Technology Committee Agenda

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/ 2012 Technology Committee
July 9, 2012
3:00 PM EDT– 4:00 PM EDT
Call-in number: 866-727-0813
Access Code: 9600120830#
Attendees: Gail Hormats, chair; Sue Smoger; Victoria Bischof; Bill Daniels; Johan Lidros;
Staff: Ruth Gleason Roth; Linda Pocsik
Absent or Excused: Michelle Cunningham; Chase Whitaker; Dagmar Herrmann-Estes, Board Liaison; Roger Brown; Amy LaBarge; Casey O'Brien; Charlie Le Grand; John Livingston
Agenda Item / Summary of Discussion and Decisions —
Sub - Chairs to provide activity update /
Membership / Recruit during annual conference.
Approval of Minutes / No Quorum – Gail will ask for email vote.
Tech Talk (including NP articles)
Sub-committee Members: Bill-Chair; Chase; Sue
Task: Manage the tech talk conference calls, facilitate, solicit questions, ensure marketing happens, develop articles and FAQs for New Perspectives based on Tech Talk sessions etc. / Last call was a success.
We have another speaker lined up for December and working on September.
December topic – HIPAA OCR Risks with Rich Archer
Need topic for September 10th
Working on a couple of people to speak
Michelle also working on a list of speakers for 2013
Try to reach out to the education committee and maybe link Tech Talk with the webinar topics.
Website modernization
Sub-committee Members: Johan-chair; Gail Heidi Crosby, Mike F, Joyce Lang
Task: Identify website improvements / Moving to a new server. Content management system, does have an add-on for viewing web in mobile app. Ruth will need to test.
Website maintenance (including list serve monitor)
Sub-committee Members: Roger, Bill
Task: Test website to ensure links work, data is current. Monitor AHIA-L list serve for technology related questions; use for topics in other areas of committee; such as Tech Talk or Audit Library submissions. / Victoria completed the June review. Some broken links. Tool is working. Staff to review and fix issues.
Dagmar is scheduled for the July review.
Sue is scheduled for the July list serve.
Audit Library enhancement - IT related
Sub-committee Members: Amy-chair; Victoria, John
Task: Manage the process of quarterly IT and CAAT related submissions to the AHIA library. Also need to have 4 IT related documents to submit to Audit Library per year. / John submitted several documents to the committee on change management for review. Then will forward on to the Audit Library.
Would like to know if anyone has more topics.
EMR (Electronic Medical Record)
Sub-committee Members: Sue
Task: Develop EMR contacts with EMR firms, work with Education committee to get EMR track for annual conference, work with vendors to get EMR audit track at annual user group meetings, manage/lead face book or list-serve EMR related discussions/sub-groups / Set for conference.
Need help on committee
Need to create list of Linked-in EMR sites.
Tech committee liaison with Education Committee (single person)
Liaison: Gail
Task: Act as IT resource to education committee (3 chairs of subcommittees: annual conference, webinars, regional’s); help by suggesting speakers, topics, etc. / See EMR above
Tech committee liaison with Professional Practices committee (single person)
Liaison: NEEDED
Task: Act as IT SML point person to PPC to keep Tech committee informed of standards, technology needs, etc. / Still need volunteer
New business / Revisited the idea of doing committee meetings every other month. No decision was made on changing the schedule.
Discussion: If changing the schedule would give better attendance then it might be a good idea.
Concerned about the Tech Talk month. Do we make sure we still have the committee calls those months? Not as important to have the committee before, but do still need to make sure committee members are on the Tech Talk call.
Gail will send out an email to get feedback from committee.
Can work with staff to make sure have conference line if need it for subcommittees. Subcommittee would let Gail know when they are meeting.
Who will be at conference: Sue, Johan, Bill
Conference: Gail mentioned waiting for Michelle to send PowerPoint to add committee annual report - PowerPoint to be presented at the business meeting. Will introduce new web site features
Are we going to repeat flyer to recruit members? – Yes
Request Michelle to send last year’s flyer to review and make changes.
Should we get those attending the meeting to meet onsite and have any interested volunteers to meet as well?
Do have a committee room available to use onsite?
Johan will coordinate a gathering of the committee at the conference to try and attract new members. Johan will also mention recruiting need at his session.
Suggested to do an extra thanks to the KPMG speakers at the meeting for their help with the Tech Talk calls. Personal/private thanks from a committee member. May help to strengthen position for future requests.
Should look at monitoring the LinkedIn site. Gail reported several spam posts last month.these are really the 1st spam ince the list was made public. Consider changing back to private if spamming continues.
Next Meeting / August 6, 2012 NOTE Change from historical 3rd Thursday. Also, if committee agrees, this will be an “alternate” month.
Regular call-in number: 866-727-0813
Regular access code: 9600120830#
·  Monday, September 10, 2012 - TECH TALK FOLLOWS
·  Monday, October 1, 2012
·  Monday, November 5, 2012
·  Monday, December 3, 2012 - TECH TALK FOLLOWS

*MSC=moved, seconded, carried

Technology Committee Agenda

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Action Items /
Task to be completed by / Task / Due Date
Gail / Review draft policy for Website Modernization / overdue
Michelle / Develop a special solicitation for Tech Committee members. / No date set
Month / Listserv Monitor / Website Monitor / Library Document review – Tech related material only
(SML role ) / Tech Talk Moderator / Tech Talk Transcription
December, 2011 / Chase / Bill / Chase / Bill
January, 2012 / Gail / x
February, 2012 / Amy / Johan / x
March, 2012 / Bill / Roger / P –Gail / Sue
April, 2012 / Johan / Charlie / x
May, 2012 / Roger / Sue / x
June, 2012 / Charlie / Victoria / P – Sue s- / Chase
July, 2012 / Sue / Dagmar / x
August, 2012 / Victoria / Casey / x
September, 2012 / Dagmar / John / P – s / Gail
October, 2012 / Casey / Chase / x
November, 2012 / John / Gail / x
December, 2012 / Chase / Amy / P – s
January, 2013 / Gail / Bill / x
February 2013 / Amy / Johan

P – Primary Moderator s- secondary moderator if primary cannot facilitate as planned.

*MSC=moved, seconded, carried