Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Form for Hydropower

1.  General Information

a)  Name of the project:

b)  Proposal for new project/expansion of existing project :

c)  Name of the project proponent with following details

i)  Name of the applicant

ii)  Address

iii)  Phone/Fax

iv)  Email

2.  Cost of the project

3.  Objective of the project, wherever it is applicable

i) Irrigation (hectares)

ii) Power generation (MW)

iii) Flood control (area to be protected, in hec)

iv) Others (pl. specify)

4.  Provide a map specifying the location of the project with following details:

Gewogs / Dzongkhags (District/s) / Thromde/s

5.  Geographical details

a) Latitude

b) Longitude

c) Elevation above Mean Sea Level

If dam is used for power generation then:

i) Geographical coordinates of dam

ii) Geographical coordinates of powerhouse

6.  Site Alternatives

a)  Alternative sites considered (not applicable for projects coming in notified industrial area/state)

i) ______

ii) ______

iii) ______

iv) ______

b)  Reason for selecting the proposed site from the environment angle

7.  Land Details

a)  Total area required for the project (in ha.)

Main Structure / Submergence / Township / Resettlement / Others / Total
i) Private land
ii) Forest
iii) Agricultural
iv) Government
v) Others (Pl. specify)

b)  Describe the terrain characteristics of the project site and surrounding area


8.  Details of site

a)  Seismicity

i)  Whether the proposed dam site fall in seismically active area

Yes No

If yes, then:

i)  What is the estimate of seismic hazard?

ii)  What models used for estimate?

·  Deterministic seismo-tectonic approach’

·  Combined seismo-tectonic probabilistic approach

iii)  Result of prediction

b)  Landslide prone zone

i)  Is the proposed project in the landslide prone zone?

Yes No

If yes, then:

i)  Geomorphological condition

ii)  Degree of susceptibility to mass movement

c)  Whether any major landslide occurred in the past?

If yes, then:

i)  Frequency of occurrence/decade

ii)  Area affected (ha)

iii)  Population affected (no.s)

d)  Flood

i)  Is the area prone to flash flood/cloud burst?

Yes No

If yes

·  Frequency of occurrence/decade

·  Area affected (ha)

·  Population affected (nos.)

9.  Provide a map (1:50,000) specifying the, (a) total catchment area, (b) directly draining catchment area, (c) submergence area, (d) project area to be acquired for various project activities (i.e. dam/barrage/diversion structure, reservoir boundary, power house etc).

10.  Project details

a)  Catchment area characteristics

i.  Name of river and majors tributaries.

ii.  River mean annual flow at project site in Mm³ (MCM).

iii.  Maximum mean monthly flow at project site in Mm³ (MCM).

iv.  Minimum mean monthly flow at project site in Mm³ (MCM).

v.  Water required (cumec) for power generation

vi.  Lean season flow (Cusec) in one km. downstream of dam/reservoir

vii.  Overall description of the catchment area

viii.  Minimum flow of river in m³/sec.

ix.  Minimum dry season flow from side streams/rivers in the de-watered stretch.

b)  Type of project and installed capacity:

A.  Engineering characteristics

i.  Type of dam.

ii.  Dam height in meters.

iii.  Dam length in meters.

iv.  Power house type.

v.  Type of turbine(s).

vi.  Tunnel length in km.

vii.  Tunnel diameter in meters.

viii.  Quantity of muck to be generated

ix.  Total length of access roads in kilometers.

B.  Reservoir characteristics

i.  Reservoir area in hectares.

ii.  Reservoir volume in Mm³.

iii.  Reservoir live storage in Mm³.

11.  Whether any of the following exist or likely to be impacted either due to submergence or project activities

S.No / Item / Name / Area to be affected (in km)
1 / National Park
2 / Sanctuary
5 / Wildlife Habitat
6 / Habitat of endangered / threatened / endemic species
7 / Agriculture land

12.  Catchment area

a)  Total catchment area (ha)

b)  Monuments in the catchment area:

c)  Sites of cultural importance in the catchment area:

d)  Sites of religious importance in the catchment area:

e)  Other river valley projects in the catchment area:

f)  Major development projects located in the catchment area:

g)  Sedimentation (hectare meter/

h)  Length of river course which is likely to dry up due to impoundment (km)

i)  In case of project where flow of water will be reduced due to withdrawal of water in between head race tunnel and tail race tunnel

