pursued. Clerk to action

11.6.4 Report on possibility of faster broadband - The Chairman briefly reported on the contact made from SCC on the subject of its developing case studies for faster broadband for the county. Nothing further had materialised to date. It was unanimously agreed that an article should be placed in the magazine to elicit interest.

AK to action

11.6.5 Queen’s Diamond Jubilee – no ideas sprung immediately to mind. It was agreed the Clerk should contact Don Darling to enquire if there were any plans for a celebration as part of a possible Stradbroke Festifull 2012. Clerk to action

11.6.6 Local Plan – Mike Readman reported on the potential legislative changes to planning which were vague but would likely have an impact on the village. It was necessary to update the Village Design Statement for acceptance by MSDC as soon as possible.

11.7 Risk Assessment:

11.7.1 Community Centre Play Park – the rope grab was now fixed

11.7.2 Westhall Play Park – nothing to report

11.7.3 Cemetery - nothing to report

11.7.4 Permissive Path – nothing to report

11.7.5 Annual RoSPA safety checks – the following points had been raised:

Westhall: gates – action already taken; basketball hoop – warning signs suggested; goals – suggested repair of worn grass; springy – surface fails to meet requirements, turf over the concrete recommended; swings – insufficient distance between swing side and support, checking of brushes and shackle pins recommended;

Community Centre Play Park: gates- hardy perennial recommendation for two gates to reduce chance of bullying etc., inspector obviously did not take a good look at the site in relation to this; jungle gym – insufficient area of protective surface; multiplay – possible head/foot trap at base of platform; rope pull – too long, suggest shortening; re-glue and fill gaps in rubber matting; swings – check bushes and shackle pin wear; repair covering where metal exposed on swings; repair surface; flat swings – replace shackles, bushes and chain links; re-glue and fill cracks in surface. Mark Peacock undertook to check the items on the report against the equipment. MP to action

The Clerk suggested being present when the Inspector undertook his assessments in 2012 and this course of action was unanimously approved.

11.8 Parish Plan 2010/11:

11.8.1 Affordable Housing – the Clerk found the minute references and an email confirming

the sum of £68,605.18 allocated to Stradbroke as a result of the sale of the Heart Foyer. Promised communication

from Flagship had not materialised and the Clerk was pursuing this. Peter Smith reported that Peter Hillen had a

piece of land (circa 8 acres) he was prepared to sell that might prove suitable for an affordable housing project.

This gave impetus to the updating of the design statement/village plan. It was unanimously agreed that this

generous gesture was a way to push Flagship into action but in the meanwhile the Clerk was asked to write to Peter

Hillen to thank him for the offer of the land, to Flagship to explain the Council had this offer and so the reserved

funds would be required in the very near future and what the organisation could offer the Council and to Suffolk

ACRE for more leads to other Housing Associations. Visits to other projects would be arranged. Clerk to action

11.8.2 Allotments – a report of meeting with George Cooper was given by Gerald Jenkins and Peter Smith. They had confirmed that the amount of land now on offer was significantly less than had at first been intimated and their recommendation was that Mr Cooper’s offer be refused on the grounds that the interest expressed indicated a need for a larger area than was now available to the Council. A formal letter was to be sent. The search would now go on for a more suitable parcel of land. Adrian Wingfield’s offer was not discounted. GJ/Clerk to action

11.8.3 Library – there was nothing to report at this time. Information from SCC was not forthcoming despite emails from the Chairman requesting such.

11.9 Parish Magazine

11.9.1 Report - following David Merritt’s coming forward to assist with delivery a further two new volunteers had stepped up. All volunteers were warmly thanked.

11.10 To Consider any Planning Matters:

11.10.1 Applications for consideration:

2645/11 erection of stable block Three Corners, Laxfield Road

3043/11 construction of additional dormer window to the front elevation Oakfields, Battlesea Green

Approval was unanimously recommended for both the above. The Clerk was asked to note that the Council had been unable to view the plans for 3043/11 as they appeared to have been deleted from MSDC’s website.

3360/11 work on cherry tree and yew tree Stradbroke Churchyard

NOTE: this was discussed at an earlier meeting and quotation accepted.

11.10.2 Results of planning applications considered by MSDC since the PC last met:

2577/11 remove 1 x sycamore Old Builder’s Yard, Church Street

3380/11 change of use and works to convert a barn to a single residential dwelling, including retention of some works undertaken previously and completion in accordance with revised drawings and accompanying documents. Erection of detached cart shed garaging Brooklands Barn, Mill Lane

3386/11 LBC for above

11.10.3 Other Planning Matters:

11.10.3.i Booklet received – ‘How to respond to planning applications’ from CPRE.

11.10.3.ii The Planning Committee agreed to meet to discuss the possibilities for Garage Site on Queen’s Street, the Conservation Architect’s Appraisal and the Village Design Statement/Local Plan. This would take place at the Court House on 07 Nov 11.

11.11 Correspondence:

11.11.1 Mailing from SALC including details of courses and invitation to AGM 07 November 2011. There were no nominees for SALC Executive. Comments were requested by 27 October 2011 for the SALC constitution updating. Further information on the Jubilee Beacons. Councillors’ notification under the Data Protection Act 1998. Copy of the SCC Budget Challenge.

11.11.2 Risk assessment received from RBL for Remembrance Sunday.

11.11.3 Email received ref a forthcoming event about thatched properties to increase awareness of fire risk. Eye Town Hall – 26 Oct, 7-9pm; Beccles Public Hall – 27 Oct, 7-9pm.

11.11.4 Diss CAB would be holding its AGM on 17 October at Thetford.

11.11.5 A letter had been received from Stradbroke Youth Football thanking the Council for its donation.

Tabled items: family film festival in Suffolk at half term; Christmas folklore and carols at Thornham Walks 18 Dec 11; Volunteer Day 3 Nov 11, 10am -3pm

11.12 Clerk’s Report:

11.12.1 The Clerk would be attending the SLCC NEC quarterly meeting and the SLCC Annual Conference from 13/16 October inclusive.

11.12.2 Advice from the Boundary Commission for England – the proposals for new Parliamentary constituencies were published on 13 September and are out to consultation to 05 December 2011.

11.12.3 Bus timetables are to change at the end of October. Details can be found on:

http://www.suffolkon board.com/news/bus service news/passenger transport bus changes/October bus service changes or 0845 606 6171

11.13 To receive reports from the County & District Councillors and the Community Beat Officer.

11.13.1 County Councillor – Cllr McGregor mentioned the proposal in the Boundary Commission consultation on Parliamentary Constituencies that the Eastern Counties should lose 2 MPs although this would not affect Suffolk but the changes would mean some new constituencies crossing county boundaries. He also stated there were concerns at some points in the Draft National Planning document. Cllr McGregor was working to arrange the promised meeting with SCC’s property department about the future of the Court House. He agreed the delays and obfuscations had been unacceptable. There was a roadshow planned to inform residents about the budget consultation. The backtracking on the Court House was mentioned to Cllr McGregor and he responded by saying that he and Cllr Eddie Alcock had expressed their misgivings in that, should a lease be offered to the PC the building should be handed over in good order. He agreed SCC had treated its ‘partners’ in the issue very poorly and that the Court House issue needed a resolution. A stated aim was that the Court House should be available for community use and benefit. Concern was raised that the cost to the village could be too high in maintenance and running costs which had to be resolved soon. It was unanimously agreed that, however keen the PC was to take over the Court House there could be no bottomless pit of money for the project and if costs were too high the project would have to ease.