1. Length (metre)

2. Flow rate in river (cumecs)

13.  Please indicate the area earmarked for each of the following (in ha)

a)  Dam structure

b)  Penstocks

Forebay / surge shaft

c)  Power house

d)  Township

e)  Submergence

f)  Main canals, if applicable

g)  Distributary canal, if applicable

h)  Approach road

i)  Green belt

j)  Recreation facilities for tourist activities

k)  Botanical garden for conservation of rare

and endangered species of flora

l)  Others (Please specify)


14.  Description of the vegetation within the study area under the following headings:

a)  Agricultural crops______

b)  Commercial crops______

c)  Natural Vegetation/Forest Type______

d)  Grass lands ______

e)  Endangered species______

f)  Endemic species______

g)  Others (Please specify)______

15.  Description of fauna within the study area under the following headings:

a)  Rare and endangered species

b)  Species which require management

c)  Species of economic/ ecological significance

d)  Species of special interest to local population or tourists

e)  Aquatic fauna of commercial/recreational value and migratory fish species along with their spawning ground

16.  Raw material

a)  Expected Quantity of raw materials to be used during construction

S.No. / List of construction materials to be used at all stages of construction / Quantity
(tonnes /month) / Source of material / Means of transportation
( Source to storage site)
with justification
Peak / Average
7 / Cement
(Pl. specify)

b)  Describe the types and quantity of inflammable/explosive/hazardous/toxic substances likely to be used during construction

c)  Construction Phase

i)  Estimated duration of construction

ii)  Number of persons to be employed for construction

1. Peak

2. Average

iii)  Details of site and area where migrated labourers will be temporarily settled

d)  Operation stage

i)  Estimated number of workforce to be employed during operation of the project

ii)  Expected daily discharge (m3/day) of wastewater from different sources

1. Colony

2. Other


iii)  Mode of final discharge/disposal of wastewater

e)  Does the project require quarry for supply of construction material (Yes/No)? If yes, describe the number of quarries, its capacity, location area of quarries and surroundings sensitivity

17.  Meteorological information ( Annual Average to be obtained) (Seasonal – Monitored Data)

a)  Temperature (in °C)

i)  Maximum______2. Minimum ______3. Mean______

b)  Mean Rain fall (in mm) ______

c)  Wind Speed (Km/hr)

i)  Maximum______2. Minimum ______3. Mean______

d)  Humidity______

18.  Provide details on physico-chemical analysis of water in upstream and downstream of the dam site.

19.  Solid Waste

a)  Debris/Muck (tonne) arising out of construction/tunneling

b)  Describe the possible use and method of disposal of solid waste

20.  Air pollution during construction

a)  List down the potential sources/activities generate dust and

gaseous pollutants

b)  Expected increase dust/ gaseous pollutant

c)  Is the sources/activities are within forest area/protected areas etc,

21.  Noise level during construction

A. Potential Sources

B. Expected increase in Noise level (dB)

C. Is the source is within forest area/ protected areas etc,

22.  Describe the major occupational health and safety hazards risk associated during the construction.

23.  Human settlement

Aerial distance from the periphery of the reservoir
Upto 2000m
From periphery
Of the reservoir / 2000m to 5000 m from periphery of the
reservoir / 5000m to 10000m from the periphery of the reservoir
Number of houses
Present occupational pattern

24.  Provide following information

·  Describe the competitive water user in the downstream

·  Village-wise list of the affected families or households due to dam construction and submergence

·  Number of houses/other infrastructures likely to be demolished or submerged

·  List of public utilities and government buildings which are affected or likely to be affected,

·  Details of public and community properties, assets and infrastructure, likely to be affected

25.  List of documents to be attached with the IEE form for hydropower projects:

1 / Feasibility report of the project
2 / Satellite imagery on land use and land cover pattern of study area with explanatory note
3 / Map (1:10,000) showing active landslide zones, unstable areas and areas vulnerable to landslides due to the project.
4 / Soil map (1:50,000) of the study area showing different regions and soil characteristics.
5 / Location map indicating areas for dumping of excavated material.

26.  Declaration certificate stating with name & signature of project proponent

Seal: Signature of the project proponent



